The Grateful Discovery

[Warning. You have completed the City of Evil Spiders quest. The number of monsters destroyed 400/400. Additional Reward: Small Mana Recovery Potion. Small Health Restoration Potion. Duelist Location skill progress 1000/1000. Do you wish to leave the City of Evil Spiders? Yes/No]

Lee looked excitedly at the message from the game system that congratulated him on his new achievement. He had passed 1000 locations and increased his Duelist Location skill level.

[Congratulations. Duelist Location skill reached level 2. You have access to the development of the Location. Available to the building: Watchman's Post, Town Hall. Do you want to improve the development of the City of Evil Spiders? Yes/No]

The boy didn't know what to do with the new features. It occurred to him that the game's offerings resembled the type of strategy game that involved building a city or an entire country.