The pirate king grinned as he gazed at the wonder before him. Truly this land with its twenty waterfalls was indeed paradise. He rubbed his hands greedily, the sweet, verdant grass glistening like an emerald as lush fields gave way to majestic waterfalls.
She was standing beneath the waterfall and his breath hitched as he watched the little nymph plunge into the water only to reemerge on the back of one of the dolphins that swam with the her. Her full breasts strained against the sodden silk of her corset. He had to have her, whoever she was, whoever she belonged to,he would take her by force or reason.
Terra plunged into the cool water with a grin. This was her hideout, her tiny bit of heaven where nobody judged her for an act she had no control of or a birthright she'd come to hate. Here, she could just be Terra jungle queen of Illyria. Her subjects never sneered at the color of her mocha skin nor did they laugh at the natural curl in her hair. Her skin didn't have to be flawless or milky white. Here she could just be Terra. She felt a prickling at the back of her neck and turned to see the huge old barge in the distance. Terra shivered as she eyed the skull and cross bows that decorated the flag.
" Pirates!"
She dressed hurriedly, running barefoot as she made her way to the palace. Almost out of breath, she collapsed at her father's feet.
" Terra, love, princesses dont cavort about barefoot..."
" Pirates! I saw their ship in our waters, father."
The king tensed, inwardly dreading this untimely sighting. If any of his other three daughters had given him this news he'd have sent them off but not Terra.
" Send for Caspian!"
His bellow echoed through the palace drawing the Queen's notice.
Her porcelain skin glistened like China as she glided into the throne room, her daughters, miniature versions of herself in tow.
" What troubles you, Majesty?"
" Terra spotted a pirate barge in our waters."
The princesses, aged sixteen to ten from oldest to youngest twittered nervously.
" Of course Terra did," the queen sneered.
Before he could answer, Caspian stomped inside, his shirt bloodied from battle.
" Your Majesty, there are pirate ships in our waters. "
Terra stuck her tongue out, careful not to let her father see .
Caspian stifled a grin as he pat her on the head fondly. It was ,Caspian who had taught her to use a sword. Caspian who listened to her when everyone else was busy fawning over her sisters.
" They came ashore and engaged the guards, they say their captain wishes to invoke a parlay."
" What does that mean?" Tianca ,the oldest of Terra's sisters asked quietly.
" It means he wants to speak to father."
Her glare was her response.
" Is he also ashore?"
" He is ."
" I will hear what he wants."