Crackhouse Raid

At the other part of the city, Zack, the guy in the denim jacket, walks in a suburban neighborhood. In the distance, there's an old pickup truck parked in the street. Zack walks towards it. When he gets close, he knocks on the truck window. The driver of the pickup unlocks the door.

Greg: "Get in, quick!" the guy in the pickup truck told Zack to quickly get in.

Greg: "Where have you been man? We've been here waiting for-"

Zack: "Give me your gun."

Greg: "Sorry?"

Zack: "Give. me. your. Gun."

Greg: "Uh, what do you want with my gun?"

Zack: "You didn't hear me you nutcrack? Do you want me to cut those useless ears of yours huh? GIVE ME YOUR FUCKING GUN!" Zack pinned down Greg and threatened him with his butterfly knife.

Greg: "Ok-ok, Alright! here." Greg quickly pulls his gun out of fear of being slashed by his angry partner. Zack quickly snatched Greg's gun. It's a 9mm p85 Ruger. Zack inspected the gun. There's already a round in the chamber.

Greg: "The hell dude, what's wrong with you? Why the hell are you being so salty tonight?"

Zack: "How much does this thing hold?" Zack ignores his partner's question.

Greg: "Uh, 15 rounds, plus one in the chamber."

Zack looks towards a house at the end of the street.

Zack: "Is that green house the place where the stuff is?"

Greg: "Yeah, that's the place. We already scout it, there's a couple of people inside- " Zack goes out of the truck and walks his way towards the green house alone.

Greg: "Hey, where are you going? I'm not done explaining yet." Greg shouted. Zack can hear him clearly, but he ignores him.

Greg: "geez, wth is wrong with him?"

Right after Zack goes out of the truck, Greg is called on the radio by other fellow gang members who are also in the vicinity, waiting for the cue to ambush the house.

Radio: "Hey Greg? Are we doing it now?"

Greg: "No-no-no. Not yet, hold your horses."

Radio: "What about Zack? What is he doing?"

Greg: "I don't know, just leave him alone. He's kinda salty tonight."

Radio: "So we wait?"

Greg: "Yeah, let's just wait and hope that motherfucker won't get himself killed."

(Live or Die - Makeup And Vanity Set) Zack walks calmly as he concealed the Ruger inside his denim jacket. He pulls out his butterfly knife, swings it to open it, and puts it in his denim jacket pocket again with his hand without closing it.

Inside the grey, torn, musky house, a group of Haitian is just chilling after celebrating their success with their drug heist. They were oblivious to the people who were ready to ambush their place. At the front door, Zack knocks on the metal door on the ghetto house. One of the occupants comes to see what's up. The young Haitian opens the eye slot on the metal door, only to see a blonde on his house porch.

Haitian: "Who the fuck are you?"

Zack: "Name's Zack. I want to buy your good stuff."

Haitian: " ... What stuff?"

Zack: "The man down the street tells me you sell some fine dust here."

Haitian: "Who the fuck? Get the fuck outta here. We don't sell those kinds of things here."

Zack: "You want me to call the cops?"

The Haitian suddenly opens the door and points his Glock to Zack's head. Zack remains calm. His right hand is already inside his denim jacket pocket, ready to pull out his knife. While his left hand is openly free.

"Listen here white boy, you better shut your mouth before I-" in a split second, Zack pushed the gun up and stabbed the guy in his neck. While being pushed up, the gun went off alerting the residents inside the house and around the hood. The guy who was stabbed drops down to the ground while gobbling on his own blood. Zack didn't care, he took the Glock and went inside the house.

Meanwhile inside the house.

"Yo, what the fuck happen-" a guy gets out of his room with a gun in his hand, looking to check on his homie. On the front door, he sees his homie is raving on the porch behind a stranger.

"Wtf-" he quickly points his gun towards Zack, He pulls the trigga, but he misses his shot. Zack calmly shot him in the chest 3 times. The guy instantly drops down and dies as one of the hollow points pierce his heart. Now, everyone in the house realizes what's going on. They quickly arm themself and pull out their steel. They rush out of their room to blast the motherfucker who got into their crib. Without any fear, Zack went further inside the house. The occupant tries to ambush him, but they are either not fast enough to pull the trigga or miss their shot, making Zack able to shoot and kill them one by one. Zack shoots at least 2 to 3 bullets on every one of them. When the Glock runs out, he tosses it away and uses his friend's gun. Not just using guns, he also uses his butterfly knife with his left hand when he gets up close. Using his knife, he mainly aims for the neck, eye, and heart. Seeing how bad his homies are being slaughtered, one of the occupants tried to flee out of the house through the window. While he is trying to break the window steel bars, Zack shoots him a couple of times on the back. He fell down to the floor and groaned out of the stinging pain of the 9mm. Zack approaches him and points his gun towards the guy.

Zack: "Where's the stuff?"

Haitian 2: "What are you talking about?"

Zack: "Don't act like you don't know you fucking n*****. Tell me where it is or I'll fucking put a lead on your fucking head!"

Haitian 2: "It's in the kitchen! I saw them putting it inside one of the cabinets. Please don't kill me, man. I have nothing to do with all this shit. I'm just here to play mario kart, I-I swear I'm not the one who-" DOR*

Zack pulled the trigger. Blowing the guy's head off.

Outside of the house, Greg and the other gang members just arrived with their SUV and pickup truck. They quickly got out of their vehicle and got inside the house.

Greg: "whistle*" Greg sees the aftermath of his partner's onslaught. Not long, Greg and the other gang members see Zack come out from the back. There's a couple of bloodstains on his face and clothes. But still, he is unscathed.

Greg: "Did you spare anyone this time around?"

Zack: "No. The stuff is in the cabinet at the kitchen, I'll be in the truck." Zack said while giving Greg's Ruger back. Zack walks out of the house, goes inside Greg's truck, and just sits there. He is kind of irritated. If his fellow gang members didn't heavily rely on him to get the job done for tonight, he could've chased that beautiful girl. For him, working with Greg and the others is just annoying. Zack pulls something out of his denim jacket. It's a photo of him with Liam. He stared at it, looking at his friend wondering what it would be if he's still alive today.

Greg: "C'mon fellas, let's get out of here before the pigs are coming." Greg said at the front door while carrying a duffle bag full of cocaine. From inside the house, the gang members are going out and quickly get into their own vehicle while also carrying a couple of duffle bags of cocaine. Zack puts the photo back inside his denim jacket as Greg goes inside the truck. Greg quickly throws the duffle back into the back seat, turns the truck on, and gets the hell out of there, followed by the other 2 gang members' car. While coming into an intersection, all of the cars split up, making them look unsuspicious. Not long after splitting up, a police car passes Greg's truck, going into the other direction towards the Haitian neighborhood.

Greg: "that was close." Greg said as he looked in the side mirror. Greg sees that Zack is still kind of grumpy, even though their job is basically done.

Greg: "C'mon buddy, cheer up a little, we're going to have fun tonight."

Zack: "Just shut your mouth, Greg."

Greg: "ok."