Side Stories: The Empress part 2

On The Castle Size Legendary tier Pirate Ship . Inside its war room stood Desire and her four companions that was with her on the docks.

Also There along side with the 5 players was captain Squid the guild leader of . A Human male Swashbuckler. He was wearing A the infamous Captain's hat that was purple & black that had the symbol of the mythology creature the Krakken on it under the hat you could see the face of a wise older man with gray colored hair and beard that matches well of handsome features that aren't all wrinkles. his Attire was that of a steam punk pirate mixture of purple,Black, and Gold colors.

Along side him was his Son Squid.Jr who was A merman of the seafolk race. Tan skin tone long black smooth hair and beard that matches with his flawless handsome face. Light brown color eyes. he was standing over 6ft with fish scales, fins, and gills on his body that match well with his athletic build and Tribal like tattoos. His Attire was a mixture of white & Red colored kimono robe like top. he wore dark blue shorts and geta sandals.

The first to speak was captain Squid who pulled a relic looking smoke pipe out of his mouth.

"So how do we proceed next....if we are attacking I suggest we wait for his forces that are waiting behind the kingdom to make a move." Captain Squid says with a calm soothing voice.

"That's A good idea....but we also don't know how many adventures, mercs, guilds or other forces that might pop up to help the king and his forces so I think we should rush the port now with everything we got and end this as quickly as we can." NK Shane says while showing what he means on the war map.

"A very Risky and bold move Shane. but I like it makes more of a compelling story for our all mighty, indomitable and conquering Empress!" Zander says with his Australian like accent full of enthusiasm.

"Enough of your theatrics Bard...get serious here going with Shane's idea will have us send our soldiers into a death trap and dwindling our forces down to where we will lose way to many for a second attack or a good defensive retreat." Wolf says with a low growl under his breath.

"Wolf is right about that. we just can't Sacrifice our men... most of the Front line fighters are residents of this world not players that could respawn and come back after the battle is over." Squid.Jr says with compassion in his voice.

"That's just how war chess you have to sacrifice a few pawns to advance on the board of conquest." Viper says looking at Squid.Jr with a icy gaze.

"No...I'm sorry but I do not agree to that idea at all. there has to be another way than sending our men to their deaths just for a mad man like Darko to watch them die with pleasure on that smug face of his." Squid.Jr says with disgust and anger in his voice.

"But are they though? may be your ships we are all sailing on but those men..... Majority of them are her majesty men. they will die for her and the cause of what we are trying to accomplish." NK Shane says with a smirk as Squid.Jr looked at him with a fierce glare.

"You think that makes it just....or right to just throw away hundreds.... no thousands of lives away like this is some..." Squid.Jr says as he gets quite at the end looking away shaking his head Captain Squid put a firm grip on his son shoulder to calm him down.

"A game.....its okay to sometimes forget that we are in one. all of us in this very room had to experience that this world is more Immersive than we ever realized at one point in playing "Your Fantasy". Desire says with a calm demeanor and calculated look at every individual in the room as she pause to let what she said sinks into their minds.

"On to that topic....Zander was you able to obtain the information I ask for." Desire says in a military strict like voice. Zander perk up at that with his usual charming Smile.

"Ah yes....the big bad pirate King is exactly what you thought and he does have ties with that man...and as in family ties."Zander says as he sits in the chair leaning it back with his boots prop on the table winking at the captain who sighs at the bard.

"Hmm I see.... will we expect him to make a move since they are family?" Desire ask the bard who waves his hand nonchalantly at the question.

"No need to worry about that your seems the two haven't been on good terms lately. so I don't think we have to worry about his interference." Zander says while eating some grapes plucking them one by one throwing them into his mouth as the room look at him with a deadpan face.

"That's good we can continue on with a few other plans of how we could take the kingdom with that man not interfering.... Unknown how did your scouting go?" Desire asked out loud as she turn to look over her shoulder at a particular spot as the captain looked at her With confusion.

A cloaked Shadowly figure appears from the spot she was staring at. The captain coughs looking surprised as his son patted his back.

"Jesus....ahem I'm fine son...I'm still not use to that. why can't that man just used the door like everyone else." The captain says looking at Desire and back at unknown as unknown bows toward Desire and completely ignored the captain.

"me and my team have observed and counted more than a thousand adventures, Mercs and 3 medium size guilds going against us...and plus the kingdom forces that are just as much of the same amount." Unknown says in a deep tone like voice.

"Any of the enemies you and your team scouted we should be aware of?" Desire asked the Nightblade as he nodded.

