A Short Rest on Planet Long

Lee considered the pros and cons of passing the different difficulty locations.

The easy level seemed like a ridiculous walkthrough. In two hours of passing, the player was able to gain 132,000 experience points. This was not bad if you consider that in the real world it took only 30 minutes.

The middle level of the location did not appeal to Lee. Defeating the monsters brought 200,000 experience points for five hours of the location. In that amount of time, a duelist could have successfully cleared 3 easy-level locations. The final battle showed that the boss in the game is a dangerous and unpleasant opponent.

New levels required millions of experience points.

[Lee Long

Race: Earthman

Type: Duelist. Mage.

Level: 30. 442000/4663500]

The medium level pleased Lee with the fact that he was in a good mood to fight bandits! He enjoyed practicing his hand-to-hand combat skills against some pretty nimble opponents that left nice trophies.