Vengeance will be mine

Felix POV

When I got home, I saw my dad smoking while waiting for me. Shit...

"Hey Dad, you're still awake," I said as it was midnight and usually everyone would be asleep by the time I come from the academy.

"I wanted to talk to you about something important." He said as he looked at me carefully.

"Go ahead," I said with a blank face.

"Look son, I don't understand why you're being so stubborn, you know you are a noble, you don't need to beat yourself for money and fame, the path you have chosen will only lead to failure and destruction."

"You mean it will ruin your reputation?" I tried to keep my calm.

"So what?! My reputation does not only reflect on me, but it also reflects on you, you have to carry the family's name. Do not be selfish and join the King's Court."He slammed his fist on the table.

"I will not follow your footsteps because I want to make my own reputation which I achieved, not by inheritance but by hard work and dedication. As for the family name, you already have Dylan (Felix's younger brother) to carry out the legacy so I don't see any problem." I said in a nonchalant tone.

"The problem is you! Your non-serious and distant behavior since your mother's death is affecting all of us. You need to move on and come with me to the Court. I cannot tolerate your foolishness anymore."

"It may be easier for you to move on Dad since you always only cared about reputation, fame, and money. I respect your wishes but I cannot do what you expect from me." I stood up.

"Fine, do what you want but just think about your mother's feelings if she was here to see her favorite son yearning to join her," he said with a smirk.

What a jerk! I wish I could punch the smirk off his face. But soon I will get my chance.

"Oh, I see that lately, you've been missing mom a lot, she must be reaching out for you in your dreams, or should I say nightmares. As for me, you don't need to worry about me dad, I know how much you care about all of us." I smiled sarcastically as I saw his face turn red.

This was why I came late every day, why I avoided having conversations with my so-called dad. Ever since the day, I saw my mom died right in front of my eyes while I was hiding behind the cupboard, I knew my future. I knew I had to take vengeance; no matter how many years I had to wait, no matter how many nightmares I had to bear, no matter how many times I had to conceal my pain. In the end, I will make everything count. I smiled contentedly and dozed off.