CHAPTER 2: First Battle

As you run towards the supermarket to see it destroyed and mauled with large scratches on the walls with blood splattered around it. No corpses or any carcasses can be found but only pools of blood can be seen.

" corpses or anything but there is a lot of blood splattered..this is dangerous" as you eyed the supermarket suspiciously until you decided to go inside as you run inside and grab a hachet,compass, black hoodie,black pants, black shoes, and black mask and sunglasses as you ran back immediately.

"I should wear this so i can hide in the shadows..i hope this will be stealthy" as you changed your clothes in the dressing room of the supermarket. While dressing up you hear a scratching sound to the metal as something walks around. You can hear metal specifically sharp metal being dragged to the ground producing a painful squeaking as it penetrates your ear.

" what?" with a annoyed look , you finished changing clothes and take a peak to what was making the noise to see a big wolf standing on its feet with a abnormal large arm with a large claw as it drags to the ground. You continued peeking until you notice 4 guys going to the supermarket with guns and a large backpack each of them. As the wolf notices them and lunging them its large claw as everyone stands back and shooting the beast. The beast staggers with bloods of it splattered all around. As you walked towards the battle.

"Hahahah, this is too easy" said one of the man as he laughed

Easy until the beast pounced towards them flattening one of them and proceeded to slash all of them to bits as their heads roll down with agony and shock plastered on their face as all 4 man lay down without any signs of life.

The beast appears to be heavily injured...i can kill it!.

As you sneaked towards the beast. You push the metal with supplies with items as it flattens the beast hopefully. Unexpectedly the beast was able to hold it off with only one hand as you proceeded to shoot the beast in the head with your gun. The beast was able to get out as it rushes towards you. You run away from it while aiming your gun at the beast. The beast growled and falls down. You inspected it and shot it in the head until the ammo of your gun was wasted.

"Wait..this might be the same as those manhwa about apocalypse and getting a orb , eating it will make you that's stupid" as you walked away but your curiosity got the best of you. As you use your hatchet to slice the carcass. It takes a while and to your surprised you indeed see a small black crystal orb with the size of marbles.

"No way!! i eat it?" as you were excited but drop the idea since it might be too dangerous and risky.

"Where should i go next? taking a bike might be good as it was silent but it might tire me" as you walk where the bikes where held at. You inspected every bike before deciding to take the mountain bike. As you bike outside the supermarket you noticed a lot of cars has crashed but its been silent without any battles happening.

"What in the hell is the military doing?" you pondered as you decided to go inside an abandoned building and rest for the night.

You wake up with a splitting headache as you open your eyes to be surrounded by people with guns.

"Who are you?" ask the man with a demanding tone

"Im about you?" you respond honestly

"Hahahah he has the guts even when he is being surrounded by us" said the tall teenager

"Shut up! what are you doing here?" said the man

"We should loot him captain" said the other men as he eyes your backpack

"Just let me do the talking!" the man shouted

"I tried sleeping here" you said as you looked up to see 3 men with different guns pointed at you except the man who are you talking to.

"If you give us your ammo, we'll let you get out of here" the man said but the other man with red messy hair

"How about we kill him and take all of his stuff" as the man elbows the red haired man it the stomach as he growls in pain

"We are not thugs!" the man shouted with anger

"Just wait for a little" as you rummage through your belongings and gave then a box of ammunition

"Great..thanks you can get out now" the man said calmly as he gestures the both of them to get out of the way as you grabbed your gun and ride your bike.

As you ride your bike. Suddenly a meteorite was about to hit you as you jumped out of your bike as it hits your bike. You obtained some scratches and burn marks but nothing serious aside that your bike was bent.

"Again! am i unlucky or what" you said as you investigated the meteorite as it crack. You ready yourself with your gun. As it opens you noticed there was a metallic orb as it projects a message



and suddenly the message turns off and you grab the metallic orb

"Wipeout? and who the hell is the protectors?" you pondered as you walked.

"How am i so unlucky!! i gotta walk? i don't even know where im heading" as you walked for a few hours with nothing interesting happening until your stomach grumbles.

"I should eat for now" as you walked near the patch of grass and sat. You noticed the forest is still untouched even though the barb wire was utterly destroyed where anyone can walk towards the forest quite easily. As you eat some canned beans and drank some water you noticed a girl's scream quite loudly towards the forest.

"Should i go? should i risk it? what if? dammit whatever" as you go inside the forest. Even a few meters in and you feel the eerie silence and a sinister aura that circles the forest. Whatever what's in here is not good. Suddenly you hear a woman's scream once again but towards where you left as you rush outside you see no one.

"Fuck! that creeped me...shit i gotta go" as you run toward the opposite side of the road.

"Whatever what's in there, is creepy beyond what i can imagine..whoo luckily i got out" as you wiped your sweaty forehead.

As you see a black car passes you towards where the monster is. You ignored it as you continue towards what you hope to be a safer place.

"This is scary, lack of information, mysterious forest, monster, and people out for blood. This is crazy!" you said with an exhausted tone as you sit in a chair of an abandoned building as all abandoned buildings are in line one after the other.

I might be the only one who is left in this world...according to the metal ball that all humans must get out of earth immediately or we will all be killed but where are they gonna go? dammit, i need the information to make my next move.

Suddenly the metal ball inside your bag starts shaking violently as you grab it and throws it to the ground. As it gains long ears and a screen on its body with this >_< in the screen.

As it floats toward you as you suddenly tried to ax it a question. As you swing and miss

"Wth?" you blurted out with a confused face as the metal ball floats mid-air unmoving. You investigated it and started talking to it

GT-6718 Pro Atlas

Type: Atlas

Description: Given to the future champions in the hope to help the user in his/her travels and adventures. Has no combat capabilities

Effects: Gives information with the right clearance

"Hello?" you ask

"Hello Human, i am GT-6718 Pro Atlas or call me G7..i will serve you as a information broker and will accompany you in your travels" said the metal ball or G7 with an automatic voice without any tone, or accent.