"The number 1 samurai and assassin....along with The 3rd strongest Nightblade are here together them three are the only ones individually that could be trouble." Unknown says with caution in his voice.

"#1 Samurai [Legendary Swordsman] #1 Assassin [Katsumi] and The #3 Nightblade [Tsuyoshi]....I have seen both Legendary Swordsman and Katsumi on the Battlefield they are more than just trouble....They could possibly turn a whole battle around just with one of them... Two of them on the same Battlefield working together could change the war in their side Tsuyoshi who I doubt isn't to far in skills like you Unknown." Viper says with a cold calculated voice.

Unknown nodded as the room went silent.

"They will indeed be troublesome.....I have heard and even saw a few clips online of both Legendary Swordsman and Katsumi battle prowess....I haven't seen this Tsuyoshi in action but if he's the 3rd strongest and you the number 1 unknown. I'm sure he will be a problem as well." Wolf says with A respectful and admiring tone in his voice.

"What about those three medium size guilds who are they?" Squid.Jr asked with curiosity in his voice.

" , , and guilds that are here to support the king and his forces." Unknown says without hesitation. Hearing the names of these three guilds some of the faces in the room shows hatred or disgust.

"Beyond and Bloodbath!!! I love those guys!...well except the Bloodbath part.....Which is the vice-leader [Bloodbath] the dude is a total Ass....But the Beyond part Aka the guild leader [Beyond] is a mate of mines....guy is a great drinking buddy Right Squid.Jr!" Zander says with A burst of laughter.

"I ran into [Bloodbath] a few times...doing a few BGs...((AN: BGs= PvP Battlegrounds))The dude is a relentless DK...if I'm not mistaken he rose up to Rank #14 Within the Dark knight class Leader boards. as for [Beyond] the guy is really something else considering his class being The start off class Adventurer." Squid.Jr says with a smirk on his face as captain Squid chuckles.

"The "Jack-of-all-trades, Beyond".....I doubt he's here this event isn't suitable for his class playstyle." Viper says as Unknown nodded in agreement.

"That is correct him or none of his usual party members are here for the event...only Bloodbath and his crew was spotted." Unknown says towards the group.

"And this people what about them I couldn't help but notice how quiet and upset both Wolf and Shane got...I'm guessing it's some bad blood going on with that?" Captain Squid ask as the room got awkwardly silent as the first to finally speak was Shane.

"Not all of us in here do...but me Wolf and a few of us in <> that join the guild at the same time has a very rough history with The Guild." NK Shane says with a cold tone in his voice.

"The Three Bandit King's of Ragnarok they was famously known for being Hardcore Player Killers at the launch of "Your Fantasy" Even making some quit the game entirely because of the fact the Dev Team denied all of the complaints on the Griefing saying. "It's a play style... not a crime"...if I'm not mistaken the reason you join <> with your friends Shane was because of that issue." Desire says with sympathy towards both Wolf and Shane.

"Yeah.....but we was lucky. if it wasn't for him we would have been victims instead of survivors." Wolf says smiling a little feeling not as angry anymore remembering the figure that was in a Brown colored hooded cloak that was in tatters defeating the bandit kings with no effort.

"AHHHHHHHH I heard of the tale that a level 7 noob Heroically saves a group of travelers by defeating each of the bandit kings with swiftness and ease how I wish to get a word with such a hero of unfathomable mystery." Zander says with a look of amazement on his face.

"I heard about that as well. too bad it's only rumors.... which really saved that guild from Embarrassment since there wasn't no videos on the battle." Sliver Viper says Wolf was about to say something else in till Shane cut him off.

"And this Guild...I heard rumors those guys are aligned with cultists is that true?" Shane ask with curiosity in his voice.

"Damn Devil Worshipers! Me and junior here ran into them a while back trying to board ole Krakken here for a ritual to summon some sort Squid was a hell of a fight since those devils could raise our dead but we managed to drive them off and stop the ritual from happening." Captain says with annoyance as he blew another puff from his smoke pipe.

"Squid monster summoning???..on a Ship with its captain name Squid! and his large castle size ship that is literally called The Krakken would out right be hilariously ironic if they was trying to summon your mascot." Zander says with A forced smiling laugh under his breath as both captain Squid and junior look at the bard with a deadpan face.

"The Guild is run by four people and they are called The Four Horseman." Sliver Viper says as Zander rolls his eyes while shaking his head.

"They couldn't get even more original could really the four horsemen and the guild is called Armageddon come on guys you gotta agree with me here right?? to simple or am I the only here that just can't let this go." Zander says looking at everyone in the room waiting for a reply.

