Side Stories: The Demon Lord Part 2

Crackling of fire could be heard as embers of ash falls all over this ruined Village.

Akujin and his crew was Shown at the center of this Village That they caused to be empty of life.

"Such A Beautiful Bonfire for such a dump. who could have ever imagine this would've made such a place magical HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Murda says with wild crazy laughter.

"Yeah a real fantasy for someone like you huh. "Killa says shaking his head at Murda.

" your so all pure and holy." Murda says poking him hard in the chest.

Killa looked at her With a deadpan face. McMagnum walks up to Akujin as he looks into the flames.

"What's the plan now?" McMagnum ask towards Akujin.

"Easy...Killa! Murda!" Akujin yells out towards the two who was arguing. They came to attention looking towards Akujin like two kids who was in trouble with their parents.

"Killa I think it's Time we visit our old buddy Kratos." Akujin says with a smirk.

"Haha! Good...I've been waiting to get that fat Fuck! from taking my Bounty out at the Ancient Ruins." Killa says with excitement.

"Good....Murda will go with you along with the Goons we hire for this Raid...Don't hold back Murda show No mercy. I sent the coordinates to exactly where his so called Fort is not disappoint me." Akujin says with a serious deep voice.

" I will Have that place burning like A forest fire that you could see for miles." Murda says with A excited glare in her eyes as her, killa and the rest of the raiders left the village going towards the Fort.

"You sure it would be wise to charge head first With the number of people we have into a Fort full of possible hundreds of players and slave NPCs that man has working for him like that goblin there." McMagnum points towards the goblin wrist. that showed a Red bracer that had a Blue gem in the middle of it.

Akujin smiled at McMagnum response.

"Perspective as always old friend....No its not wise at all but To catch a fool first you must become the fool." Akujin says with an evil laugh as the embers of crackling fire flies up into the night's sky.

3 Days later at the Fort Where the Bounty hunter Kratos is located.

hundreds of people were gathered in A large dinning hall eating, Drinking, and socializing.

"A Toast MY brother and Sisters! For us coming together on this fine day. To put a stop to The Plague of The Eastern Continent, The Nightmare,, Akujin!" Says A Bulky man of fat and muscle. Dressed in Black, Gold, and Red colored Bounty hunter Armor.

The man was standing over 6ft tall, A Human With White skin tone, Dark brown Eye color and hair, With a bushy mustache & Beard.

"Soon the hell spawn will be here. And when the fool comes we will take his head as A trophy to honor The thousands of lives he took for his own selfish gains!!" The Bulky Bounty hunter yells out as the crowd roars with cheers and shouts of hatred towards Akujin.

"First before we finish celebrating I would like to recognize A few individuals who help made this alliance of interest happen today." The Bulky man says while looking at A few individuals of the crowd as he looked to the man that was sitting to his right at The head table in the Dinning Hall.

"Your majesty Von Alucard. I would like to formally thank you. placing such a high Bounty on this Villain's head and making him known throughout the Continent for the Vile fiend he is!" Kratos Says with A humble bow towards the Vampiric King.

This Male Vampire stood over 7ft tall. Had an athletic looking body, fitting with his Royal like Black colored attire, His Hair and Beard was A mixture of Black & White coloring. He also used a Fancy Cane with A Sliver Bat on the top of the cane.

With Red colored piercing Vampiric eyes. This man exuded An aura of royalty around him like that of a powerful King.

"This Pleasure of coming together and capturing that monster...isn't going to be all my doing Master Kratos....Even Though you Travelers are a greedy kind. I only saw towards his renowned in the criminal world of Euphoria....for the beast shall not ever escape the wrath of The Alucard Kingdom!!!" Von yells out with rage in a accent sounding similar to Russians from earth.

Smashing part of the table he was sitting at with a frightening grip as he stood up and had the whole hall quiet looking towards him with visible blood colored like aura bursting from him.

"Father!!" The Vampiric King's daughter who was right beside him yells out to get his attention. She was a beautiful woman Long purple & black mixed colored Hair, tan skin tone. Unlike other vampires she looks more human than most. except her Vampiric eyes were purple unlike the usual red. She wore A Black and white colored theme dress that match her well curves and bust size.

The king notices his daughter and started to calm himself and than looked around the Dinning Hall as he coughs getting back to his usual self.

"Thank You Lilith, And I apologize for the table Master Kratos." Von says coming back to his senses as he looks troubled.

"It's Alright King Alucard.....what that man did to your kingdom and family from terrorism into killing the crown prince is-" Before Kratos could finish he was cut off by the vampire king.

"He wasn't just murdered....he was humiliated and tortured!!! By that monster and that traitor!!!....My son...Master Kratos he did not deserve to be killed like again I say you Travelers are indeed a difficult kind to work with but my Daughter Lilith and few of my council members showed me Travelers like you Master Kratos and The professor over there are indeed trustworthy." King Alucard says with a humble smile towards Kratos and A High Elf Wizard that was sitting to the left of Kratos.

