Vol. 3 - Chapter 15

Metsumi had spent a few minutes with this woman. Currently, there was a glass cup of dragon grape wine in front of her, that Metsumi was taking leisurely sips of. Beside her, the woman finished her own glass, the two of them still chatting. 

"Oh?" Metsumi asked. "You're from Jade?" 

"Yes," Ayami replied, nodding with a pleasant smile. "Though, I've spent so much time outside of the capital that I feel like I barely remember any of it." 

"Maybe you could tell me a little," Metsumi suggested. "I've been stuck in Jade for a while, I'd love to hear about the other cities." 

"Well, where do I start?" Ayami asked. 

"Have you ever been to Amber?" 

"A few times," Ayami replied, leaning back in her chair. She looked away, as though she was recalling her times there right in front of Metsumi. "The last time was several years ago though. Even so, I still remember most of it." 

"What was it like?"