Class introduction.

" Leon, why does our teacher over there still not coming inside? Is she still waiting for someone? " Carla asked, her eyes brimming with curiosity. Their teacher outside was still talking with the other parents and hasn't gone inside yet.

" Hmm.. " Leon pointed at the wall clock in front and explained patiently. " Because it is not time yet, Carla. Look over there, it is only 7:39 am right now and our class will start at 8:00 am. There's still plenty of time left before that. "

" Wow Leon. You know how to read time? That's amazing! "

" Hmm? Well, yes I can. It's actually pretty easy. Want me to teach you? "

" You will teach me??? " Carla asked in excitement.

" Of course. We are friends aren't we? "

" Yehey! Yes, yes, we are friends. Leon and Carla are friends! " The little girl seriously nodded as she raised her small hands in the air happily.

Leon took out a pad paper and a crayon from his bag then proceed on drawing a clock on it. With his small fingers, he can barely grabbed the fat crayon on his hand. But despite that, Leon still managed to draw a decent looking clock.

" Wow Leon. You are also good at drawing. " Carla was amazed seeing the clock drawing on the paper. The clock drawn by Leon almost looked exactly like the wall clock on the wall in front.

" Am I? Well, let's begin? "

" Okay. I.. I'll be in your care. "

Leon then began teaching her how to read the time on a clock. He realized that Carla was a fast learner and she can easily understand what he was saying at first. But, as he continued, Leon found a big problem. It's that, Carla can only count up to twenty and didn't know what's the next numbers after that leaving Leon no other choice but to stop.

" I... I'm sorry Leon but... but mommy is always busy so.... so mommy only taught me numbers from zero to twenty. And.. and how to write them. " said Carla embarrassly.

" That's fine. I know you can learn it soon. How about reading? Doespecially Carla know how to read? " Leon was trying to divert her attention to lift up her mood. She's too cute to be sad.

" Only a few words. But.. but I'm not that good. Why did you asked, Leon? "

" Nothing. I'm just thinking whether I should teach you how to read first or how to count numbers. I'm wondering what's the best way to do.. "

" You also know how to read too, Leon?? "

" Mn. " Leon nodded. " Wait a minute, I'll make something. "

Finished saying that, Leon took out a pencil from his bag and began writing something on his paper.

Carla stayed silent, looking at what Leon was writing on the paper L. She saw words and symbols like ( 1 -> One. 2 -> two -> Three. ) She can recognize the 1 2 3 numbers without a problem but she cannot read what those arrows are pointing. Perhaps because it's written in a different language she was used to.

Leon continue writing like that until he reached one hundred and stopped there. He carefully cut the paper giving it to Carla. " Here, you can have this. These on the left sides are the numbers from 1 to 100 while these letters on the right side that the arrows are pointing at are how you will write them in words. You can slowly study them when you return to your house later? You can also asked your mother for help when you see her. "

Carla has an amazed expression on her face as she received the paper from Leon. She looked at it for awhile before returning her gaze back to him. " This... you.. you're amazing Leon. So.. so this here was how you write the number 1 in word? " she asked as she pointed at the 'one' word the arrow was pointing. She was indeed a smart young girl and can quickly understand what Leon just said earlier.

" That's right. Carla is really smart. " Leon complimented as he patted her head.

" * giggles * Thank you, Leon. But I'm still not as good as you. You can even count numbers up to 100 and also knows how to write them in words. You also know how to read time. You are so amazing! "

Hearing what she said, Leon can't help but be embarrassed and didn't know wether to laugh or cry.

' The heck, I didn't know that sometimes, complements can hurt people too. ' he thought to himself.

As a man whom had lived for 20 years in his past life, Leon of course will be embarrassed if someone will compliment him for being able to count numbers from 1 up to 100. That's like insulting his intelligence!

But realizing that he was only a 5 years old boy right now, it was indeed amazing for him to know about this. It's like he's a super genius child!

Leon even thought that perhaps, in the entire world, no one around his age was smarter than him. Perhaps even up to 10 years old below, he was the smartest around the world in some aspects!

Leon wasn't sure if it's still the same from 11 above because the world is just too big. Geniuses aren't that rare. It's not surprising to see an 11 year old kid that was more intelligent than a college professor. That's the case even in his past life.

" Thank you for this, Leon. I really like it. " Carla carefully folded the paper Leon gave her and put it inside her pink Hello Kitty bag.

" You're welcome. Look, our teacher is coming. " Leon smiled, pointing at their teacher that was about to enter the room.

Carla turned her head and saw their teacher entering the room so she fixed the way she's sitting and looked in front of her.

" Hello everyone. Good morning. " greeted their teacher standing in front of them. " My name is Jennifer, Jennifer Cruz. "

Teacher Jennifer introduced herself. She picked up a chalk and wrote her name on the board. She still did this even though she knew that her students can't read them.

"""""" Good morning teacher Jennifer. """""" The whole class also greeted her back in unison.

" That's right. You can call me ' Teacher Jennifer ' from now on. By the way, do you know some of your classmates already? Who among you here already knows at least one of your classmates? Please raise your hand. "

More than half of the students raised their hands along with Carla and Leon.

