Goblin King

Yu Zhen revived in the middle of town in the middle of town and heaved a sigh of relief as he thought that he could finally go and hunt. However, he was immediately put back into panic mode 'Where is Xiao Huoyan? Did she come with me? If she did, where is she?' Yu Zhen thought as he noticed the multiple stares directed at him.

'Did I really blow my cover just like that?' Yu Zhen thought in frustration.

"Stupid master look at the back of your hand." a cute voice resounded in his head.

'What the hell? I must be going...WAIT!'

"Xiao Huoyan is that you?" Yu Zhen asked through the [Familiar Communication] skill.

"Yes, Stupid master look at your hand."Xiao Huoyan's cute voice said in his head.

Yu Zhen looked at the back of his hand and saw a black flame tattoo on the back of his hand. It was almost ethereal and looked as if it would flare up at any moment.

"What's this?" Yu Zhen asked curiously, to which Xiao Huoyan replied"It is a soul mark. This is proof that I am resting in your soul space."

"But I thought that only summoners could summon their creatures."

"Don't compare me to those low level beasts stupid master. a Divine Creature like myself can enter and leave your soul space as I please, and a soul space is different from a personal summons' space."

"I see, but stop calling me stupid master."

"But your name is troublesome to say."

"But it's the same amount of syllables."

"Stupid master is more fun to say."

"But why don't you just call me master?"

"Because master is stupid, so I call you stupid master."


"Fine, well then I'll call you Yanyan for short." Yu Zhen said as he conceded."How do you know so much when you are a new born?"

"That's because I have most of my general knowledge and common sense from my previous life, I just don't remember who I was or anything I did in particular.

"I see. Well let's go hunt then. Our targets will be level 5 Goblins."

As he said that, he could feel a fire flare up in Yanyan.

'There's just one thing....If Yanyan is hidden, why am I being stared at by people? I noticed it's not everyone but there are a bit of people.'

The truth is that Yu Zhen was being stared at because his level was only 1. The average user level was about to break through to level 3 while the pros and levelling maniacs were very close to level 4, so it was kinda rare to see a player still at level 1. Most people knew that World of Eridia had already sold out and that the second batch had yet to come, so there were no new players. That meant that Yu Zhen was either bad, unfortunate or he just logged on because even the lifestyle players had levelled up by now.

After walking for about 4 minutes, Yu Zhen come to a guard post by the gate of the town. He walked toward a guard that was standing outside the post.

"Good day sir, I would like to take a quest to subjugate goblins."

The guard looked at him suspiciously and said "You look too weak to take on goblins, but we do need some people to subjugate slimes."

{Will you accept the Normal level 1 Quest -Slime Subjugation-]


Yu Zhen was stunned for a second before he remembered that you need to be level 5 in order to accept the quest.'Wait, I have an Idea.' Yu Zhen thought as a light bulb flashed above his head.

Yu Zhen turned on some of his information so that it could be seen, specifically the titles.

"Oh, I thought i'd be strong enough as a Divine Contractor." Yu Zhen said, seemingly disappointed.

"Oh, Sir Divine Contractor, it is my mistake to have not recognised you. I sincerely apologise and ask that you forgive this one of his sins" The guard said as he went on one knee and bowed.

This attracted the attention of some players so he quickly told the guard to stood up and to act as if he was any other person.

"I just want to subjugate the goblins."

"I understand my lord, please be careful." the guard said as a screen appeared in front of Yu Zhen.

[Will you accept the Normal Level 5 Quest -Goblin Subjugation-]



[You have accepted Normal Level 5 Quest -Goblin Subjugation-]

[The Goblins have always been a nuisance to the human race and many others. Go to the Goblin Forest where many goblins live and reduce their numbers]

Quest objective: Bring back the left ear of 30 goblins to the guards of Ace Town. (Can be completed multiple times)

Quest restriction: None

Quest fail Penalty: Lose the trust of the Ace Town Guards.

Quest reward: 30 bronze, increase trust of the Ace Town Guards and 500 EXP per completion

Although this quest seems like a lot of experience because level 1 needs 1000 EXP, but that wouldn't really do much for a level 5 player. Goblin Ears also don't drop upon every kill.

After receiving the quest, Yu Zhen made his way toward the Goblin Forest. He decided not to fight from a long distance because he wanted to test his ability to fight at short distance with a bow.

After walking for 30 minutes, Yu Zhen came across a group of goblins on the outskirts of the forest. There were 3 Common Level 5 Goblin Fighters, a Common Level 5 Goblin Striker and an Elite Level 6 Goblin Swordsman.

