A New Beginning

I was sleeping peacefully with my wavy gingered hair sprawled across the pillow, totally unaware of the time until that annoying blaring sound, that we all are so familiar with, disrupt me from my beautiful fantasy. I groaned as I rubbed my eyes, persuading myself to get up. Unfortunately, the crisp morning breeze induced my already weak will so I curled back and fell asleep.

After what felt like a few seconds, someone strode into my room, and without notice she pulled the shutters harshly, welcoming me with the bright sunlight. I winced as she crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently.

"Mommm", I protested when she pulled the cover from my body seeing that I was moving sluggishly. I hugged my body sheltering it from the cold.

"That's not how you wake up someone," I grumbled.

"Today is your first training session and you are still lazing around, Alex has been waiting for you for the past 10 minutes!" (referring to my older brother)

Oh crap! I totally forgot about that.

"Mom, tell Alex to wait for another 5 mins, I'm coming," I said as I rushed into the washroom.


I was hopping beside my brother excitedly, who by the way, was in a bad mood, "I will ditch you the next time you get late."

"Come on don't be so cranky, at this rate you will get wrinkles before mom and dad," I said as I punched his arm playfully. He just glared at me and kept quiet. What is wrong with him? I thought but I shrugged off the thought as soon as we arrived at our destination.

I was in complete awe, the Warrior's Academy was huge and I could feel the electricity in the air. The structure of the academy had quite a modern twist to it, it had a huge ring outside and a track was built around the outer wall of the academy. No other academy had the right to train and produce warriors in Celion as this was the only one that was under the strict inspection of the King. That meant that in the last 7 years only about 35 people were granted the precious title of the warrior.

I wanted to come here since I was a child and in the past 2 years, I have been watching Alex train but was never able to see the interior of the academy which was only restricted for the trainees. However, in the end, the wait was worth it. Calling this place beautiful would be an understatement. The building was designed to be spacious, the white milky floor reflected the sunlight, that reached within those huge sliding windows fixed near the ceiling. My amber eyes were drawn to the walls which were adorned with all kinds of weapons from swords to bows and spears.

I was pulled back to reality when I heard a man in his late 20's calling my name. Walking forward, I shook his hand as he looked at me judgingly.

"So you are the new recruit, my name is Edward Black and I am going to be your instructor during your time here. Now introduce yourself to the rest of the class."

I took a deep breath and put on a confident smile.

"Hello everyone, my name is Flair Manon and I hope that we can get along." I was trying to discern everyone's expression but it wasn't easy as most of them had blank and indifferent faces.

"Everyone take your positions and resume your training while I guide Miss Greenhorn." He addressed them before turning to me with a sneer."So little girl, there are a few rules that you need to follow if you want to resume your training. First, don't ever get late in my class again otherwise you will have to run 10 extra rounds around the academy. Second, don't think that just because you're a girl, I will go easy on you, in fact by the end of the day you'll wish you never came here in the first place, and last but not the least, don't ask stupid questions or I'll make you do 20 push-ups. Got it?"

Wow, he's got a nasty attitude. Okay Flair, it's your first day, don't mess up, I talked to myself as I tried to keep my nerves under control. I nodded, swallowing the retort which would probably blow his fuse.

"Answer me when I ask you a question, I don't like to repeat myself!"

I clenched my fist and said, "Yes Sir!"

"Good, now give me 50 push-ups and 50 sit-ups and make sure to set a timer, when you are done call me so that I can assign you more tasks." He said in an intimidating voice and swaggered away.

God, this is going to be harder than I expected. I sighed as I set the timer and got to work.