Chapter 9 - Death - Techno’s POV

Techno and Phil were out collecting turtle shells when Phil decided to ask a question.

"Hey Techno?"


"How do you think Tommy's doing?"

Techno stopped.

It had been a while since he had seen the blond child.

"I don't know."

"Should we go see him?"

"Why? It's the middle of the night, surely he would be asleep?"

Phil hesitated.

"I've just got a feeling that something is wrong."

Techno stopped once again. Phil's never had a wrong gut feeling before. Something was wrong with Tommy.

"Let's go." He said as he briskly walked off, Phil following not long after.

"I thought you said it was the middle of the night?"

"Phil. You've never been wrong about this stuff before. If you think there is something wrong with Tommy we are going to see Tommy. I don't care what time of day or night it is."

No words were spoken after that, but if the two happened to speed up just a little, then no one else was there to comment on it.

As they got closer Techno too started to feel a sense of dread. The voices in his head were screaming at him to go faster, to run, to save Tommy. He didn't know why, but as he got closer and looked up through the canopy of leaves his heart sank. He couldn't see much, only a tall pillar of wood, stone, mud and logs.

'No. No. Not Tommy.'

Phil saw it too.

They ran.

As they got closer they could hear the heart wrenching sounds of crying and screaming.

They sped up even more.

As they broke the tree line they saw a heart breaking sight.

Tubbo was laying in the floor in a ball beside the pillar, tears running down his face as his body convulsed with every ragged breath and sob that ripped through his lungs.

"Tubbo!" Phil yelled.

When they both got to him they understood why he was like this. On the floor beside him laid items consisting of pictures of L'Manburg, Tommy and Tubbo, Wilbur, the Christmas tree, and one other item.

A compass.

A small, cracked and now broken compass with a label.

A small and simple label with the words 'your Tubbo' scratched onto it.

Techno fell to the floor.

'No. Please not Tommy. Not Tommy. Please. I can't lose another brother. Please'

Silent tears ran down his face.

No words were spoken as Phil moved Tubbo to rest up on his chest and wrapped his wings around the three of them.

No words were spoken as they realised they had lost another family member that day.

They had lost their little soldier.