Vol. 4 - Chapter 42

The Passing Festival, Part 3: Satsuhiro

Seeing everyone like this was surreal. 

Just a few months ago, Satsuhiro had believed that what he'd signed up for, or rather, what Varcon had dropped on his lap, was the task of training Ash up to have some knowledge of magic and sorcery and that after that, she'd be sent off to some other Savior and he wouldn't have to see her again. That Keiko would simply be a part of that Savior training squad, and that Kaori would be some well-remembered hero for years to come. 

Now, however, due to the various circumstances that had led to them sticking together like this, as Ash cheered Keiko on while the Zayama danced up ahead, Satsuhiro realized that they were all just as much a part of his life at this point as anyone he'd met before.