Primordial Phoenix

'A Divine Creature? Wasn't it a semi divine creature? What the hell happened?'

[You have successfully hatched the Primordial Beast, Primordial Phoenix]

'Primordial Phoenix? What the hell is going on?'

While Yu Zhen was confused as to what was going on, the black flamed that engulfed the mountain peak started to recede. Yu Zhen snapped out of his confusion and walked toward the peak once again. It was odd, the entire peak was levelled, but there was no ash, molten rock or even heat. In the middle of the peak there was a bird with majestic black feathers. The bird was about 2 and a half feet tall, and when it stretched it's wings you could see it's wingspan was an impressive 7 feet while it's 3 tail feathers were 3 feet long. Upon seeing Yu Zhen, the majestic bird flew over to him and chirped happily. It landed by his feet and rubbed itself against his worn out leather pants.


Suddenly, the sound of paper tearing rang out from behind Yu Zhen. When he turned, around there was a rift in space and a familiar figure came out. It was the Beast Sage Emilia.

"Good kid. It hasn't even been a day and you've managed to hatch it. Hm? WAIT!"Emilia suddenly exclaimed when she saw the young phoenix."This...this is a Primordial Phoenix!"

Emilia went to try and touch the young phoenix, but it simply backed away from her and went behind Yu Zhen.

"I planned to make the Frost Flame Phoenix my Familiar, but it seems to have taken a liking to you. Furthermore, It looks like the reason I could find a Phoenix egg on such a low ranking mountain was because it found the a way to evolve and came here, where there is nothing that could threaten it. But how did you find the way to hatch it when I couldn't?" Emilia said in disbelief.

Yu Zhen's mouth twitch as he thought 'Does that mean you never expected me to succeed you old hag.'

"Well my eyes are sensitive to detail and I saw a white light flickering in a hole on the mountain. It was a pitch black flame that emitted white light."

"PRIMORDIAL SOURCE FLAME?! Hahahaha, then it's no wonder that the phoenix chose to evolve without further preparation. Legend has it that if a phoenix finds the primordial source flame, it can use it to evolve into the Primordial Phoenix with 100% chance of success. However, the drawback is that the phoenix must be hatched from the flame. Phoenixes are unable to regain the memory of their previous lives unless they go back to their previous place of birth. They don't remember where they were born until they are fully grown either."Emilia explained.

"So does that mean I can take this phoenix with me?"Yu Zhen asked with hopeful eyes.'If I have a phoenix and a Primordial Phoenix no less, I will definitely have a huge advantage over others.'

"Yes. I won't be able to form a familiar contract with it if it does not want to, and forming a summon's contract is a waste of this phoenix's potential. I'll help you form a contract with it."

"What's the difference between the two contracts?" Yu Zhen asked.

"A summon's contract is equivalent to making the beast your subordinate. It cannot disobey and it's growth potential is lowered by 5-10%, and only summoners can make these contracts because only they can summon a monster into and out of their personal space. A familiar contract however, is like making the monster your comrade, but you're the leader. It is essentially your partner, so it can disobey commands if they are unreasonable or if it has an attitude problem. However it brings benefits to both sides. The master of the contract can assimilate the beasts power when they are strong enough, and they gain a boost in their abilities upon signing the contract. This boost grows along with the monster. The monster gains a boost in intelligence. Both sides can share techniques or skills if your bond is strong enough and the skill is compatible with your body. The stronger the skill, the stronger the bond required. Finally, when the monster gains enough awareness, they can communicate with the master of the contract through telepathy."

"Wow, That familiar contract sounds amazing. If a person signs a contract with multiple monsters won't they just be invincible?"

"Of course. But there is a limit to how many monsters you can sign a contract with. And that number would be 3 for humans. I myself only have 2. One on land and one on the sea. That would be a Flood Dragon and a Fenrir."

"That's awesome, but don't you think telling me that much information could backfire?"