" Wow. That's plenty. Very good. " Teacher Jennifer nodded. " But for us to know more about each other, I want all of you to one by one, stand here in front and introduce yourself to your classmates. Is that okay, everyone? "

Hearing what their teacher said, the students have different reactions. Most students like Carla became nervous, some feel excited and a few didn't care at all. They also started talking among themselves.

Seeing her students' reactions, teacher Jennifer clapped her hands to get their attentions once again. " Alright. This is how you'll introduce yourselves. First, you'll tell us your name, how old are you, where you lived and what you wanted to be in the future. Is that clear? "

Her students nodded at her and replied 'Yes teacher Jennifer' in unison. As for whether they really understood what she said or not, no one knows.

Jennifer scanned her students for awhile before her eyes lfinally anded on Leon. She smiled at him. " You there, what's your name? " she asked in an amiable tone.

The reason why Jennifer chose this boy was because she saw that he's the most relax among all of her students.

Leon sighed. He didn't expect to be chosen first but, he still stood up. " My name is Leon. Leon Reyes. "

" Oh, so it's Leon. Can you take the lead and introduce yourself in front of your classmates then, Leon? "

" It's fine, teacher Jennifer. "

" Good. Come here in front and introduce yourself to your classmates. "

Without hesitation, Leon took two steps forward before turning around to face his classmates. He was sitting at the front row so he was already in front. He looked at the faces of his classmates for awhile and saw that they are also looking at him in curiosity.

Leon cleared his throat. " Hello everyone. My name is Leon, Leon Reyes. I'm five years old this year and I live in #43 Lucia Street Bonuan Boquig Dagupan City. My dream is... to become the best magician in the future. "

This was the dream he just randomly thought today at this very moment, solely for the class introduction.

Teacher Jennifer was genuinely surprised to see how Leon introduced himself effortlessly according to what she said. Although his voice was still childish, she can still see the confidence in him without a hint of nervousness at all. For a moment, she felt that the one standing beside her wasn't a boy but a young adult instead which made her feel weird.

" That was a very good introduction, Leon. So you want to be a magician in the future? "

" Yes teacher Jennifer. " Leon replied simply.

" I see. That's a nice dream. You have to work hard in the future to achieve that dream of yours. " teacher Jennifer said in an encouraging tone.

" Yes. I will, teacher Jennifer. "

Jennifer nodded, then looked at her students once again. " See that? Leon was able to introduced himself so easily. I'm sure you guys can also do the same. Once again, he is Leon Reyes and he will be one of your classmates for this year. Do you have anymore questions for him? If you have, then raise your hand and I'll choose among you. "

The students became a bit more energetic. The shyness and nervousness they are feeling before had lessened by a huge chunks. Many of them raised their hands excitedly saying ' Me ' many of times.

" Okay. You over there. What's your name? " asked teacher Jennifer again as she pointed at the boy with tanned skin sitting on the back.

" My name is Marlo. Marlo Ubando. " replied the boy.

" Okay then, Marlo. What's your question to Leon? "

" Do you know magic, leon? I love watching Magic. You said that you wanted to become a magician so... you should know magic too, aren't you? "

" Marlo that - " Jennifer wanted to say something to Marlo but Leon also spoke at the same time.

" Yes I know. Do you want to see it? " he looked back at back and then to his classmates.

" Yes. Yes! I want to see it! " Marlo excitedly replied.

It's obvious how he liked seeing magic shows on TV. Perhaps he believes that they are real considering how young he was.

" Me too. I also want to see magic! "

" Me too! "

" Me too. "


The other students also followed. All of them wanted to see magic.

Jennifer became worried. As an adult, she of course knew that magic wasn't real. That those are just some clever tricks a magician was pulling. " Leon, do you really know magic? "

" Yes teacher. May I borrow your water bottle over there? " Leon was pointing at the bottle of water on top of the table.

Jennifer picked the water bottle up and then handed it over to Leon. " Sure, here take it. "

" Thank you, teacher Jennifer. " Leon received the bottle of water. Facing his classmates.

" Can you see this bottle here? "

""""""" Yes. """""""

His classmates are all looking at him attentively. Carla was also doing the same, looking at Leon wanting to see what he'll do next.

" Okay then. What I am gonna do was to make this bottle of water disappear. Do you want to see that? " asked Leon once again.

" I want it. I want to see it! " Marlo immediately replied.

" Me too. Me too! " the other students also added.

Leon smiled at them before saying, " Okay then. I will count up to 3 and this bottle of water will disappear. 1...2...3...! "

* pew *

""""""" !!!!!!! """""""

And the bottle of water did indeed disappeared from Leon's hands without a trace.

No petty tricks or special effects but simply... vanished!





All of the students was shocked seeing that. Especially Marlo. His eyes and mouth were wide open. Carla is also the same, her hands was covering her mouth. Mark on the other hand has stars in his eyes as if he saw his greatest idol.

Not just the students actually but even their teacher Jennifer herself was also shocked. She also saw the bottle of water disappearedright right in front of her but didn't know how.


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