Vol. 6 - Chapter 25

Later, Eliza called her back into the room through a servant, with news that she'd found the relevant records. Feeling deeply relieved, Kaori walked back into that meeting room where Eliza was sitting right where she'd been, but with a few small books spread out on the table. She looked up and nodded at Kaori in acknowledgment of her presence. 

"I just remembered I'd made note of your family coming into the city precisely because they were your parents. It wasn't too hard to find them once I did." 

"Oh, uh, awesome," Kaori replied, moving over and sitting nearby.

She shifted her seat closer which made Eliza raise a brow and briefly glance down at her before she turned her eyes back to the book in front of her. 

"They're staying by the factories," she stated. "Not exactly the most comfortable part of the city to live in. Whatever you do with your Savior income is no business of mine, though."