Side Stories: The Hero Part 3

A Large wave of unholy Flames Rushing towards Tempest as He flew up to dodge the Raging green flames of hell fire.

Tempest than blasted an Arc of purple colored lightning towards Baldur. The Unholy Alpha started dodging The attack As everything in the way gets disintegrated by it leaving trail of destruction.

Baldur Figure disappeared in the black smoke that clouded the area. Tempest tried to chase after the Demonic BeastKin but was ambushed by him.

Coming from tempest flank out of the smoke. Baldur used his Unique Skill . Tempest tried to counter the attack but it was too late.

Baldur was already releasing his attack towards Tempest. he was prepared to take the attack in till A Loud clang! echoes out in the forest Showing Ryu figure appearing in the way of the attack blocking with his Spear.

"Well....if it isn't your knight in shiny Armor Dragon!! hahahaha!" Baldur Says with bloodlust crazed laughter as he disengaged from Ryu's block landing on the ground sliding.

Both Ryu and Tempest landed as well a few feet away from Baldur. They looked towards each other with Baldur doing a smirk.

"Hmph! You think keeping me busy here will change Anything Dragon Knight?" Baldur says with an cocky attitude.

"Doesn't matter long as he gets the sword you and your masters plans will fail mutt." Ryu says towards a baldur who looked trigger from what he just said.


Ryu and Tempest Engaged the unholy beast. With ryu matching blows with him and tempest blasting Arcs of lightning from his mouth.

Baldur dodges a few of the blast. Ryu goes for an opening with the timing of baldur dodges. hitting the beast with his spear skill Nailing his Spear into one of baldur's foot. Roaring with pain he instinctively swipe at Ryu. who dodge out of the way jumping a few yards away.

Baldur Grabs the Spear but instantly regrets it. the elemental status effect for the spear activated keeping him stuck there stunned. He instantly drops it from the shock to his core The spear floated there in pause and zipped back into Ryu's hand.

"Now Tempest!" Ryu yells out as Tempest flew towards The sky like a rocket glowing intensely purple. A Large Raging Dark tornado full of purple Arcs of lightning surrounds Baldur.

Baldur Rage with a fierce Roar as his unholy flames intensify on his body. He moves step by step looking around for A ryu who wasn't standing in front of him anymore. Slowly feeling his movement coming back. An Arc of lightning hit the beast in the chest making him kneel.

Forcing himself to get back up. Baldur slowly rose back up than was hit again with another Arc of lightning. This time he didn't kneel but tank the hit and tried to move normal again but another strike hit him this time he stop his movement.

"Enough of this annoyance!" He roars out with A frustrated voice glowing Green and exploded with unholy flames trying to clear the storm but it was still there surrounding him.

"What sort of trick is this!?" Baldur yells out looking towards the sky as he notices the eye of the storm is now formed into a Giant Dragon's head with its opening mouth glowing brightly purple coming straight for him.

"HAHAHAHA! That's right try to devour me if you can Almighty storm dragon!" Baldur yells out to face the attack head on jumping towards it glowing intensely with unholy flames.

Baldur gets closer towards the storm dragon he can make out the dragon knight plunging down towards him spear first becoming the purple glowing energy.

"Swallow this Dragon!!! !! Baldur yells out towards Ryu exploding With a large blast of Unholy Flames.

"Ultimate Skill: !!" Ryu yells out one of his ultimate AoE skill that allows him to pour all his mana into the attack doing 100% critical and Magical penetrating damage to the foe that is effected by the status debuff Disintegrating everything in its Storm .

Both Attacks collide against one another Ryu attack instantly pierced through Baldur's attack. Slamming into the ground like a meteor causing the whole area to shake and instantly destroyed by the crash. Ryu spear stabbed through the beast chest hitting baldur's heart Making the Unholy Alpha cough up Black Blood.

"ARGHHH!....Seems like you won this fight Knight....but the war is far from over.." Baldur says while coughing up more black blood while his lower body was slowly disintegrating with the spear still in his chest pinning him into the ground.

Tempest slowly descends from the sky landing right behind Ryu.

"A Word of advise Knight....Just like me you also have that inner Primal Rage...Master that and you will be a king of kings...unlike me who was victim of his own Rage and manage to be some fool's guard dog... it was a good fight Dragon Knight may your Future battles be as fun as this was...HeHeHe!"Baldur says with a weakly Voice and a prideful grin his body turns into Ash.

Ryu body glows Golden as he felt refreshed from the levels he got from defeating a tier 4 boss. He grabs his spear and yanked it from the ground than looks towards Tempest and nodded.

"Yea....indeed tempest, he was A strong opponent." Ryu says out loud looking at the ashes of Baldur and swiping away the multiple notifications in his vision as he jumped out of the large crater he was in and headed towards The way where the rest of his raid team was at.

At The Sword in the stone Apollo and rest of the raid team felt Another Shake from the mountain like An Volcano was really what they was standing on and it was about to Erupt.

"Your to late Hero... the spell is complete now the sword shall be converted towards the Dark side! come my friends!! Show me which of you shall be the new host for the sword of POWER!!" The Shaman says out loud as hundreds of ghost were coming out of the ground and trying to go in the sword but was instantly repel back by an invisible force.

