Assassination Mission

After walking for 5 minutes down the street, Yu Zhen had Yanyan go back to his soul space. Suddenly he stopped in the middle of the street. Yu Zhen had noticed the multiple people following him. Yu Zhen used [Escape] and disappeared. He reappeared in an alley in stealth mode and took off his mask and cloak, after which, he walked out of the alley and blended into the crowd.

Back where he was being followed the people were dumbfounded after he disappeared.

"Report to the guild leader than he has an escaping skill."One of the the people who were following him said to the others. This happened with multiple of the people who were following. What they did not know was that Yu Zhen had already marked the guilds who followed him.

Yu Zhen was deciding what to do next, when, as if on cue, he received a friend request from Heartless Angel. After accepting it, he got a message.

[Heartless Angel]:{That was pretty cool how you knew what I was gonna say. How did you do that?}

[Fallen Arrow]:{Not many people think so, and i'm not sure if I can trust you that much yet. After a while, if i'm still talking to you then it means I trust you.}

[Heartless Angel]:{Wow that's pretty cold, but you probably have you're reasons so I won't pry. I'll make small talk later since we are both busy in these early stages of the game. I have a commission for you to assassinate Empty Throne. Can you do it?}

[Fallen Arrow]:{Yes I can. Do you know where he is right now or where he will be in the near future? Also name your price.}

[Heartless Angel]:{He will be at the Red Oak Forest, grinding young wolves in 15 minutes. How much do you want?}

[Fallen Arrow]:{25 silver or 10000 credits.}

[Heartless Angel]:{I'll pay you in silver. Are you an assassin?}

[Fallen Arrow]:{No.}

[Heartless Angel]:{Huh? Then what is your class.}

[Fallen Arrow]:{You'll know sooner or later so i'll give you a hint. Look at my name. I'm Going now}

On Heartless Angel's side she was a bit surprised that he would do assassination as an archer."Oh well, He will only get payed if he gets it done, so it doesn't matter what his class is." She said with a smile on her face as she thought.'He's way more laid back and straightforward than I thought he would be.'


"So i'm hunting the guild leader of the World Serpent Guild as my first commission." Yu Zhen sighed as he closed the chat and went to the auction house and bought a bunch of cooking ingredient, and some cooking equipment and a table.

"Now I can make my own meals, but i'll have to hunt them first."Yu Zhen said to himself as he set out for Red Oak Forest.


At the Red Oak Forest, Empty Throne was fighting against a group of young wolves with his party.

[Young Wolf Level 4]

Health: 50/120

The party's tank used battle cry to increase his aggro so the healer wouldn't get targeted. The 3 wolves jumped at him. Empty Throne Slammed his greatsword into the ground, releasing a shock-wave that hit the 3 wolves for 20 damage. An arrow of flames hit one of the three wolves for 30 damage, ending it's life. These wolves have high physical defence and low magical defence although it may seem otherwise. Empty Throne brandished his greatsword twice, ending the life of another wolf while the archer hit the last wolf in the chest with a power shot, getting a critical hit 51 damage.

"Alright tank, start luring the next batch. Healer focus on the tank's health. Enchanter use your health recovery enchantment." Empty Throne started giving out orders to his party members.


Yu Zhen got to the Red Oak Forest and called out Yanyan.

"Yanyan, can you fly up and use [Vision Sharing] help me scout the area?"

"Okay."Yanyan replied as she flew up into the air and went around the area. Yu Zhen was perching on a dense tree top with his eyes closed so he was not spotted by monsters. As he was receiving the feed back from [Vision Sharing], he noticed that there was truly a large amount of players from the World Serpent Guild here.

There was at least 2000 of them from the small part of the forest that he could see. After a few more minutes, he managed to spot Empty Throne and his party. He thought about something for a little bit before opening his chat and sending a message to Heartless Angel.

[Fallen Arrow]:{Will there be a bonus if I kill more of them?}

After a few minutes, he got a response.

[Heartless Angel]:{For every inner member there will be an extra 100 credits. I only really want him to die so I don't care about the rest. That's why the extra is so low.}

[Fallen Arrow]:{I see well that's okay, it can just be counted as some side earnings.}

After sending the last message, Yu Zhen closed the chat feed and filled his quiver with fire arrows(not to be confused with flame arrows which are magic attacks.)

"Yanyan you can hunt creatures in the area and i'll cook them into nice meals for you later" He said through the familiar communication skill.

"YAY!" Yanyan said excitedly

"I have my own hunting to do." Yu Zhen said as held his bow in hand and jump to another tree.

"So let the hunt begin!"