I went into work the next morning my heart pounding. I glanced around at my nosy coworkers knowing they were wondering if the rumors were true. Based on Monday's freak-out when Katie asked, I'm sure they know it was true. It wasn't only that either. I had to find a way to get out of work without loosing my house. And I was too scared to tell John my thoughts incase he gets worried, and he has enough to worry about. Jesus being an adult sucks. I know if I just told him everything would be easier.
"Can I get a blonde roast?" A costumer asked breaking me out of my spiraling thoughts.
"Yes Ma'am. What size?"
"Medium." She snapped almost rolling her eyes. Wow. Is it just me or do costumers seem extra shitty? I got to work and made her drink. Once I gave it too her, she looked at me in my eyes and said,
"Lay off of John."
I blinked. "Excuse me?" I replied calmly. It was obviously against the rules to get into fights with costumers, so I kept all my fear and anger trapped inside me like an Irish person.
"I know your dating him. I've been a fan since 2013."
"I'm going to ask you to leave." My boss said putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked back. When did he get here? The woman took her coffee and whipped around leaving in a huff. "Y/N. Please come meet with me in my office."
My heart raced. What is he going to say? We walked into his office, a little room off to the side of the "kitchen" I sat down and looked at my lap. I was scratching my arms like crazy, causing red marks all over.
"We need to discuss something." He said in his stereotypical boss voice. "I know your dating life should not have a say on whether you have a job or not but when it's interfering with work..."
This can't be happening. I just moved here. Rent is due next week.
"I'm letting you go." He said causing my world to shatter around me. I nodded. "Your paycheck for this month will arrive tomorrow. You can leave early if you want or stay your shift." What dumb ass question was that? I'm out of there.
"Thank you." Was all I said as I stood up and left. I walked out off the café like how the costumer did earlier. I needed a drink. I looked down at my phone.
3:00 pm
I don't even drink anymore. I quit. That part of me is in the past. It seemed like my brain was having a tug of war. It lost and I found my self sitting in a bar, tears streaming down my face, hand grasped onto some vodka. I couldn't do this. When I left it was 9:00. I felt so embarrassed. I couldn't call John, I couldn't text him. I was drunk for fucks sake! I ended up at home passed out on the couch, my phone buzzing profusely.