"Everyone knows the name of the Sea Disaster and the Wolf King. So no, I don't"

"Also, for someone as weak as you to get to this place must have been a lot of trouble hehehe...So even though you're walking away with a Divine creature for a familiar, let me give you a little something. It's useless to me since i'm a summoner so take it" said Emilia as she threw an Bow and a piece of paper toward Yu Zhen.

When Yu Zhen caught them Emilia spoke once more before departing."Put a drop of your blood on the contract and then the phoenix's. It's smart so it'll understand. When you get stronger come and look for me. I'll teach you about the arts of taming beasts."

'What was that laugh just now?' Yu Zhen thought as he checked the items.

[Quest -Mythical Bird- Completed]

[Quest Completion has exceeded the requirement]

[Received Familiar Contract]

[Received [Heaven's Bow Grade(Growth)]]

[Received [Beast Sages Approval]]

[Received 9000000 EXP]

[You have levelled up]

[You have levelled up]

[You have levelled up]

[You have levelled up]

[You have levelled up]


[You have Reached level 10!]

[Requirements to bind Heaven's Bow to your character has been met]

[Will you bind Heaven's Bow to your character?] [YES/NO]

'Bind? So like I can't drop it upon death? Sure, but why are there requirements?


[Item has been bound. Absorbing experience to break the seal]

[9000000 EXP has been absorbed]

[Maximum capacity reached]

[Completely removing seal]

[Your level has regressed to 1]

[You have acquired Heaven Piercing Bow(Grade Growth)]


'Too many things are happening at once. I don't even know how to feel. What the hell is even going on? Ah whatever i'll start with forming the contract.'

Yu Zhen took out an arrow and pricked his finger then dripped his blood onto the contract.

[Familiar contract has been activated. Please drip a drop of the monster's blood whom you wish to form the contract with onto the paper.]

The young phoenix pecked it's wing and dripped it's blood unto the paper before Yu Zhen could even say anything.

[Please choose a name for your familiar to complete the process]

"Are you a girl or a boy?" Yu Zhen asked curiously.

The young phoenix stared at Yu Zhen for a few seconds before turning it's head elegantly as if to say"Hmph! You can't even tell that?"

'Guess that means it's a girl. Don't blame me if you're a guy'

"Xiao Huoyan." Yu Zhen said while thinking.'If I name her like a pet then she will probably get mad at me. She can already understand me and we haven't even formed the contract yet. that means that she'll definitely understand that I gave her a pet name sooner or later and we have to have a strong bond to do most things with this contract.'

[Familiar Contract Complete]

[System announcement]:

[The first player to sign a contract with a Divine Creature has appeared, Congratulations to player Fallen Arrow!]

[The Divine Creatures' lore will be uploaded on the forums]

[Every time a player comes into contact with a Divine Creature, their names will light up and their lore will be available to read]

Before everyone could process the news of a Divine Creature hatching, another notification came, causing an even bigger uproar.

"If he has a Divine Creature then doesn't that mean that he can dominate the game?"

"Well at least we will be informed every time someone meets a beast."

"I hope I don't accidentally cross this player"

"Look in the Forums, the guilds are raising their prices to find this player."

"HOLY CRAP! 500000 credits for a single player."

'In the Adventurers' Hub, World Serpent Guild room'

"Spare no effort to recruit that player. Raise his bounty to 500000 credits and if you find him, give him the best offer possible. Even if he has no skills for the game, his creature alone can break the balance of the game."

"Yes Guild leader Empty Throne."

'In the Adventurers' Hub, Frozen Sparrow Guild room'

"Vice leader White Mist I assume you know what to do?" A deep voice resounded throughout the room.

"Yes, I will send my men to investigate." A clear and enchanting yet firm and cold voice replied.

[Congratulations! You are the first to sign a contract with a Divine Creature]

[+5000 fame]

[+50 reputation in your Associated kingdom]

[+75 reputation in your Respective City]

[+100 reputation in your Current Town]

[+5 skill points]

[Obtained title 'Divine Contractor'}

[Obtained title 'Primordial Phoenix's Partner']

At that moment, Yu Zhen almost fainted.