Chapter 3:

She wears a crown made of bones;

A rightful queen to a bloody throne.

How many servants did she kill?

Lifeless bodies lay oh so still.

Does she feel guilty?

How can she ignore the blood she spilt?

All of this just for power;

A crown that's laced with wilted flowers.

Poem made by someone on another app, if anyone wants their info just let me know! (I just don't know if they're still activated or not)

Vivian's POV:

As I sat in the large office, I took a sip of the tea Cole's secretary gave to me. Sitting around me were 3 dragons, not including Cole. He was responding to something on his laptop while three of his men sat on the chairs they'd placed on the other side of the coffee table.

"Close your mouth, boy, this can't be your first time meeting a demon," I sighed in irritation as my eyes snapped over to look at them, despite the young-looking, handsome and muscled man I had expected more discipline. He was looking at me with an expression of curiosity or interest, it was easy to read.

"Speaking of which, why is there a demon here?" He asked Cole, his personality seemed ruder than what his face gave away to though. Despite looking at me like I was a pair of shoes in a store, the young dragon held a strong look of anger in those eyes now. As if he'd settled on an opinion about me by just staring at me for a couple of seconds.

"I'd like to just say that said demon is only here temporarily. I'm waiting for a friend who needs help with something," I nodded my head, noticing that Cole had stopped typing.

"What about the people you killed?" Was the next question from a different dragon, this one with beautiful midnight blue eyes that shined as if they truly had stars in them. Then I realized his question and the way it was said. They wanted to know if I felt bad... okay.

"I'm Vivian, and you all are?" I asked, clearly changing the subject for just a moment.

"I'm Valence," The youngest spoke up first. Valence had pale blonde spiky hair that looked soft to the touch. Grey eyes looked directly into my own grey-blue eyes. He had a young look to him despite the fancy cotton shirt and shiny shoes.

"Nilanth," This one had darker hair with deep and rich brown eyes to match. He was larger than Valence, who seemed to be a bit slimmer than the rest. Unlike the others, this one gave me a smile with the cutest dimple ever.

"Well aren't you a cutie pie?" Returning the smile, I ignored the cough from Valence. At least someone can give a gal a little welcoming.

"My name is Leomaris, now are you going to answer the question?" Leomaris was the one with the dark blue eyes and I enjoyed looking into them. They were deep and seemed as if they could see through you. I know someone with that exact same look in their eyes but theirs is far more legit.

"Yes, about the humans I killed... I don't know what to say, they were killers and murderers, would you like me to regret what I did?" I blinked confused at them, not understanding their thinking.

Do they actually care? At least I didn't kill any innocent people. Fuck.

"Those very humans you killed had families, their people have their own system for punishment,"

This time it was Cole's turn to speak.

I gave him a blank look. So?

They were food, humans are meant to be eaten! What the hell is wro- oh goodness, they have morals. Like, really, tight ones. I leaned into the chair and folded my arms. Were there any rumors about him going soft floating around? Because if there aren't any, it'll be fucking shocking.

I'm already annoyed.

Cole stood up from his seat and started slowly walking our way. With a movement of his head, all three men stood up and left the room. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"Do you understand the rules you've broken? And who's couch you're sitting comfortably on?" I guess it looked like I was at home, a natural move when in the presence of an enemy.

My father taught me well.

"Elzrurron the dragon king, a creature that wiped out thousands of villages, kingdoms, and empires. You were a king killer. Or as the humans like to call you, Cole Rysoot... I like that. Oh and just so we're clear, you're the one that told me to sit down, you mistake my peacefulness for comfort," I smirked, tilting my head as I looked up at him and saw an angry glint in those eyes. He moved fast, standing right in front of me. A large hand grabbed my neck and held me down.

I gasped at the heat that surged through his arm and into the same hand holding me; a warning not to move.

So, I kept my hands to my side and glared at him; if only he knew how much I liked this position.

Then using his other hand, Elzrurron bit into his own arm and then shoved his new bloodied wrist onto my mouth just as I was about to protest.

Some of it went down my throat before I stop it and refused to swallow anymore. The taste of his rich and hot blood was causing a pang of hunger in my bones that I have ignored for hundreds of years.

"Drink... or we'll kill the girl you're looking for," He threatened.

So, he did have Oriness... goodness, was the human even worth it?


