Vol. 4 - Chapter 40

The Passing Festival, Part 1: Keiko

Watching Sinneah and Yumi, unfortunately, did make Keiko jealous. 

Sure, Yumi had gone out of her way to help her move around, without getting too sick from exertion, but, the way they were fighting right now, pushing each other, reminded Keiko of what she'd lost thanks to this. She didn't miss the irony that when she'd first started this whole thing, she'd looked at training Ash as a duty or a chore. Now, however, all she wanted to do was pick up a sword and start swinging. 

All she could do was hope that Ash would make more progress with the ingredients soon, and sit back and try not to hate herself too much as she watched the girls train. 

As they did though, something distracted her. Her ears perked up and Keiko looked to her left, furrowing her brows as she heard something. 

Something that sounded like music. 

"Huh?" Keiko muttered.