Zombie Apocalypse

I'm Flynn, a normal rich cultivator on a small town, my father was the chairman of the city so i benefit a lot from being his son.

Every guy was jealous as i was popular among the girls, well i can't blame them as i was just too damn talented.

Anyways im still at our training room practicing my new technique.

"Dynamic punch!"I punched the air, as my punch weight several tons there was a huge sound of explosion even though i hit nothing.

Suddenly a zombie appeared. The zombies started appearing yesterday, they were weak but there was a lot of them making them annoying.

After killing all of them i realize that ten hours already pass, it's already 11:25pm.


A month later.

"Run!! Run away!"A random man was shouting while his panicking. He run so fast without looking back.

It seems that the zombies could evolve and adapt, martial arts become less affective.

The Qi gradually disperse and turn into nothingness, as Qi was important to cultivator they become weaker without it.

In this huge city a massacre made by the zombies happen.

The cultivator who was eaten alive by the zombies turn into a zombie cultivator.

They were dead but they can still feel the pain from the zombies attack, also as other cultivator must also kill them they feel the feeling of being cut.

To make it even worst they don't die, but instead they regenerate faster than any attacks, even if one zombie cultivator fight against an immortal the immortal might lose.

With only a single day the city was full of zombies and there were no living being left in this city.

"How... How can we fight those thing?!" A woman who looks strong asked.

Anyone can knew that she was scared as fear was written all over her face.

"We... can't we tried everything! Burning them, turning them into mince meat, burrowing them.... but all of that was ineffective" an old man said.

"Then... are we all going to die?"

Many were confuse, many were scared, many were panicking.

"We can only hide, maybe they will starve to death"Said by the same old man..

The old man has a really long white beard.

"Tha-"When the old man was about to say something again a zombie cultivator appeared and break their door.



"Run for your life!!"

"Save your safe!!"

As there were only one door and that door has a zombie cultivator guarding it they decided to jumped into the window.


1 year has passed yet we still doesn't have any way of killing those Z-cultivator.

But some evil cultivator tried mixing Z-cultivator blood and a normal cultivator blood.

The results was unexpected, the red blood from the normal cultivator and the green blood from the Z-cultivator mixed and form an unknown thing.

It was a small white ball, he touch the ball and turn into a half Zombie.

He still had his sense but he can now regenerate any part of his body.

This can be used to fight against them, many people think.

But the evil cultivator doesn't want anyone to know about this method so he killed everyone else.

Our protagonist Flynn was still alive, he was lucky as he was taking a dump at the forest when the zombies appeared at the small town.

When he came back he immediately feel that there wasn't any Qi, and everyone else become a zombie.

His instinct tell him to run and not to fight those zombies, and that saved his life.

He was now staying in the forest, and the tree branches as the trees in this forest were really~ tall.

Food is not a problem as fruits is common here, he survived here for 1 years with only eating fruits and sometimes wild animals.

Within this short span of year flynn, found a girl that he liked. This girl was named Yukina.

Yukina was a smart and talented girl, he found Yukina in this forest she was also hiding in the branches.

But then....

"Rawrrrr..." Zombie again evolved and some of them can jumped very high and were too agile.

"We cannot escape them"Yukina said.

When Flynn was about to say he would sacrifice himself and let yukina escaped the girl talked.

"I... like you Flynn!"she said with her eyes looking the other direction as she was too embarrassed.

"I... Also-"Flynn was about to confess to but the girl jumped and sacrifice herself.

Flynn was also about to jump but he stop himself he must live as not to let her sacrifice be in vain.

"I also love you Yukina..." With tears in his eyes he put a white flower on the branches where he first meet the girl.

And just like that 4year pass by.

The zombies were too powerful some can now fly, some were too big, some were too fast.

Flynn manage to survived with his luck, but he still cannot defeat a single zombie cultivator.

"Oh, there is still a human left?"a man that was enveloped in white suit said.

"You might be wondering who I am, so let me introduce myself. Im Professor X a scientist" Flynn doesn't knew what was a scientist was but he knew that this guy was too dangerous.

This X was unleashing an aura of death his aura alone was suffocating.

"And this Zombie apocalypse was made by me, but to think it would take me 5 years to take over this continent... Truly pathetic!" X said.

The zombies gather around, Flynn cannot move any part of his body it was too scared to move.

He cannot even talk, slowly he was being eaten to death.

Then they stop. As flynn already become a zombie.

"Now I success on turning everyone into zombie in this continent, how about Prof. Y i wonder!"

Who is Y? Who is this X? Why are they turning innocent people into zombies?


The guy named X has a power to absolutely control zombies, therefore we can only follow his order.

We were walking in the forest then a huge cave appeared.

We enter the cave and what lies there were only black crows. A ton of black crows.

He order us to stay inside the cave for the rest of our lives, the crows started biting us.

They tore our body parts but we just regenerate that part. We were being tortured, the pain of having your eyeballs poke by their beaks hurts a lot.

It continues for a whole year.

[Finally i succeed on communicating with human]

[You can hear me right? Mr. Flynn?]

Who... was that?

Where is the sound coming from?

It hurts, everything hurts. Please stop it.

[Your mental state crumbled i see].

[Well to think that your soul is still alive after all of this]

[I should help you, as you are the only living soul here]

[You won't be tortured anymore, but in exchange...]

[You must grow stronger! You must master any weapons! You must become an exceptional blacksmith!]

[Now then....]

[Link Start!]

As Flynn listen to those words his mental health gradually improve and everything turn black.

He woken up in a familiar room with a familiar bed. This was his room.

"Uwahh!!!" He shouted while tears began to flow from his eyes.

The pain was gone like it was just a f**king nightmare he thought.

"Who owns the voice on that nightmare?"Flynn wondered as he was curious if it's a dream or not.

[ I own that voice]

A familiar voice, this voice was the one who talk to him that time.

"What are you?"he asked, Flynn know that this 'guy' is not a human being.

[You still don't have the qualifications to know what am i, but fret not im not evil if I was then i wouldn't save you]

Flynn thought that what this thing said was logical so he believes it.

"Then... what is your goal?"Flynn asked, there was a moment of silent before the voice talked.

[My goal.... was to kill the thing you called Z-cultivator, they were not only on your continent but in this whole world]

"You... You know how to kill them?!"Flynn tried everything he can but found no way to end his fellow cultivator suffering.

[It's not hard to kill them, any weapons you made can kill Z-cultivator]

"What are you saying?!"

[You were bless by this world essence, the world essence has the ability to negates any form of regeneration even immortality]

[But you're too weak, with your current self it's impossible for you to manifest the essence in your hands therefore you must make weapons]

[By focusing your mind on blacksmithing you would automatically put some essence on the weapon you were making]

"But... I don't have any talent at blacksmithing"Flynn said with a low voice.

[That's not a problem, as i will be your personal teacher not only will i teach you how to make weapons. I would also teach you how to use them]

Flynn cheered up when he hear what he said.

"Then can i call you teacher?"Flynn asked looking at the air.

[Of course you could... my disciple]