143. The Beggining of Ritual

Marvel and the others had descended on one of the runways which was quite quiet, their eyes seeing the many people standing waiting for the Marvel family to arrive. among those people were the Rosemary Family as well as the Hector Family.

Ele looked at Javier's face which was smiling sweetly at Ele, seeing this. of course the woman immediately smiled back, she looked very happy Because tonight has a close friend.

Their footsteps walked towards everyone gathered, Ele could also see Mother Tharakia and her three children. What Ele is asking now is Damian, he looks at Ele's eyes very closely. The woman's current thought was.. 'Does Rose know that Damian is a vampire'?.

Ele sighed softly, why did the stuffy and tight feeling around the vampire gathering make him uncomfortable. And Ele just realized one thing, that here only he is human. Ah.. this makes it even more headache.

(Eleonore POV)