Chapter 12 - Hate

Tommy spent hours exploring all of the cave systems and trinkets left by the voices when they were still alive. He found some quite interesting stuff.

There were books written in the odd language strewn all over the place, a lot of them were torn or blood stained.

He found a lot of weapons and armour too, his guess was that it was enchanted iron but most of it was too mangled to tell.

All the while the voices were reminiscing about their lives.


'That was mine'

'My sword!'

'Hey I wrote that!'

'We're home'

'I'm happy'

'Home again'

'Oh I wrote that one too!'

Granted some of the things they said made Tommy stop for a second but that's beside the point.

'Oh look I think I died there...

Yep. Yep, that's my body.'

He moved on.

Soon enough the tone of what they were saying changed. Became darker. More sinister.


'Kill him'





'Kill him'

He understood why once he turned the corner. There wasn't much different in all honesty. There were markings in the wall, sigils of some sort. There were also bars made from what looked to be obsidian? Something similar to that at least.

Oh and let's not forget the tens of armour fitter skeletons strewn along the floor and leaning against the walls.

'This was where he was sealed wasn't it?'


'How did he get out?'

'Made us believe he was wrongly imprisoned'

'So he manipulated you guys too...'

Tommy could feel the anger coursing through his veins. Every breath he took made him want to scream.

He had never felt like this before. Sure he had gotten angry but never like this!

'Our anger is one.'

'Then I will gladly use this anger to tear the green bastard apart.'

Tommy's blue eyes now glowed a haunting shade of red. The whites of his eyes now turned black.

There was no going back anymore.






'Kill them'


'Kill all of them!'


'There are a few small farm house to the right, three of them if I remember correctly.

If you want to get your anger out that is...'

'You mean kill them?'

Tommy thought for a second, he knows that a thought like that would never have even crossed his mind before. He would shut it down before he had time to consider.

But now.

'Show me where...'

And with that he ventured through the cave systems, eyes stained with red.

'Cover yourself. Can't let anyone know who you are. Even a dead man cannot know.'

He stopped. If he remembers correctly there was a skull mask not far from where he stood.

It looked to be a deer skull, the horns still attached though chipped and discoloured.

That didn't matter. He put it on and tied the leather straps on the back tightly round the back of his head. It covered his face completely and didn't restrict his line of sight at all.

'This works quite well doesn't it?'

'So you like my mask?'

Tommy jumped.

In front of him stood a man who looked remarkably similar to Dream. Granted he was completely grey, the only colour being the glowing red from his eyes.

But he was there.


'Yes me.'

His mouth did not move to speak but it moved to sit into a small smile.


'My body is being controlled by Dream, but my soul is not.

That mask, and the one Dream wears is my tether to this place. To the living.'

'So I can see you when I wear this?'


'Can HE see you too?'

'Only if I want him too. The same goes for you. You will only see me if I desire.'

He didn't know what to say. The man in front of him looked so SIMILAR to the one that hurt him yet somehow so DIFFERENT. There was a sort ok kindness in his glowing red eyes.

It was confusing to say the least.

'We best head off to now shouldn't we? You did ask me to show you the way after all.'

'Yeah. Let's go.'

The boy and the spirit left up the staircase Tommy had made on his was down and placed back the dirt once they stepped outside. It was night.

'How long have I been down there?'

'It was around 18 hours I believe.'

'It didn't feel that long.'

'Time flows differently when there is no way to track it.'

'I suppose'

Tommy followed the direction that the spirit was taking him, passing trees, animals and a lake too. He would have to remember that, could be handy for food in the future.

After a few more minutes of silent walking he could see the flicker of torches through the tree line. There was the occasional animal shuffling about but for the most part everything was still.

Everyone was inside.

'Say, spirit?'


'What should I call you?'

The spirit looked at him with a large grin, his wide, empty eyes now glowing with a feral, red glint, staining his skin with a crimson glow...

He simply said.


You can call me nightmare.'
