Chapter 5 - Sanctuary. For now.

Techno's house was so far away. Why did it have to be so far? I mean it wouldn't have been so bad if he wasn't soaked to the bone and freezing in the snow.

But if this is what he must go through in order to get back at Dream then so be it.

He would wade through swamps, climb mountains, freeze in the snowy air. All of it, if that's what it took to kill Dream.

'Kill him'


'Kill them all'

'Murder them'



'Kill everyone'

'Massacre them'

'Massacre all of them'



They never stopped. The voices. Sure they got quieter sometimes but never silent. There was one voice though. One that was always the loudest. It gave good advice.

It told him not to jump.

It told him to kill Dream.

It told him to find Techno.

Tommy listened to that voice, after all it never spoke unless the advice was needed, not like the other voices at least.

Those voices told him to kill. Told him to hurt. They don't care who gets hurt. They just want Blood.

But he couldn't do that right now. So instead he waded through the snow, trying to find a house that he had no idea where it was. The first time was just an accident.


The loud voice spoke again.

Tommy complied.

He thought about giving the voice a name. So he could distinguish them. However the thought left his mind.

He was walking for a while before he could see the outline of a wooden building, and what looked to be a farm.

'Go in.'






'Go on'

'Get in'


A symphony of voices echoed in his mind, all of them telling him to go inside, to get food, armour, weapons. He knew he had to hurry though. It was coming upon midday which meant that Techno was probably going to be on his way back soon. He couldn't risk being spotted. But he couldn't risk staying outside to freeze.

He crept in through the side and was met with a wall of chests.

He hurried up.

He halted when he looked through them.

"Golden apples" he breathed out a content sigh.

There was so many of them. Armour too. And tools. All of them were netherite, AND enchanted.

He took the tools and weapons that he would need and put on all of the glowing armour. In his inventory was now tools, golden apples, weapons, arrows and fireworks.

This was everything he needed.

But he didn't know if that was everything there was to offer.

'Upstairs. Go upstairs'

It was the loud voice again. Tommy couldn't help but comply, it was never wrong before so why would it be now?

He went up the ladder and was greeted with even more chests.


So many potions.

He took all that he could carry.

Invisibility, strength, regeneration, healing, swiftness, all of it. He also took some ender pearls and some of the clothes he found, his were far to torn to comfortably wear.

He had everything he could need now, all he had left was to find a place he could stay. A place he could call his own.

'Leave and go left.'

And so he did. And was a good thing he did as when he got to the tree line three figures came over the hill from the direction of logsteadshire. Techno, Phil and someone else. The other person was too far away.

'Techno and Phil are working together? I wonder why.'

He didn't have time to wonder long as once Techno got close enough to see that the door was open he ran straight inside and started going through the chests to see what was missing. At least, that's what it looked like.






He ran.

He ran as fast as his legs could carry him. His heart hammering in his chest.

He thought about using one of the swiftness potions but overall chose not to. He only had a limited supply of them and wouldn't give them up any time soon.

And so he ran.

He ran through the snow, through the trees and he continued to run. Even once he left the snow covered biome he continued to run. There was a forest up ahead, a thick dark wood forest. He could take refuge in one of the trees there overnight. It was the best he could do.

He couldn't risk staying in the ground, not unless he wanted to be found by anyone walking this far out. I mean he didn't know who would be but you never know. Logsteadshire was rather close to Techno's house even though he was supposedly living VERY far away.

You could never be too careful.

And so Tommy climbed the trees and fell asleep underneath the canopy and stars.

He would be safe.

For now...