Chapter 15 - Tears

This will be the aftermath of them finding out Tommy is 'dead'.

So before the whole umm, killing thing, that Tommy did 2 chapters ago.


The three boys found themselves sitting on the torn up grass way past sunrise.

They stayed there and embraced each other.

They needed the comfort for they had just lost another person dear to them.

Another son.

Another brother.

Another friend.

Tubbo finally woke up and stirred in Philza's arms.

He groaned and buried his face further into Phil's chest, adamant to not get get up.

This alerted techno who reached out and held the younger boys hand.

"Dad?" His voice was so raw.

"Yeah I'm here Tubbo, it's okay."

"Dad can we go see Tommy please, I had a really bad nightmare and I really need to see him."

Phil grimaced and held Tubbo tighter.

"I... It wasn't a nightmare Tubbo."

Techno took over as he saw Phil's eyes tearing up again. He decided to take over, knowing that Phil would break should he have to say any more.

"We're in Logsteadshire right now Tubbo.

Tommy's gone."

Tears fell down the boys face.

"No. No he's Tommy. He wouldn't.

He couldn't."

Tubbo's voice broke as he clutched tighter onto Phil's shirt.

Phil was now crying too, he held tighter onto his son and refused to let go.

Tubbo continued to sob at the loss of his best friend and brother.

Techno let the two of them cry, but he knew he had to get them up sooner or later.

"I hate be the bearer of bad news, but Dream has been coming here everyday. We need to leave before he gets back."

Techno's eyes were red and his cheeks held faint lines down them.

He had learned all to young how to be silent when crying.

"I-I can't leave.

What if he comes back?

What if he's a ghost?

He'll be all alone.

He can't be alone again.

I can't leave.

Please don't make me leave.



Please don't."

Tubbo's speech drifted off back into tears.

Phil grimaced.

"He's right Tubbo. We can't be here when Dream gets here. It's too dangerous."

"Can I bring his stuff?"

"... Sure.

Pick what you need, I'll carry it for you." Techno offered.

Tubbo immediately grabbed onto the broken compass and brought it to his chest. The glass dug into his hands and drew blood but he refused to let go.

He wouldn't let go.

Not again.

He held the compass in one hand, still clutching it to his chest as his other hand went to pick up the photos scattered about. Some of them had been taken away by the wind but a few had been pinned down by the blocks that were also dropped.

5 in total.

5 photos and a compass were all he had left of Tommy.

Techno slowly took the photos out of Tubbo's hands placing them under his cloak. He tried to take the compass too but Tubbo refused.

"No! Don't touch it!"

He smacked Techno's hand away leaning further into Phil. The glass broke off into his hands even more and blood started to drip onto the grass.

"Alright. I won't take it. I just wanna patch up your hands okay? I won't take it from you but I need to get rid of the glass before it gets too hard to remove."

Techno stood up and held out his hand.

"Come on, let's get you to the water and I'll help clean you up"

His monotone voice still held the occasional shake, tears still glistened in his eyes. He refused to let any more fall in the young boys company.

What Tubbo needed right now was someone to be strong.

Phil too.

So he would be that.

At least, until he was alone that is.

Then he would mourn.

But not right now.

Tubbo and Phil needed him.

The young boy rose on shaking knees as Techno supported him by the elbow. He stayed close not wanting the boy to fall over and hurt himself even more.

The two of them crouched down at the edge of the water as Tubbo put the compass in his pocket.

Most of the glass was gone.

The arrow was bent out of shape but it still pointed directly to him.

He wished he still had his compass.

Maybe. Just maybe. It could have shown him where Tommy's ghost was.

If he even was a ghost that is.

Techno worked quickly but gently. Soon enough all of the glass was removed and he could give Tubbo a healing potion.

No words were spoken as Phil embraced his sons in a hug once again.

No words were spoken when all three stood up.

No words were spoken as they made their way from logsteadshire to Techno's house.

No words were spoken.

And yet the silence was so loud.

The voices in both Techno's and Phil's heads were silent. It had been so long since they had both had this amount of peace in their minds, yet they couldn't find the joy in it.

Not after what had just happened.

They went over the last hill, Techno's house came into view, the lights were still left on from when Phil and Techno had left.

But the door was open.

Techno's eyes widened as he saw this.


It could be Tommy's ghost.

He could be there.

He could be safe.

Techno ran towards the house and barrelled through the doorway, his eyes scanned every room, every crevice that a ghost could hide.

'He has to be here.

He has to safe.

Come on.

He has to somewhere.


Please just let him be here.

Please let him be safe.'

Those words echoed in Techno's mind.

Phil and Tubbo came through the doorway not too long after, both of them were confused as to Techno's frantic state.

"Techno what wrong?" Phil asked quietly, his voice still shook slightly as he spoke.

"I closed the door"


"I closed the door Phil!

Don't you see?

Someone was here!

No one even goes round these parts accept for me and you!

Someone came by here Phil."

"Techno, I-I don't understand"


Phil. I think Tommy's ghost was here."