Chapter 23 - Funeral - Tubbo’s POV

He tried to smile.

He found he couldn't.

He tried to laugh.

It just turned into cries.

He couldn't even talk anymore.

He didn't think he ever would.

Not without Tommy.

He didn't want to do anything anymore.

He just wanted his best friend back.

He wanted his brother back.

A funeral had been planned. It was a simple one, held in L'Manburg, right where his old house used to be.

Everyone showed up.

Every SMP member, even if they had never talked to Tommy, every single one of them showed up to pay their respects for the fallen soldier.

Even Dream.

Tubbo grit his teeth and glared at the green clad man.

'It was his fault.

He was the reason I had to exile Tommy.

It's his fault that Tommy is dead.'

He clenched his fists, a broken compass hung round his neck, a handmade scarf lay just over the top of it.

Both had belonged to Tommy.

Be he was only going to keep one.

It was his turn to go to the grave.

He was meant to say something to the others. Something about how Tommy would be missed, how he was a truly great friend.

But everyone already knew that, so what was the point in saying it again?

Everyone knew how close the two of them were.

Everyone knew how brave and yet how utterly stupid Tommy could have been sometimes.

Everyone knew.

So what was the point in saying it?

He walked up to the grave, flowers had been placed in it by everyone who had spoken before him.

The ones that stood out the most were the azalea's.

Small purple azalea's that he had seen Ranboo with.

They were cute.

He knelt beside the headstone and fought to hold back tears.

He didn't say anything as he took the compass off from round his neck.

Nor did he say anything when the placed down the small bouquet of flowers.

He put the compass in front of the headstone as tears fell down his face.

"So you can find your way back to me."

His voice shook.

Tears fell as he walked back to his dad who wordlessly pulled him into a hug, wrapping a wing around him.

Sobs wracked his body and he held onto his dad even tighter.

Once they had finally stopped he looked over to Dream.

'How dare he be like this.

He's the reason Tommy's gone in the first place!

He has no right to care!

He took 2 of Tommy's lives and forced Tommy to take his last one!

How dare he!

How fucking DARE he find guilt now.

I'm gonna kill him.

I'm gonna kill that fucker for what he did.

I am never letting him hurt my friends or family ever again.

Never again.

I swear it.

Upon the enderdragons name.

I WILL kill Dream.'
