Chapter One ..Where am I ?

The sweet aroma from the fungus soup and beans staked bread from the kitchen caught her attention .

Her belly growled slowly and her mouth felt watery even in her daze .

It's been ages since she smelt such a sweet aroma .

She wiped her daisy eyes lazily and stretched all the muscles in her body on the cool and soft hybrid bed that she lay on .

"Oh my God ! " She exclaimed once she saw a tall figured man who had gently crossed his long legs and sat comfortably on the sofa .

His head was subconsciously bent down and his eyes were glancing through the news dailies .His wavy pushed back long hair made him look ridiculously handsome as well as his trimmed bushy eye brows and thick eyelashes .

There were no traces of emotions whatsoever on his face , yet ,his face shone calmly like the dim moon .

He wore a grey turtleneck cashmere sweater with dark denim jeans and a pair of suadechukka shoes .

"What now Susana Jenkins ? What are you going to do ?

Think Suzzy ....think !" She continually hit her palms against her forehead as she fought deeper with her thoughts ."Okay Suzzy , don't be afraid ,you've got this ...!" Suzzy gathered some courage , and turning to her right was a bedside drawer with a small lamp on it .She quickly grabbed the lamp and jumped off the bed ..

"What is this place you've brought me ?! " She hastily held the lamp firmer in her hands and stood in front of Jakes Riddles ; the man who comfortably sat on the sofa .

He was a multi - time billionaire who owned multiple hotel chains and other firms like the Riddles Cooperation under which there were five different firms which deals in architectural construction , jewelry designing , logistics , distilleries and mining !

He was a tycoon in the firm of business and his number one cooperative company whose major project popularly known as JIDDLE hit an amount of a hundred million dollars recently .

It was the most trending business cooperative news in Los Angeles ! Actually ,it stole the lime light of all the faces of other business projects from other firms !

"I asked you a question ,answer me !" Suzzy yelled on top of her voice , still , with the bedside lamp firmly in her hands .

She showed no traces of fear and Jakes who stood there calmly not surprised about her reaction put on an ambivalent smile across his face .

The reflection from the french windows made her face shine brighter and Jakes saw alot of him in her .

Her lips indicated her firmness and she was standing sternly in front of Jakes who looked at her eye to eye .

"I said ..."

"Shhh....!" She was cut short by Jakes who stood in front of her with a straight , yet ,calm face .

"Shower up and come downstairs for breakfast .

I had the designer bring you lots of dresses which are in your dressing room .

Choose any dress of your choice ,dress up and come downstairs for breakfast !And oh ..! Your hair can be styled further once you call in the stylist !

Her contact has been saved on your phone which is lying right there on your left side drawer !

Your tools for dressing are also here and ..."

"Enough already! .." Suzzy groaned with her syrupy voice which passed through Jakes' ears and went straight to his brain .

"Who are you ? What do you want from me ?

I have no money so why do you keep chasing after me ?!

It was first at the hospital and now you had your men capture me and bring me here ,huh ?!

Who are you and what do you want from me ?! "

Suzzy yelled with her syrupy voice and Jakes still smiled at that .

"Oh-oh !

Tell me something ,are you a pedophile?!

Why're you just smiling ?!

Ohh ,I was right ,you a pedophile !

You're chasing after me because of my beauty and you think by capturing me and bringing me here ,you will win over me ,huh ?!

Do you think your filthy money can buy me ?!

Listen Mr .Man ,if you don't want me to smash this lamp onto your head and break your skull , then let me go or else ...!

I swear to you ,that you won't like to see what I do to you with my own hands ,pedophile ! " Suzzy threatened Jakes who still stood in front of her unperturbed and smiley .

"Just umm!

Be quiet and listen up kid ..!

Today will be your first day at college .."Jakes said in his husky voice not paying attention to Suzzy's pool of questions been thrown at him .

"Your admission is already set and your forms for studying business administration are ready too . No need to jump around like a crazy girl with the lamp in your hands .

Shower up and come down for breakfast ,we will talk about college after that .

You have only thirty minutes ... "Jakes left the room after that and left Suzzy's thoughts to herself to deal with .


What's this man talking about ? Was he crazy or drunk ? " She asked herself confused .

"Listen up kid !

Today will be your first day at college ...and blah blah blah !!

College my foot ...crazy man !"Suzzy jerked angrily .

"I wished I had never met him in the first place !"She squinted.

*Suzzy didn't know Jakes Riddles until that particular day that he saved her life ...!*

.... FLASHBACK....

Suzzy walked tiredly through the Grand Central Market of Los Angeles begging for food from one vendor to the other .

"Ma'am ,please can you give me some food ?

I'm so hungry ...!" She pleaded with her messy hair and her syrupy voice sounded so merciful .

Her chubby cheeks and bright eyes contained tears of pity and innocence as well .

Her patched dress was dirty and she had no foot on .

She was so slender but her thick eye lashes and brows were bent subconsciously as she looked at the lady in front of her .

Three days ago ,she asked for food and she was given .

Yesterday ,she was given food when she asked but she doubted she would be given any food today as the lady in front of her had a frowned face .

After running errands for lady Marisa ,she gave her three dollars and two cents instead of the fifty dollars she promised her .

She guessed it was because of the food she always borrowed from her .