239. Another Promise

[Dream continues]

Behind the many sentences that sounded sweet to Ele's ears, in the end he could only be silent without knowing what to do. His eyes met Marvel's and he sighed once again.

"How about we go for a walk, don't think too much about what I say." Marvel gently stroked Ele's hair, the woman in front of him just nodded and slowly complied with her lover's wishes.

he looked at the face of the Prince of Darkness from the side, who was removing the horse from the stable.

Marvel is seen stroking the horse in front of him, I watched very clearly. How his affection for the horse, how his big hands look very beautiful in Ele's eyes.

Ele smiled a little to see the little things his man did, according to Ele.. Little things like this made his heart blush a little. although it's not for her, but still.. Ele can see how the real Marvel really is.

Ele thought that it was natural for him to be close to Marvel