The Unlucky Smuggler

The boy left board the ship and rented a flyer to travel to the transfer place.

He was expecting a trap and he got a trap.

At the private company's property, the hangar door opened and the boy routed the flyer inside the place. He landed and exited the machine and immediately noticed the figure of a stranger. The unknown dog of the race Ganid was sitting at a plastic table. On the table was a small case. The dog turned his head toward his guest.

"Did you use the right address? I'm waiting here for a client with a product. Are you a client? I don't see the product," the dog barked.

"I'm a client. The container is inside the flyer. I'm ready to check the number of credits," replied the boy.

"I need to see the product and then you'll see the credit cards," laughed the ganid.

"No problem. Go and see," Lee calmly waited for the dog to approach the cockpit of the flyer.