The word rang in my head and I growled, swallowing the rest of the blood before he pulled away completely.

Then I felt a sort of connection build. It felt like the one I had with the only two people that mattered in my life, but this was different. I can feel it without having to search for it. I snapped my gaze toward Cole who now sat on the other side of the coffee table, just looking at me.

For a moment a woozy feeling overcame me like I would pass out before getting a bit of strength back. I could feel him a lot better than before. Like, I can seriously feel his energy and I bet that I could locate him in a building filled with thousands of people. It was like a bond towards him... a leash.

He just blood bonded with me. One could say that it's a way of mating but seeing as how he hasn't had any of my blood, we were tied together in a different way. Elzurron would know where I am... always.

My anger rushed at me quickly and I moved fast, shoving my entire body at him and causing the entire chair to fall backward. I swung, punching him in the face and then the chest, screaming in anger. Then I saw the smile on that gorgeous face of his and heard the rich chuckle that escaped those kissable lips.

Did he just laugh at me?

I wanted to suck him dry! Drain him for every single drop of life he's worth! But I can't! The blood bond prevents me from killing him.

"Okay little kitty, let's get one thing clear," He caught my wrists and pulled me close.

The only thing between our chests were my arms and I began thinking, why not try seducing him? If I fail, who cares? I'm not the one who decided to blood bond to a succubus! So, I was quick and maneuvering my arms behind me, bringing his own with them. My chest fell against that hard chest of his and I couldn't help but purr out loud.

Cole narrowed his eyes on me before we were quickly flipped over, and he was on top this time. Well... that's fine. But I noticed I was no longer straddling him, so I fixed that by wrapping my legs around that beautiful waist of his. A taunting smile grew on my face as I looked up at him.

"Will you stop that?!" Cole growled at me and I glared at him, remembering not to lose my anger. At least he'd given me a different reaction. One of irritation. Good. I was hoping to piss him off.

"No! You just forced blood down my throat, made a bond! Fuck you! And... if you wanna take that to heart, you can," I went from angry to flirty, shaking my chest and actually enjoying this game of annoying him like this. Though it was a blow to the ego when he got up moved over to his desk. Obviously deciding that touching me wasn't the smartest idea. I liked it though, sounds like a good plan.

"Look, you're stuck with me and if you leave somewhere without notifying me, I'll hunt your ass down and kill you myself. This is punishment for killing on my territory without permission. Now this friend of yours, are they a threat?"

I raised my eyebrow at him and thought about it, hell, who doesn't love a man that ignores your advances? Rolling my eyes at myself I noticed he was glaring daggers at me, thinking I'd done that move towards him. As Cole stood up, he fixed the wrinkles out of his suit before standing up. With one glare sent my way, the man walked off to take a seat behind the dark wooden desk. I ended up following him, sitting on the edge of it with a clear dare in my eyes.

He'd have to touch me to get me to move.

"So just like that, huh? You have some stranger of a demon under your watch and you think she'll just listen to you?" I sighed, crossing one leg over another, effectively avoiding giving him an answer.

Before leaving the house, I'd left with a pair of black jean shorts, and a fitted tank top with my hair up in a ponytail. Maybe that's why it's easy to ignore me. Some creatures can be picky, I would know all about that.

Closing his laptop and moving it out of the way, I laid down completely on his desk.

"Gotta get hands-on if you want me to obey," Sending a playful but seductive gaze toward Cole and I felt a tinge of excitement as those observant eyes of his took a slow look down my body. Slowly, my hands moved from my hips to go upwards, bringing the bottom of the T-shirt up as well. Those beautiful eyes of his burned into my body, probably the one and only time he'll ever show interest. I couldn't help but feel a little giddy.

Finally, some sort of sign he isn't gay! I was beginning to worry he played for the other team, how sad I would've been to not be able to get a taste.

The door opened and ruined the moment, I turned to see a young lady with long dirty blonde hair that fell to the middle of her back. She had amazing blue eyes that reminded me of someone and for some reason... I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Oh, uh, am I interrupting?" The pretty girl began turning around before Cole spoke up.

"No, it's fine Iris, ignore our guest's actions. She's not from around here," He said as I smelled the air. This woman is most definitely familiar, and I could smell the strong scent of magic on her. A large and familiar power lay within that small body of hers.

