The soft breeze of the spring gently swayed the luscious pink delicate blossoms hanging on the tiny arms of the old Sakura tree. Its scattered fallen beauty whiffed its way to the elegance of the young woman standing underneath the ancient blooming tree beside the Kannonji Castle. The threadlike silk strands of her hair pranced to the playful gust of air creating an enchanting exhibit of her rare magnificence any man would dream to witness. 

"Do you know why they called it "One Hundred Footsteps"?" Amara asked, staring at each crimson paper softly bouncing through the squall.

The broad trunk of the aged Sakura tree was presently wrapped in ropes where the red note with the word "chief" inscribed in charcoal tint and mixed with the ashes of the deceased leader, hangs freely for everyone to catch a glimpse of. 

An invitation to anyone brave enough to pluck a crimson tag from the old tree for an opportunity to become the next village chief. As long as they follow the rules to bring back the nail of the slain leader to the roots of the ancient timber they will be the next master.

"Yes, one hundred nails of Shinobi warriors are going to be sacrificed for the chief as a sign of their allegiance." A man with a katana tightly slung on his waist answered the Rokkaku heiress.

"No," The woman donning a blue hue of hyacinth kimono gently giggled at the samurai's understanding of the village custom, "You see, Otou-san was a hero and held as the greatest warrior of the village. No one dared to kill him and as respect, each household gives two nails to finalize his right of passage."

"Then, what happens to the real tradition???" Kawashima Nobuyuki's face appeared baffled by curiosity.

The Rokkaku heiress stood silent watching the flowers succumbed to the nature of mortality. The birth of their buds from the sturdy branches to their blooming life ending with their withered self.

"The tradition will call upon the greatest warriors of the land. Blood will flood the soil of this village and the Rokkaku clan will once more shed lives," Amara proudly announced, catching a blossom in her palm.

The swordsman stepped forward to bring himself closer to the young woman but before he could traverse the void between them the captivating heiress gracefully swerved her slender body around to walk away.    

Before she could leave his presence, Amara delivered a warning, "Don't be stubborn and flee this village before the sun sets on the west or I'm afraid you will never have a chance to escape from here."

"You're afraid for me, Amara-chan?" Nobuyuki teased the young lady, brushing the thin mustache over his lips.

"No." The snob heiress slightly scoffed "You are capable of protecting yourself."

She lifted her heart-shaped face high and elegantly strutted.

"Leave with me," The unseasoned samurai proposed, with his eyes on the blossoms of the Sakura tree falling towards him.

Amara abruptly stopped, on her sauntered movement. Her heart throbbed like a canary in a cage, helplessly trying to escape. She didn't disagree or plead with the swordsman's invitation. But the proposal made her heart flutter with joy.

"I'll be waiting under this ancient tree before the night begins." Nobuyuki declared, catching a blossom in his hand and smelling its gentle fragrance.

The lady of the castle paced away towards its doors when her servant greeted her with a vacant expression and a worried voice.

"The new chief summons you, Amara-chan." Setsuko relayed the message to the young woman clad neatly in her hyacinth kimono.

"Summons me???" Amara raised her brow above her almond-shaped eyes.

She quickened her steps with curiosity in the direction of the men formally sitting in the middle of the vast darkened hall of the castle.


"Ohara-san, what is this for???" The lady raised her problem to the high servant.

"I refuse to declare Jinbo-san the next chief if he didn't partake in the ritual to consume his father's remains," Ohara firmly declared with his hands on the wooden crate that houses their father's severed carcass.

"I ALREADY DID!!!" Rin yelled to the old overseer who denied him the bloodlust katana their father wielded.

"You shakingly hurled it out of your body like a coward," The high servant taunted the young man from yesterday's incident, "If you want to be a chief, consume your father properly with respect."

Amara stared at his oldest brother. Every one of them took part in the ritual and as the oldest heir, Rin should set himself as an example to his younger siblings.

Rin patiently sat on the cushioned floor and waited for the high servant to hand over the piece of a finger from their father's corpse. The same pointer he retched out of his guts. With a quick toss on his mouth, he swallowed it whole and easily cleared out his throat.


'He didn't eat it,' Amara knew from the quick movement of his oldest brother's hand.

Her eyes narrowed from disappointment but she didn't complain to show his respect to the next chief of the village. Her oldest brother may lack loyalty to his father's monstrous ways but he exists as her flesh and blood like any of her siblings. And as she promised herself before, she would reluctantly hurt any of them.

The Rokkaku daughter turned her gaze to the high servant with a vacant expression on his face. The old overseer bowed his head respectfully to honor the new chief and with his steady hands, he bestowed the Muramasa katana to Jinbo Rin.

Amara lowered her head on the tatami floor and chanted, "Hail the new chief of Koku Village."

Rin curled his lips in a devilish grin while unsheathing the blade to admire its flawless beauty. The Chi-o-motomu sword cursed by its maker to drench itself with blood had been gifted to his father by its smith, Muramasa Sengo.

"Amara-chan, from now on you will not leave this castle until I say you will." Rin's eyes sparkled with ambition while he stood to set the blade back to its yokai wood covers.

"NO!!!" The young lady abruptly stood up from her position to answer in protest.



Amara fell on the floor with her cheek reddened from the hard slap on her face. The driblet of blood from her lips tasted like sweet-tangy sap that she quickly licked with her tongue. She hid the painful sneer on her face while she slowly sat up from where she dropped, clutching her swollen face.

"From now on you are no longer a lady of the Kannonji Castle. You are a slave. And you will do what I say without question." The new chief decreed before leaving the hall.

From the castle gate, the appointed leader proudly clutched his demon katana on her right hand for the villagers to acknowledge. They quickly bowed their head at the sight of the new chief, Rokkaku Rin.

"As the new head of the Rokkaku clan and the first day of my trial, I hereby decree a new rule to the long Shinobi tradition of "100 Footsteps"," Rin announced with his voice clear and loud, "Anyone who can deliver 100 nails for me in 100 days will have my sister, Amara for a slave."