Vol. 2 - Chapter 60


Taking deep breaths, Ash had eventually picked up the method behind this strange machine. At least, if the soreness in her arms was anything to go by. Beads of sweat rolled down her cheeks and fell to her lap as she continued, taking steady breaths and maintaining a rhythmic pace. 

Still, it was hard to focus, as just up ahead, Ren stood in front of Kaori, a hand clenched into a fist. Kaori's hand was held behind her head as she flexed her abs. She was shirtless, a concerned expression on her face as Ren pulled his hand back.

"Ready?" Ren asked. 

"U-Uh, yeah," Kaori answered, bracing herself. 

"Are you sure?" 

"Well, no, actually, give me a- AGH!" 

Ren punched her in the gut and Kaori fell to her knees. 

"... Frick..." Kaori muttered. 

"Ha ha! Walk it off, we've got more to go through if we want to get your Con to 30 before the day's over!"