
Early morning in the Yangzhou College dorms.

Huff Huff~

Yu Zhen hurriedly sat up out of his bed, his right hand clutching his face.'Wait, i'm not...dead?' Yu Zhen thought as he cautiously checked his surroundings.

He was in a small room. The bed he was on was directly opposite the door, placed up against the wall. Beside his bed was a small desk about 3 feet tall with a surface diameter of about 2 feet. Facing forward in his bed you would see his small closet space. On the other side of the room about 6 feet away from the door, against the wall was a mini-fridge.

'This place seems familiar.' Thought Yu Zhen while slightly furrowing his brows.


Yu Zhen was a bit startled by the sudden noise, but he quickly regained his bearings and looked in the direction of the noise. There was a phone vibrating with an alarm going off on top of the desk beside his bed. Yu Zhen picked up the phone and turned off the alarm. A second later his pupils constricted, but after some thought he slowly regained his cool. What he saw was the date.

It marked, 'January 14, 2115.'

Exactly 1 month Before his life went downhill and 11 years before he 'died.'.

Yu Zhen slowly got out of bed and went to the mirror above the bathroom sink without any expectations. However, what he saw made his pupils constrict once again, but this time he could not contain his excitement. He saw his 18 year old self.

Yu Zhen had excellent looks and an aura that radiated charisma. Making him seem even more gentle-manly and handsome. He had short black hair, rare, Golden irises, a sharp nose bridge and a defined jawline.He had his hair in a scruffy hairstyle.This hairstyle blended well with his sharp, piercing gaze.

Just to confirm he wasn't dreaming, He took out his phone and called the one true brother he had. The phone rang for a few seconds before someone picked up.

"Yo what's's like 5:30 in the morning." said the voice from the other side of the phone groggily."Who even wakes up this early?"

The corners of Yu Zhen's mouth twitched'lots of people, you're probably one of the only ones who think its weird.' Yu Zhen thought.

"Hey Guo, what day is it today?"Asked Yu Zhen

"It's the 14th man. Don't you have a calendar...or a know kinda like the one you're using to talk to me right now?"replied Ao Guo lazily.

"Are you sure?"Yu Zhen asked again trying not to get his hopes up.

"...Are you sick? You should see a doctor if you aren't feeling well you know."replied Ao Guo, a slight hint of sarcasm could be detected in his lazy voice.

Yu Zhen was speechless.'Well it does seem reasonable that he thinks i'm acting weird now that I think about it.' Yu Zhen thought to himself.

"Alright thanks, talk to you later bro."Yu Zhen said before he hung up.

"What the hell was that?"Ao Guo murmured to himself sleepily on the other side of the phone before going back to sleep.

Back in his room, Yu Zhen was thinking.' If I really did go back then that means this is my dorm room. Guess that why it felt so familiar.' Yu Zhen thought to himself.'And if I really did go back, then it means I have another chance, a chance to correct everything.' Thinking about, it Yu Zhen's eyes flashed with determination as he though about everything that happened to him before his reincarnation.


'February 14, 2115 before Yu Zhen's reincarnation'

Yu Zhen was walking back from the bakery where he usually buys his favourite sweet bread when he saw his girlfriend, Xiao Li Mei, making out with some random guy in an alleyway. His eyes constricted .There was no way he could believe what he was seeing, yet there it was right before him. The cold, hard truth.

"Li Mei!"Yu Zhen said in a loud and firm tone containing obvious hints of anger.

The two people making out in the alley way before him suddenly stopped and shifted their gazes toward Yu Zhen at the same time.

"Who the hell is he?"The guy who was with Xiao Li Mei asked with a frown.

"He is just a loser who wants what he cant get."replied Xiao Li Mei with a mischievous smile.

"Li Mei...I've never mistreated you. I gave you everything you asked for."Yu Zhen said anger welling up in his voice."Even if I couldn't get it, I would try my best just so you were happy. I poured all my heart and soul into our relationship so how could you..."

Xiao Li Mei rolled her eyes and said"Zhen i'll say this. You're a good guy but you're broke and I have no future with you. But Chen Li Tian can give me anything I want. With him I have a way better future than if I were to be with you. So just go along your way. Our relationship ends here."

At that moment something in Yu Zhen snapped.

"Tch, to think I wasted my life on a slut that would roll over for money."Yu Zhen said in a cold voice filled with disdain and hatred.

He then shifted his gaze over to Chen Li Tian who was looking back at him as if he was looking at an insignificant worm

He threw Chen Li Tian a similar look of disdain and said"At least i'm glad I haven't corrupted myself with a slut like you."

Chen Li Tian was furious.'Did an ant like him just ignore me? How dare he speak as if i'm not here.'

With a frown on his face Chen Li Tian said with a clear cold voice"Hey...Zhen, was it? come over here. I want you to kneel down and apologise to Li Mei. If you do, I promise to only send you the hospital. And i'll even send you there with light injuries. Aren't I a nice guy?"

"I only kneel to my parents. I don't kneel to sluts and bastards."Yu Zhen voiced his refusal loudly.

"I even gave you a chance, and this is how you repay my kindness?"Chen Li Tian sighed while shaking his head."BOYS!"Chen Li Tian said with a sinister smile.

Four Burly guys in suits came into the alleyway and started beating Yu Zhen like a punching bag. After he regained consciousness he was in the hospital. His right arm was broken and his body was sore all over. His mother who was an woman in her late forties was sitting beside his bed looking extremely worried while his father who sat beside her was holding her in his arms, seemingly consoling her.

After he woke up, Yu Zhen was told that he was found in the alley way by two passersby. He told the doctor what happened and then he described Chen Li Tian's features.

He told the Doctor that he had dark brown hear that was combed back neatly and a sharp jawline with thick eyebrows, black eyes and a big nose. He had small lips and pretty big ears. Chen Li Tian's looks were just average.

After hearing this the doctor frowned and said"Mr. Yu Zhen, if I am not mistaken then the person you have offended is the heir to a large enterprise called Samside. You should hope that he has forgiven you because even the police is helpless against them and in case you were thinking, I cant help you either."

The doctor advised Yu Zhen on how he should carry on from to day onward with his injury then dismissed himself in the fear of being caught up in Chen Li Tian's Wrath.

A week later Yu Zhen's family restaurant was getting less and less visitors until a month later it had to close down and Yu Zhen along with his mother and father had to do odd jobs to get by. Yu Zhen was being avoided by everyone in the school including his so called friends. Some of them had even gone as far as to try to bully Yu Zhen. However, that was a huge mistake as Yu Zhen was talented in this era where training your body and keeping yourself in shape was common while martial arts was very wide spread and practice by many. Only his best friend, Ao Guo, stood by his side the whole time and even taking on overtime at his job sometimes just to help him.

A year later, Yu Zhen had to drop out of college because his family couldn't afford it. A month after, his mother and father had fallen gravely ill and it was completely irreversible by the time they had noticed. With his youthful body, Yu Zhen worked a lot to stay alive and pay for his parents' hospital bills.

A year after he dropped out of college, his parents had died. When he heard the news from the doctor, endless waves of grief, anguish and fatigue washed over him. He had been taught by his dad how to hunt with a bow when he was in high school. He was exponentially more talented with the bow than in martial arts.

Tired of this cruel society, Yu Zhen went to the wilderness where he had stayed for 9 years. By then his level of mastery with the bow was unimaginably high. It was at the levels of inhuman .However he was, indeed, still human. He was bitten by a venomous snake and died within two minutes, leading back to where he is now.