"HUH!?...Why do you struggle so Excalibur...your will shall bend Sword!!" The shaman yells out with a maniac looking facial expressions.

Apollo looked at the rest of the raid team and than took out his sword and ran towards the Shaman.

"Attack that crazy barbarian bitch before she corrupts my god slaying sword!!" Apollo yells out as he and the rest of the raid team charges at the Shaman.

The shaman notice the travelers trying to attack her as she summoned multiple totems with different elemental and animal spirits to fight back the raid team as the skirmish started.

Apollo cut down two of the animal spirits with his two-handed weapon skill . Using the Lunge Skill Towards The Shaman she notices Apollo attack and put up a magical barrier of Earth.

Slamming down on the Shield Apollo was looking Surprised that she was able to react that quickly. The Shaman Summoned a giant elemental Earth like fist hitting Apollo and sending him crashing into The Black magical Barrier Around the large stone hard Sliding off it slowly and falling on his butt.

"Like i said before...Your too late hero you think a weak little Adventurer like you can stop me The #1 Shaman of the Dark Arts! HAH! its so....pathetic." The Shaman says towards apollo with a cocky look.

Apollo Stands back up with sword in hand charging towards the shaman with a funny sounding battle cry. The Shaman rolls her eyes and shrugs than proceed to Summon a Long Black Needle from her shadow.

Apollo used The two-handed skill The attack was about to land right on top of The shaman head She instantly parry the attack making Apollo bounce back with another goofy surprised expression.

She stabbed him in both legs as another black long metal needle poked out this time from Apollo's Shadow. He kneel in pain making a funny looking facial expression. with his chat going crazy with Emotes.

"it was fun for the few seconds you survived well just your facial expressions tho...must be a traveler thing....good bye!" The Shaman says towards a kneeling apollo.

she stab towards his neck but stop and dodge out of the way of an attack from Spice who slammed down with an attack right where she was just standing.

Tesla Used her bow skill Firing multiple arrows at The shaman while she was in the Air.

The Shaman twirls her black needle and deflected the arrows from hitting her.

Right when she landed Ice entrapped her feet showing a trail leading towards Stitches Ice maiden summon creature. along with his Other two summons who instantly appeared where she landed.

They both go for an attack but stopped right before they was able to hit The Shaman. Showing Multiple Black Needles Sticking out of them as they instantly turned into pixel dust along with the Ice melting from Black Flames.

The Shaman Slowly walks out of it with no effort. Smiling with a wide creepy grin.

"Damn bruh i don't think we can beat this crazy woman even with all of the raid team here my two summons was deleted." Stitches says looking worried.

Apollo popped a Healing Potion and stood up off his knees with his wounds healed up and closed.

"Boys The sword is basically ours we made it dood!....Only thing that's standing in our way is a crazed loony barbaric Bitch and some dead animals...Lets Show Them what PARAGON IS ALL ABOUT ARE YOU WITH ME!!!" Apollo yells out as Everyone including his chat was raging with emotes and battle cries from the raid team.

Dozen of spells and arrows rained down on the shaman as she Laugh with battle maniac laughter. taking all the attacks coming at her and fighting off close combat fighters like a one man army.

"Damn bro way to go with the speeches yet again. Me And Tesla will go join in on the fun and help keep that crazy witch busy while you and Stitches figure out how your gonna get in that barrier and get your sword, Okay sound like A Plan?" Spice says with confident look on his face.

"That sounds good to me dood and remember to save some action for me bruh!" Apollo says towards both Spice and Tesla who nods and dash off towards the battle.

Apollo and Stitches look towards the barrier. "Now how do we.." Right before Apollo could say something else A Flash of White light from inside of the barrier shatter it like glass.

"Uhhh abracadabra than?" Apollo says looking towards a stitches who look just as confused as him and Shrugs.

"I don't think that loon saw what just happen you better hurry up and climb that rock dood." Stitches says while look over towards The shaman who was annihilating their Raid team.

Apollo nods and than looked at the large stone with determination and rushed towards it and than jumped grabbing hold of the stone and climbing it slowly.

after a few minutes of climbing the stone and pulling himself up He saw The sword With the metal so dull like if you touch it, it might break and the hilt and grip covered in mold and moss.

Apollo looked at The Sword with Disgust and disappointment. "Man dood... what the fuck is this Chat...My Granny got A back scratcher more usable than this bruh!" Apollo says while his chat go crazy with emotes and till they started to type "look behind you!!" and in all caps.

Apollo hurried and looked like the chat says as the live stream screen shows The shaman with rage on her face rushing towards the stone.

"Ah Fuck boys! Hope this bad boy worth a respawn!" Apollo says as he hurried and grabbed the Sword as A Blinding Blue light blasted out from him grabbing the sword and pulling it out. Knocking everyone in the area backwards being blown away from the stone.

Along With A towering pillar of blue energy piercing the skies Showing A Large Sword being formed from that Energy. Every Person in the world of Euphoria who is looking towards the sky can see it along with Every player in the game getting A World Wide System Announcement.

[World Wide System Announcement! Congratulations To Player [Platinum Apollo]! For Unlocking The Legendary Class [Hero]!