"Even though they aren't a large guild....they could easily rival one like ours with them having 4 Necromancer class users with one more being one of the four horsemen the guild is known for spreading chaos throughout the eastern Continent...Unknown have your scouts find out which of the horsemen are here?" Desire ask towards the Nightblade as he nodded without a second thought.

"two out of the four are here and it's Death and War." Unknown says Desire nods with acknowledgement.

"So we are expecting some chaos after all....if it's Death and War..." Viper paused and looked towards desire as she nodded as her mood change to something more serious as everyone in the room ready themselves for what's to come next.

"Okay everyone here is how we going to do this...." Desire says with determination as everyone in the room nodded with approval.

Outside of the Adventurer Guild in the capital of Los'polos Pariah Mykenai Azelas was standing in front of the doors to head in as he thought to himself about the Decision he is about to make in the next few minutes.

"Ughhhh.....what am I doing I usually don't do events like this but.....I really need that gold." Myke says out loud to himself as he started pulling his hair in frustration while mentally screaming in his head....( DADDY NEEDS GOLD TO UPGRADE HIS BABY!!!)

"YO GB!" A familiar Voice yells out for his attention as he turns around and spotted three familiar figures walking up towards him. it was Legendary Swordsman, Katsumi, and Tsuyoshi.

"Oh! Sup fellas." Myke greeted the three players with a nod as they now stand a few feet away from him.

"Surprised seeing you still here." Legend says towards him myke shrugs with a sigh.

"Yeah the gold is very much to where I'm considering to participate in this Event." Myke says rubbing the back of his head.

"Why you think we are doing it?...for the gold as well. if it wasn't for that we wouldn't asked you to bring us here." Katsumi says as both yoshi and Legend nodded.

"Yeah don't get so worked up about it...what are you so afraid of Gamebreaker?" Yoshi asked with curiosity.

"Dude! what is their not to be afraid pvp events like this you never know what can happen we are not fighting NPCS that are sometimes easy to read and figure out their attack patterns. We are Fighting players that thrive on shit like this man....its just never mind. Myke says with another sigh this time it was more of an annoyed like tone in his voice.

"So basically your saying.....your scared and don't wanna go against try hards and no life nerds." Katsumi says with a smirk towards Myke who in return looked towards her With annoyance.

"Broooo....I'm not scared it's just that dealing with shit like that is annoying and tiring and will make me stop playing this game for good...especially if what I heard about PvP where sometimes you could lose a level or few items that makes it even worse." Myke says shaking his head thinking about it as Legend put his hand on Myke shoulders helping and guiding him towards the Adventurer guild.

"It's okay GB! just remember what your doing This for and everything will fall in place now on to getting you registered pal!" Legend says with excitement as Myke was about to runaway than he realized what Legend just said as he sighs and went along with it as all four of them entered the Adventurer guild.

After A few Minutes of waiting in line and getting registered with the event Myke walks towards his friends that was sitting in the corner of the Adventurer Guild hall.

where there was tables and couches all around for social gathering both Katsumi and Legend was sitting on the couch where their was a table in front of them while Yoshi was leaning on the wall right beside the couch and table with his Eyes closed as he open them right when myke arrived in front of the trio sitting in one of the chairs opposite of the couch.

"That wasn't too hard now was it?" Yoshi says with amusement in his voice

"Yeah yeah laugh it up... but anyway so what you guys been up to?" Myke ask the trio

"After all three of us registered with the event the king actually invited us to his home today up in the hills along with three of the major guilds leaders that came to participate in the event to discuss battle strategies that's where we just came back from and was heading here to rest before the battle starts."Legend says relaxing in the couch a little more.

"Glad we did....that damn disgusting perv of an adviser was giving me long looks that I was not comfortable with. I was really close to the edge of ending that damn rodent if we didn't leave when we did." Katsumi says as both yoshi and Legend was holding in their laughter.

"And that right there is the most perfect example of why I did not create a female character instead of male...don't get me wrong it was tempting but realizing situations like that could happen....changed my mind set completely." Legend says as Myke and yoshi nodded in agreement.

A few minutes passed by in a blink as the four was lost in conversation in till the doors of the guild burst open by a player who was Breathing pretty hard as he grabbed everyone's attention.

"EVERYONE IT HAS BEGUN!!! G.O.D STARTED THEIR ATTACK!!!" The random yells out as everyone got a notification that popped up in front of them.

[World Wide System Announcement! The Guild has commenced A siege on the Kingdom of Los'Polos Pariah! All players that are participating in this Event that gets killed will not respawn in till the Event is over!]