This Elf exuded An Aura of high intelligence and calm demeanor. He was very handsome with glasses on his face, Blonde hair smooth face like a baby, His attire was very similar to a jedi knight. With Grey & brown colored robes. Right beside him was a half-Elf woman with red short hair wearing Sliver and gold colored heavy armor.

"Master Kratos and I aren't the only travelers who are trust worthy...I think every traveler in this very Fort is here for the same reason as us all capturing Akujin once and for all." The professor says with A charming Smile towards the king.

"Y-yes that's right professor...but on to that topic. My king Alucard...I would like to introduce you to some powerful travelers who will no doubt be able to capture that beast for you and bring that monster to justice!!!" Kratos yells out doing gesture with his hands towards a group of individuals who exuded aura of intense battle experience to come up and greet the Vampiric King.

"My Grace Alucard...These players are part of the most powerful Guild of travelers on the Eastern Continent ." Kratos Says with A cheesy smile on his face.

The leader of the group Walks up to greet the people at the head table. This Guy was A Dark elf Magic Knight with white colored hair, Left eye-patch with a scar & Red intense color right eye, pure White heavy armor with blue glowing Runes pulsing on it.

"Nice to meet you and your daughter your majesty." The magic Knight says with a cool deep voice along with a half ass bow.

"Ah Skys it's good to see you again....The vice leader Sypher didn't come with you?" The professor ask with curiosity.

"Yo! good to see you again professor and Vice leader....He is busy with other matters.... so he sent me along with our best fighters." Skys says with a straight face.

"The Exalted Legion huh?....I have heard of your guild deeds Master Skys...let's hope that reputation isn't just a myth." King Alucard says with a smirk.

Skys looks at the king with irritation but before he could say anything Kratos beat him to the punch first.

"Trust me Your majesty it's not a myth I assure you of-" Before Kratos could finish A loud explosion rocked the Fort as everyone in the Dinning Hall looked around with panicked faces.

One of The undead Soldiers of the Fort clad in heavy Iron armor bust through the double doors of the hall.

"Master Kratos!!! Intruders!!! It's The Nightmare Akujin he has arrived!!" The undead Soldier yells out as the whole crowd burst with readiness and energetic yells.

"Let's see if this so called Guild isn't such a myth after all." King Alucard says with a light chuckle as Kratos face had invisible sweat rolling down.

Outside of the Dinning Hall in The courtyard Akujin and his crew was out there causing mayhem.

"Where is everyone??...Nobody to burn to ashes arrrrgggggghhhh!!!!" Murda yells out as she blast another fire ball into a building blowing it up.

"That is strange no one here?...I'm having a bad feel-" Before McMagnum could finish A prideful jolly laugh came from above them as Enemies surrounded the whole crew on top of the walls, Balconies and archways of the Fort.

Kratos come out of one of the biggest building that almost looked like a church on its balcony with the biggest platform along with The Vampiric King, His daughter and the other travelers that was at the Head table in the Dinning Hall.

"Its a Little too late for detective work Mcmagnum." Kratos says with a cocky smirk

"Oh HO!!! How generous of you Kratos to throw me a surprise party for little oh me...You shouldn't have im really touch I AM....HONESTLY!" Akujin says with a wide smile walking in front of His Crew with his arms wide open with no care that its an obvious trap.

"Even now you act like this!!! You fucking filthy Murdering scum!!" King Alucard Screams in rage at the sight of Akujin.

"AHHHH!! Vonny mah Boi!! How's things in the big city huh....You still tore up about that Waste of a son you called Crowned prince how.....Disappointing." Akujin says with a slight smirk of laughter trying to escape.

"YOU!!!! SCUM!!! KILLL HIM!!! I WANT NO REMAINS LEFT OF THAT FILTH!" King Alucard yells out while his aura become intense with mad rage.

"Even though you came earlier than usual....Looks like you fell for the trap like a dumb ass Akujin! Activate the runes now mages!!!" Kratos yells out as he looks at the tallest tower in the fort but nothing happen. he yells it out again but nothing happen the second time as his face turns pale.

"Oh I see what you tried there...kratos don't you mean this." Akujin Says with a wicked grin as He snaps his fingers Him and his crew disappeared like they never existed as an explosion at the tallest tower happen. Shaking the whole fort as the fort soldiers went into a frenzy. Half the tower came falling into the fort tearing the walls in the front and right side down.

Akujin mercenary army charges the ramparts and the court yard heading into different buildings fighting the fort Soldiers as battle rages on. The Vampiric King looks towards Kratos with rage.

"YOU FOOL!!! what is this!? is this some trick to help him kill me or did you just got played by your own plan??" King Alucard says with anger as he jacks up Kratos by his collar high up in the air with one hand.

"N-Nooo! your highness I swear! I overlooked this plan myself and it wasnt suppose to go like this I swear!" Kratos says with A nervous voice as Kratos Fort soldiers ready there weapons to attack the king Along with the king's guards preparing for a fight as well The kings Guard Captain steps up with his weapon out exuded a deadly killing intent.

