The Merciless Night-1-

Ever since I have moved into this dark house the slumber I had was minimized the wolves were merciless to my auditory perceivers the moon was arctic to my ocular perceivers the gills of air were too jarring on my fragile face .Sleep was never my one of my specialties as I have always struggled having despised bedtime ever since I was a child in such times my mom would pacify me by singing a poem of her own adding enthusiasm to the dark night ,ever since her passing I indite poems to past the ever so slow time as one of them goes

Alone on a dark hill

Nothing to accompany me

Except the stars who will

Shining as effulgent as a bulb

With nothing to hold

Except the book I withhold About

the glittering objects Up above

Don't you just dote the stars up above

Stars have always incited my intrigue how come such gorgeous objects be maintained without being altered? How come some fail to realize what is above them of heaven? Just like the stars some people fail to realize their worth and value, the stars lay so unbothered I feel them ever so close yet ever so far, they come and go exist then to dust in seconds, the beauty of the stars fights the acrid darkness covering it from all sides, perhaps even trapping it ,yet it shines ever so calmly ever so placidly.

Do they realize the charm they possess? Perhaps how the feeling of joy and delight flows in thousands of bodies as they gaze at them ?Perhaps not ,as starts are like humans they in fact fail to realize the beauty within their pristine souls however sometimes the painter needs to take a step back to examine the painting perhaps call a friend for some avail at gazing at what he had created from grace because in the end of the day humans are in need of others or fine-tune their crooked judgment how simple is it to tell such fond words yet so hard to put in action

As the stars fade away to the light of the glowing sun the birds sing the song they have been singing ever since the first breath they took on this earth ,filling the empty starless sky with tunes in which help relax the human and release them from the worry they have been holding onto ,as a human is a worrier ,a stressor as well .The glowing sun gives to the day waking up the  and student asking of them to continue what they do and have always done ,from studying working and helping whoever In need .However, to some the sun has lost all the flavor it once withheld ,to me the sun just indicates the start of yet another bitter day a day where no change has come.

    I got out of bed as I washed my face, I could not help but look in the mirror a person glanced back at me, yet it was no familiar face, have I changed as much as I think? Am I as different as how I see myself? The stranger in the mirror did not take his eyes off of me imitating my posture no matter how much I shift an altar, I guess that is perhaps the answer to the question. I have changed, to the good or to the bad? To the evil or the pure? How shall I know? These question revoked my focus from what I had been doing the water has filled the faucet .I feel my reality slipping I can no longer tell the difference between day at night ,hell not even what is real and what isn't .

      I have always been fond of art ,the beauty it withholds  never fails to amaze me ,I began forging  those paintings even selling them at times ,over the years the darkened rooms of the house were filled with pieces of heaven. wherever you look you will find a painting .however before a while I lost touch with art feeling ever so distant to what once was my soul and life.

The house that has been once overpowered with art was left lonely and empty as I had taken down the paintings, ever so often I wonder have the walls missed the paintings? Have they missed what laid upon them of grace? Have the walls hated me ever since I took down what made them dazzle, what has replaced the echo of the noise? I wonder at times how the paintings feel, trapped in a dim room nothing but darkness and mold surrounding it, drowning it, covering it. For a while I have stopped forging, stealing, and selling paintings as I have not been motivated to do so.