The Mortal Hunger Battle

"Dirty furry suckers! They don't agree to give you health care!"

Black Star returned from the Ferin Race Diplomatic Office building where she had a conversation with representatives of her race. Outraged by the refusal, she hissed and spat spittle in the boy's face.

"Hey! Stop that right now. Save your drool for the delicious treats while you watch my triumphant performance," the boy wiped his face and marveled at the insolence of this little sassy lady. "You think too much of yourself. Star take your time getting into this swamp of politicians and businessmen. Our planet is of no concern to the Ferin of the Shade Sector. How much does it cost to rent a medical capsule?"

"None of your business! I feel a little uncomfortable. I got you into this business. All the expenses are my problem. Renting the capsule doesn't bother me. Don't you dare die in that cave! Reanimation will cost a lot of credits," grumbled the cat.