[Goblin Fighter Level 5]

Health: 350/350

[Goblin Striker Level 5]

Health: 250/250

[Goblin Swordsman Level 6(Elite)]


The rarities for monster and NPCs in World of Eridia are as follows:

Common, Elite/Rare, Special/Mutant, Commander, Lord, King, Semi Divine, Divine

There is a special list for boss monster because they start from the Chief tier, which is the boss equivalent of Normal tier. If a commander tier boss faces a commander tier monster, they would probably destroy latter within a second.

Boss Tier Rarities: Chief, Commander, Noble, Lord, King, Emperor, Demigod, God

Yu Zhen was happy but also a bit worried.'I Feel like I am using my life's worth of luck in a single day. Well at least it's just an Elite tier and not a Rare tier.'

People suspect that the game developers called them rare tiers because they have a much higher chance of dropping rare equipment than elite tier, but are a bit weaker while Elite tiers are stronger, give more EXP and have a higher chance to drop skill books.

"Yanyan." Yu Zhen called as he got ready to take on the group of goblins.

Black flames that didn't seem to give off any light came out of Yu Zhen's palm and took the shape of a bird. It was Yanyan. She took flight and immediately vanished from where she was.


Out of nowhere Yanyan crashed into the Goblin Striker's chest, right where its heart was, triggering armour penetration and dealing 182 damage dropping it's health to just above a fourth in an instant.

Whoosh, Whoosh!

Yu Zhen was surprised by Yanyan's sudden assault but he reacted without missing a beat, sending two arrows at the Goblin Striker, hitting it in the head and killing it.

[Gained 12 EXP]

A screen popped up in front of Yu Zhen but he ignored it because the Elite Goblin was heading his way while the other three fought Yanyan. But how could he be split off from his partner so easily? Yu Zhen did a mad dash toward the Goblin Elite while making a fire arrow and drawing his bow. After he was only a short distance away from the Goblin Elite he flipped over the goblin and fired his bow mid air, hitting one of the goblin fighters in the head and getting a critical hit for 20 damage.

'Guess that's the level suppression at work.' Yu Zhen thought as he jumped to the side to avoid the Goblin Elite's sword.

Although it seemed like they were giving her trouble, Yanyan was completely safe because of her intimidation passive. The Goblins were only fighting because they figured it would be useless to run and their instinct to live kicked in, allowing them to fight back. If they were at the same level, however, they would simply be paralysed from fear. Yanyan's tier suppression was much stronger than their level suppression, but because she was young and was a player's familiar, the Eridia Overseer System, otherwise known as EOS, was keeping it balanced so her tier suppression doesn't destroy the game balance completely.

Yanyan crated a mini-fireball and shot it toward the fighter that was hit by Yu Zhen, dealing 112 damage. Because of her tier suppression, the Goblins' defence didn't matter, so she didn't need armour penetration. If her tier suppression was working at full swing, she would have done multiple times more damage than that.

Dodging the two small fists that came at her with her amazing flexibility, she fired another fireball at the goblin in front of her, before flying back and crashing in again, killing the goblin. The two goblins started frantically swinging their fists, but Yanyan just flew up quickly to a high altitude before dropping like a missile on one of the remaining goblins, getting a critical hit and dealing 352 damage, killing it instantly and sending a shock-wave that dealt 106 damage to the other goblin.

Dive Impact!

After noticing what was happening to it's subordinates, the Goblin Elite let out a shriek before charging toward Yanyan at a blurring speed. Just as it was about to hit Yanyan, she disappeared from her spot and reappeared a few meter behind the Goblin Elite.


Yu Zhen had not intervened when Yanyan was fighting because he wanted to test her abilities, and sure enough he was impressed. A level 1 slaughtering level 5 monsters like it was nothing was an amazing sight.

When Yu Zhen saw the Goblin Elite Direct it's attention away from him and dashed toward Yanyan, he created and knocked a fire arrow, and hit the remaining goblin fighter in the head, dealing 20 damage and causing a defence down debuff. Yu Zhen Knocked fire arrows one after an another and hitting the goblin elite in it's head dealing damage from ranges 5-8 with occasional critical hit dealing from 14-20. After it died, Yu Zhen turned back toward where Yanyan was facing the Goblin Elite. At this point, Yanyan's Vanish Impact had come off cooldown.

"Yanyan, use Vanish impact now!" Yu Zhen said through familiar communication.

