Chapter 3 - Denial

It started off as just any other day for Tommy. He woke up at the crack of dawn, the sunlight streaming through his tent. He tried to get back to sleep, tried to cling onto the nothingness that plagued his mind once his eyes closed each night.

But he found it a useless endeavour.

He got up, re-bandaged his injuries, and set off to get some more wood to expand logsteadshire.

Just because this place wasn't his home doesn't mean he can't make it look nice for Ghostbur. This is Ghostbur's home after all. He made it, so it's his...

His home.

'Do I have a home?' Tommy thought silently, a wooden axe in his hand and a compass round his neck.

Tommy's hand gripped the compass tightly. 'No. No I don't have a home. My home was taken from me the moment JSchlatt came into power. The moment Tubbo came into power.'

Tommy let he of the compass, the small spiderweb like cracks growing ever so slightly from the pressure it was put under.

'Technoblade was right. Power corrupts. We should never have given a single person all that power.

We gave it to JSchlatt, now he's dead.

We gave it to Tubbo and now...

And now he's no longer Tubbo.


He's no longer MY Tubbo.'

Tommy shook his head hoping to clear out those thoughts. He does this everyday. Collects wood, expands logsteadshire, gets food, and waits for Dream to get there.

He knew it wasn't right, hiding stuff from Dream. From his friend. But what else was he meant to do? He wanted to start a life here, he couldn't do that without tools and materials.

He hid half of his gatherings below the house and set off to work expanding the borders of logsteadshire.

'Now I just need to wait for Dream to get here. That will be fun. He said he had a gift for me.'

Tommy continued to work as his mind came up with different ideas of what Dream's gift could be.

It didn't take long for Dream to get there. He always gets there around 1:00 and stays until sunset, sometimes longer! Those are the good days.

Tommy turned around and headed towards the portal with a smile on his face. "Hey Dream!" He said, waving towards the masked man.

He was met with silence.

"Dream? What's wrong?"

Dream didn't say anything only walked passed Tommy towards logsteadshire, flint and steel, and TNT in hand.


He placed the TNT

"Dream what are doing?!"

It lit


A loud bang set off and half of logsteadshire disappeared into a crater of smoke and embers.


"I trusted you Tommy."

Tommy stood still, shell shocked from what had just happened. 'Why? Why did he do that?'

"I trusted you and you went behind my back."

"What are you talking about?!"

"Your things Tommy! You hid your things from me! Stuff that you knew I would be mad that you had!"

"What are talking about? I gave you all my stuff!"

"But you didn't! I saw you Tommy! I watched as you hid stuff beneath the house! I SAW it! Don't try and lie to me!"

"Dream. I'm sorry. I didn't want to hide anything, please, I just wanted to be able to make this place better."

"You lied to me Tommy."

"I-I'm sorry." At this point Tommy had tears running down his face. 'God I'm such an IDIOT! Why was I trying to hide stuff from him? God I'm such a bad friend. Dream trusted me.'

"You're not allowed to go to the nether."


"No one will come and visit you, and you are not allowed to leave. I might come see you. Maybe once a week.

But until you learn not to lie to me. This. This right here will be all you have."

Tommy fell to his knees and Dream went over to the other half of logsteadshire and blew that up too.

He went to the tents.

To the farms.


Then he destroyed the portal.

"Think about what you've done Tommy. I'll be back to check up on you in a week."

And with that he left.


Why did he do that?

He-he-why? Just why?

He didn't have to blow it all up. He could have just left.

Taken the materials and left.

He didn't have to blow up logsteadshire.

But he did.

'I hurt my friend.

I can't keep doing this.

I'm nothing without Dream.


I can't go on like this anymore.

I'm sorry Dream.'