New Duelist Skill

The flight to the planet Long came to an end. The chiefs of the two main Departments of the new administration were pleased with their work.

Maria was confident that she could control a team of 120 alien specialists at the base.

Sergeant Nick was absolutely certain that the creation of the planet's military forces had begun successfully. A thousand people were able to accept the new living conditions. At least Nick was confident that he could respond quickly to any attempts to stage a riot at the base.

Lee Long had achieved his goal. Throughout the eleven days of the flight, the boy had given his all to work in the physical training department. He achieved an upgrade in his level.

[Lee Long

Race: Earthman

Type: Duelist. Mage.

Level: 30. 1200/4663500

Strength: 5

Dexterity: 5

Intelligence: 40

Endurance: 40

Health: 400/400

Mana: 320/400