As she heard the command, she immediately vanished and crashed into the Goblin Elite, dealing 178 damage and causing armour break for 5 seconds. Without missing a beat Yu Zhen shot a powerful fire arrow at the Goblin Elite's heart, getting a critical hit and piercing the goblin's leather shirt, dealing 115 damage.

Mortal Shot!

As if stating that the fun was over, Yanyan flew up and formed a black fireball. Because her fire skills were boosted by her [Primordial Dominance(flame)] skill, it was black and bigger than a normal fireball. She shot out the fireball, dealing 454 damage, obliterating the Goblin Elite.

[Gained 150 EXP]

"Yanyan, you're the best."

"I know, stupid master."


After checking the drops, Yu Zhen got mostly useless [5 Cloth Armour Level] from the fighters, a [Rusted Goblin Dagger Level 5] from the Goblin Striker which he decided to keep for himself in close combat situations, [Goblin boots Level 5], a skill book and 30 copper.

[Cloth Armour Level 5( Grade Ordinary)]

Requirement: Cloth armour class, Level 5


+7 strength stat

+5 agility stat

[Rusted Goblin Dagger Level 5(Grade Ordinary)]

Requirement: Level 5, 18 agility


+4 defence

+8 Strength

+6 agility

[Goblin Boots Level 5(Grade Ordinary)]

Requirement: Level 5, 15 agility, 15 strength


+5 defence

+9 agility

[Blurring Sword Skill book]

Skill Description: Rush toward an enemy at a blurring speed and deal a devastating strike with your sword.

Skill effect: Rush at an enemy at 1.5 times your movement speed and strike with your sword, dealing 250% damage. Chance to cause bleed damage for 10% damage per second for 10 seconds.

Cooldown: 5 minutes

Learning Requirement: Sword wielding class

At this point, Yu Zhen was really considering whether to prepare for god to come and smite him with the amount of luck he used up today. Such good equipment in the first few hours and a rare skill book.'This is definitely a good skill that can sell for at least 10,000 credits, and these level 5 common equipment can also sell for a good amount.' After going through his loot, he set off again and started a goblin massacre.

After 3 hours of hunting he and Yanyan had become Level 2. He assigned 5 of his free stats to strength and 2 to agility, raising his physical power to 60 and his movement speed to 8.

"I understand why it's so damned hard to level up in this game now. Most people level up in parties because monsters are hard to fight, and the experience is split between them. Me and Yanyan are sharing experience, but it's only us two, plus we are at a higher level hunting ground and we have way better skills than most players. Even the so called pros shouldn't be on par with us since they haven't figured out how to fight properly in this game yet." Yu Zhou mumbled to himself while taking a break from hunting.

He took out some of the bread he got when he started from his inventory and ate it to replenish his health. He gave some to Yanyan and said "Before you complain, This is all I can give you right now. When we get a bit stronger then I can hunt and cook the tastiest food for you, okay?"

Yanyan looked at him for a few seconds before unwillingly eating the bread."Hmph! Stupid master, why are you so weak, we can't even eat good food! You better not break your promise to make me tasty food!"

Yu Zhen's smile froze as he replied "I'm a man of my word. And as a lady, aren't you a bit too shameless? How can you talk about people so blatantly?"

"If stupid master is cool and strong then I won't talk bad about stupid master. But stupid master is lame and weak, also stupid." Yanyan replied blatantly.

At that moment Yu Zhen felt as if he had taken a bullet to the heart.'I'll show you who's weak.'

After a few more minutes of resting he started to walk deeper into the forest. He noticed that after walking for 5 minutes there were no goblins in sight, but he noticed lots of tracks. He took out his bow and got into the trees. His instincts as a hunter had told him there was danger around. He moved swiftly yet stealthily, jumping from tree to tree with his bow drawn. After another 5 minutes, he managed to spot what was giving him the sense of danger. 60 meters ahead of him was a 2 meter tall Goblin with a huge greatsword, a skull helmet, a fur cape that looked like it was from a bear, and leather armour. The paws of the bear were placed on his shoulders, giving him a cool barbaric look. If it were not a Goblin, it would look really awesome. Around him were a bunch of Elite and Rare tier goblin archers and swordsmen. There were even 4 special tier Goblin mages.

[Goblin King Level 9(Chief)]

Health: 15000/15000

"Yanyan, do you wanna kill it?" Yu Zhen asked with an evil smile."We're about to commit mass goblin, murder."