Vol. 4 - Chapter 78


"... Okay," the half-demon said in front of her, "this is kind of starting to get a little cramped. Are we at the right place?" She asked, but Arianna figured she was talking to herself as she, of course, had no idea. 

A short while after the two of them had been in front of Bin's bar, they took a couple of turns, and now, they were walking upon a narrow valley, where the walls were much closer to each other than Arianna thought they'd be. Ahead, she could faintly see a green glow, coming from the valley itself. The ground itself was slightly rising as well, hinting that they were going up to the top of the canyon again. 

She had been nervous throughout this entire journey so far, but now, she was feeling anxious enough to where the beating of her heart was almost all she could focus on. 

That, and Ash's words as she told her to keep going.