"A witch, huh? A baby, at that," I sat up with a new interest. But before I could even move toward her, Cold gripped my wrist tightly and glared at me. There wasn't time to say anything when the face of my newly found sister entered the room right after the little witch girl.

Eh, it was her. The hybrid that's said to be my half-sister.

She was pretty with long locks of curly brown hair pulled into a ponytail and shining green eyes that looked directly into my own. A large smile formed on her pink and plump lips. She had a cute square-shaped face with a small button nose and an innocent maturity to her. With smooth almond skin, I didn't see any signs of scars. Or maybe it just means she has good healing abilities.

I'm not quite sure how the natural healing of halflings usually work.

"It's you..." My half-sister whispered in shock, those sparkly eyes widened as she looked at me completely. It was weird.

"Oriness, is it?" I asked in a soft voice. I shook the dragon's hold on me away as I was unable to help myself while moving off the desk and taking two steps away from Cole.

Then she did the strangest thing and started crying. The young woman ran toward me, throwing her arms around my middle and taking comfort from me. Okay... okay, what?

"I don't think you shou- "

Before Iris could finish her sentence, Oriness's next words had a cold feel skirt its way through my system.

"I've always seen pictures of you, heard the stories. Saw you in my dreams... I didn't think we'd ever be able to meet. Thank you, for saving me last night," She whispered, and my arms hesitated but carefully held her.

Should I push the girl off of me? What stories did this hybrid see for her to be so comfortable with me like this? Or is she trying to find something with this close contact?

"Oriness! Jeez, what are you doing- oh shit, let's go human," Valence came barreling into the room and made his way toward us. But when he got too close, I felt the huntress inside of me spur to live and my eyes heated to a dangerous glow of a predator. It's clear he has a distaste toward me, I'd be a fool to let someone like him so close.

Valence stopped his movements and took a step back.

I came for what I wanted, and it was quite easy, it was time to leave.

"You're just going to let the demon have her? After leaving her like she did last night?!" Valence growled out, turning those burning silver eyes to Cole. Then Elzrurron stood, causing Valence to glance away in a reminder of who he was speaking to.

"N-No, you guys don't understand. She had to leave last night. She was making an instinctual escape based on the little information she had at the time," Oriness defended me and I froze with wide eyes, surprised at how firm her words had been. Special humans... how annoying.

But hey, she made me ditching her sound way better than I could've done.

I began wondering how much my half-sister knew and what she told the dragons.

"And what prevents the same thing from happening?" Cole asked, finally speaking up after being quiet for quite some time.

"Now she knows that we're sisters, don't you?" Those eyes turned toward me with a clear knowing that had me pulling myself away from Oriness.

She could practically read me by touch, I knew that now so I put up walls once more. There were just some things that weren't meant for her eyes.

"Yeah, sure, who knew the old man could still get it up after all these years," I muttered with a tilt of my head, still not understanding how this woman came into play with anything. Or why Valentino was so interested in her, either. It just meant a lot more heat down my back, especially if he finds out that I have her.

Valence growled, obviously taking some sort of liking to my new little sister and all I did was raise an eyebrow.

"Don't leave this city without my permission, demon. I've already got problems with the leeches, I don't need to add you to any of it," The confirmation of Elzrurron's rivalry with my father was really all I needed now. A cherry on top.

At the mention of vampires, Oriness grabbed my hand and squeezed, looking down at the floor while biting her bottom lip. With how easy Elzrurron is willing to give her to me without a fight told me what I needed to know. She hadn't told them who our father is. Better yet, what he is.

At least she made a smart decision.

"Whatever floats your boat, over-sized lizard,"

Cole growled at me as I walked away with Oriness tucked under my arm, my eyes glaring at Valence as we went past him. One look told him that I dared him to try something. Just one night with her and the young buck was ready to risk his life to protect this human.

"What the hell does that mean?" And I nearly laughed.

"Uh, she's pretty much saying to believe what you want if you want to be satisfied but at the end of the day, she'll do whatever she wants. Oh and that you're a lizard that's grown larger than its natural size," Iris instantly spoke up to translate and I could hear the giggles in her words as Cole glared at my back.

But I kept walking with Oriness beside me and all I could think about... was the fact that I had a sister.

From my father's side... and no good could come from this.