Vol. 4 - Chapter 22


She had been so surprised by what Keiko told her, she could barely focus on the conversation that came after that. 

"So... What did you need, again?" Ash asked. 

"A dragon's eye, a sand reaver's claw, and a flower from the Mist Realm. You, uh, don't have to do any of this immediately for my sake," Keiko told her, "just... I would appreciate it if you did." 

"Okay," Ash nodded. "I've got it." 

"... Well, okay then," Keiko took a deep breath and it looked like she couldn't stop smiling from how relieved she was. "What are you going to do now?" She asked. 

Trying to get her thoughts in order, Ash looked away. 

"Well... I guess I can train a little more, but then I have to go see what the sorcerer can teach me. After that, maybe I'll go out hunting." 

"... Okay," Keiko replied, nodding. Then, suddenly, she hugged Ash again, only this time, it was a much softer, long embrace. One Ash returned easily.