Vol. 6 - Chapter 31

"Well, shit. Let's see what Metsumi packed for us." 

Ash was the first to reach into her bag to inspect it. The sun was going down. By now, the demonic rift was a long way behind them. At this point, the three of them were sitting in a circle by the side of the road with their bags next to them. Ash had said she was hungry and so, they all agreed it was time for dinner. 

"Bread," Ash noted with a nod. "Well, okay then." 

"Oh. Not just bread," Kaori added as she looked in her own bag. "Cheese, potatoes, and a canteen!" 

"Thank you, Metsumi," Ash muttered as Keiko quietly looked for her own food with a little smile on her face. "So, how far are we from those soldiers?" 

"Satsuhiro had said it would take around a day to reach them. So, maybe we'll get to them by tomorrow morning?" 

"Unless they are making their way up the road," Keiko replied. "In which case, I suppose we will find them earlier."