Negotiating with Former Slaves

By lunchtime, Nick had managed to get his subordinates in order. Several men had been traumatized in the fights and all had been treated by the medic droid. The sergeant was pleased. Of course, a large number of the former slaves were weaklings and cowards. But there was a use for everyone in the army. Everyone could be useful for service in the Space Legion. The sergeant had time to select and assign junior commanders to all four decks. Under the guidance of former military officers, the passenger bays quickly became flying army barracks.

Maria and Lee's affairs allowed no haste. The spy kept a close eye on the ex-slaves through the security cameras. She looked for the weakest and most cooperative. Lee managed to locate and free 120 representatives of seventeen sentient races. Among the aliens were very aggressive types who would not cooperate. Five Ferin have already shown attempts to establish their influence over the rest of the slaves.