"YOU PEASANTS DARE BARE YOUR WEAPON TOWARDS MY KING!!!" The guard Captain yells out towards the fort guards The Captain Was an Orc With battle harden scars on his face, bald head, wearing Sliver heavy armor on With a black cape on the back of the cape was a white symbol of a bat.

The magic Knight Skys was about intervene in till the professor stop him with a shake of his head telling him not to.

"Why shouldn't me and my Guards cut down you and every traveler here to leave and escape from that beast?" King Alucard says towards a kratos who was struggling to breathe.

"Because without me you would be stuck here along with your daughter and you both will die here by that monster...Without me you will not have a way out of this fort!" Kratos says while one eye open looking directly at the vampiric king.

The king hesitated a little in till His daughter Lilith put her hand on his shoulder with a worry sad look.

"Father please reconsider...he might be our only chance of escaping that monster...I don't want to see you die Like brother please Father!!!" Lilith yells out as her dad drops kratos He turns around and hugs her.

"Don't worry my child you will not!! I will protect you with my all." King Alucard says with promise in his voice.

Another explosion sets off in the fort. the captain looks over the balcony seeing Murda and Killa down in the court yard heading for the church they was in.

"My King we need to go! the devils are heading this way." The captain says towards king Alucard as Kratos stood up after getting his breath back.

"Skys! you and your crew need to hold the line while Me and The professor escort the king and his daughter to safety and out of the Fort. I will come back to help you deal with Akujin." Kratos says looking at skys with a determined face.

"Hmph! we should be more than enough to stop him here and collect on that bounty...go and run with your tail between your legs but once me and my team deal with Akujin your not getting one percent of the that??" Skys says with a disgust look at Kratos as him and his team runs off towards the middle of the church waiting for Akujin and his crew.

"Let's go King Alucard...the secret passage is this way." Kratos says as he leads the group towards a wall that opens up a stair way leading down.

A few moments later The double doors in the church exploded open with smoke everywhere as it clears Both Murda and Killa figures walks in.

"Come out Kratos you little rat time to Play Fire ball!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Murda yells out laughing like a maniac.

"I Thought Akujin was too smart to fall for such a trap that fool placed. but who would've ever thought he would send only you two here...he's even dumber than I thought." Skys says while getting off a pillar he was leaning on looking at both Murda And Killa with a serious gaze Along with a few of Guild members he had with him.

"Because he already knew...that you weaklings would only be in his way so he sent us to take out the trash...once he gets here the smell wouldn't be too bad." Killa says in his horse voice laughing along with Murda.

" We will see who is trash!!" Skys yells out as he dash towards Murda and killa With his Long sword out and his runes glowing on his armor as they clash against each other.

The Fort looked like hell came down on it as Akujin Figure walks through the Courtyard looking at all the Injured and dead around him. He walks through the church use to be front door He looked amazed at the scene in front of him.

"Well now...this is a Nice surprise." Akujin says while rubbing his chin looking at a few dead members of Along with an Injured Skys who was sitting with his back to a pillar holding a wound on his side.

Both Killa and Murda was out of breath kneeling looking battle-worn in front of the duo a few feet away stood a figure Bursting with powerful battle aura that was showing Visible Yellow & Black Lightning crackling around his body.

This man was An Asian looking Human male, Black colored standing spiky hair style, Athletic looking body with A Golden Vest armor that almost look like the iconic sayian armor from DBZ with Black Fur around his neck, An All black colored chain mail underneath, Black cloth like pants, Golden boots with black fur, Golden bracers with black fur, A golden Spear with a black metal tip along with black fur around the tip of the blade.

"You must be The Plague of The Eastern Continent, The Nightmare, Akujin!" The Mysterious Figure clad in Gold says.

"BOSS! be careful He's strong!" Killa says towards Akujin.

"I-IM S-sorry my Lord....This place was sup-" Before Murda could Finish Akujin cut her off with a menacing stare.

A Wide smile creep up on Akujin Face.

"You did Enough Murda....just sometimes things we want always come in big surprises!" Akujin says with an Evil Grin looking straight at The Mysterious Figure clad in Gold. With The Skills His Eyes Glowed Demonically Red.

The Mysterious Figure clad in Gold Jumps back and prepared his self for an attack but Akujin stood there with his hands behind his back looking at him.

(This Killing Intent is even stronger than most boss NPCs.....just what the hell kind of player is he!?) The Mysterious Figure clad in Gold thought to Himself with invisible sweat rolling down his forehead.

Character Level : 35]

[ Name: Monster Slayer, Rose]

[ Guild: The Exalted Legion ]

[ Race: Human Male ]

[ Karma: Netural ]

[Class: Lvl.32 Bounty Hunter (Rare)]

[ Health : 45,200/45,200 ]

[ Stamina: 50,000/50,000 ]

[ Ki: 30,000/30,000 ]

"Hmm... Ki Huh?? Now isn't that odd for a Bounty hunter class character." Akujin says with interest in his Eyes as Rose Figure was already behind him going for an Attack With a nervous look on his face.

"Let's see what you Got than....Monster Slayer."

Akujin says with an evil laugh turning his head to look over his Shoulder with his Glowing Demonic red Eyes.