
After arriving home, Christina asked Leon what 'viand' does he wanted to eat for lunch. Leon answered that he want 'Tinola' so his mom immediately cooked that dish for him and the two of them then had their lunch together.

" Leon, you take a bath first then you have your 'siesta' after that okay? " said Christina after they are done eating.

' Okay mom. "

Leon went to the bathroom to take a bath.

His mother had already prepared the water he will need for his bath. Leon didn't has to fetch it from the water pump ( manual ) outside.

Once he's done taking bath, Leon went inside his room and sleep there.

He missed having 'siesta' like this every afternoon. He wasn't able to do this for a very long time now. Kids might not like doing this but for college students and adults, afternoon nap was a luxury! It's something that they can't afford to have anymore except for weekends.

Leon fell asleep a few minutes after he laid down on his bed. Perhaps it's because of the infant body he's in right now. This body was easy to become tired and needed to rest from time to time to recover.

One hour....two hours... three hours. Leon sleep for more than three hours before finally opening his eyes again and got off his bed. Walking out of his room, he headed towards the bathroom once again to wash his face.

At the kitchen, Leon saw his mother holding some small deck of cards in her hands that have a numbers printed on them.

" Oh Leon, you are already awake, good timing. Come and sit, I will teach you how to count numbers. I'll go prepare some juice and biscuits for you first. "

Christina then went to the kitchen. Leon simply shook his head and did what his mother told him. They don't have extra space to make a living room or a study room unlike other families so they tend to use the dining room as the place to study as well.

Leon sat down in one of the chairs available and waited for his mother to comeback. He can still remember how his mother patiently teaching him how to read and write before in his past life. Just thinking about those times filled his heart with warmth. Even though they aren't wealthy, at least he was blessed with a kind, loving and caring parents. That's more than what he can ask for.

A few minutes later, Christina came back carrying a pitcher of juice, two glasses and a plate of biscuits with her. Christina walked towards Leon and put everything she's carrying on the table. Taking out the cards from her pocket, Christina showed them to Leon.

" These are the cards of numbers I bought earlier. Each card has a number printed on them and how they are spelled. I have a total of one hundred pieces of cards here so how many numbers I have? "

" One hundred. " Leon replied flatly.

His mother was a bit surprised hearing his answer but thought that it's only because of luck. " That's right.One hundred numbers. I will first teach you numbers from one to ten for today. If you managed to memorized them all, then I'll give you another ten numbers the next day, then the following days till you are finally able to memorized all of the one hundred numbers. "


" And once you've finally learned how to count from one to one hundred, I'll buy you a gift. "

" A gift? " Leon became a bit more interested.

" That's right. A gift. "

" What gift mom? "

" Hmm.. How about I will buy you an electronic 'brick game' that you wanted me to buy you before. " replied Christina as she look at Leon wanting to see the excitement on his face.

" Really mom? Will you really do that? You're not lying to me, are you? "

" Of course I'm not lying. Why would I even lie to my son? I'll really buy you one if you learned how to count from one to one hundred in the future. I somehow saved money from what your father was sending us every week. Buying you a gift like that should not be a problem. "

" Then... then what if I'll learn how to count from one to one hundred today, mom? Will I get extra rewards? " Leon cunningly asked.

Christina was stunned for few moments. She looked at Leon for awhile thinking that this son of her was a bit funny. Although she's not underestimating his capability, Christina still don't believe that he will be able to learn how to count up to one hundred in just a day. After all, she never really thought him anything like this before. But she still answered.

" No problem, what do you want? "

Leon pretended to think for awhile. " Hmm.. I want mom to buy me bond papers, pencils and ballpens. "

" Bond papers? What do you need them for, Leon? "

" It's a secret for now, mom. I'll tell you about it in the future okay? "

" Fine. I'll buy them but only if you are able to learn how to count up to one hundred today, is that clear? " Although Christina said that, she already planned to buy those things later and give it to Leon on his birthday along with some toys. She even forgot to asked how Leon got to know about those things in the first place.

Leon showed a happy expression thinking that those things are as good as his already. " Yehey! Then let's start now mom. "

" Okay. Let's start with the first number. " Christina picked up a card and showed it to Leon. " This is number one 1. Remember how it look like okay? This is number two 2. This is number three 3 ..... "

With that, Christina began introducing those numbers to Leon. Not only to teach him but also to memorize how they look like. When she reached number ten 10, Christina stopped and once again repeated them 2 more times before continuing to eleven up to twenty and so on. She patiently keeps on repeating it from time to time, again and again till they finally reached one hundred.

It took them more than an hour before she finished showing Leon all of the one hundred cards. Leon didn't want his mother to be suspicious of him so he waited patiently and acted as childish as he possibly can.

" How is it Leon? Was it hard? "

" Erm... yes mom. But it's not that hard. " replied Leon which bring a smile on her mother's face.

" Mn. That's my son. Then can you try identifying the numbers in these cards? "

" Okay... Let me borrow that cards for a moment then, mom. "

His actions made his mother confused but she still handed the cards over to Leon. " Here, but what are you planning to do with them? "

" Thank you mom. " Leon began to shuffle( messily ) the cards for awhile before once again arranging them.

Christina just watched him do that. She's also curious to see what her son was trying to do.

After arranging all of the number cards, Leon picked up one card at the very top of the deck and placed it in front of his mother.

" This is number 38. "

Christina's eyes fluctuates when she heard that but Leon ignored her and placed another card one after another.

" This is number 10, this is number 47, this is number 66, this is number 12, this is number 3... " Leon continue piling up the cards one after another in front of his mother. He didn't stopped until he finished putting all of the cards in front her.

By the time Leon was done, his mother became stunned.

Leon guessed everything correctly!

" Leon... you.. " she asked in both shocked and excitement. " How? "

" What do you mean, mom? " Leon pretended to be confused.

" You... * giggles *, this is great. My son is genius! " she immediately stood up and hugged Leon. " You... you are very smart, Leon. I... I need to call your father and tell him about this. I'm sure he will be happy. "


" Wait for me here for awhile okay? Don't let anyone enter the house and also, don't go outside before I returned. "

" Mn. Okay mom. I know what to do. " replied Leon as he smiled at his mother. Only then did Christina picked up her pouch and went out of the house.

Leon knows that his mother will go to the nearest store to rent a telephone to call his father because at this point of time, Cellphones are still quite expensive and only a few people can afford them.

Leon obediently stayed at home because he can't think of anything else to do outside with the small body he has at this moment. Instead he played with his storage ring to entertain himself.


The same time, on Carla's side.

Inside a medium size house, Leon's little girl friend, Carla was sitting in front of her small table. In her hands was the piece of paper Leon had given to her this morning. She has been staring at it for quite a long time now doing her best to learn them quickly so she can catch up to Leon.

* Creak *

A sounds of door opening was heard and a beautiful woman in her early twenties entered the room carrying a glass of juice and some cookies with her.

" Carla, mommy brought you drinks and snacks. " the woman said as she walked towards Carla and put the juice and cookies on the table.

" Mommy! You're back! " Hearing that voice, Carla excitedly stood up and immediately hugged the woman who turned out to be her mother.

" Yes, mommy just came back and immediately came here to see my adorable little angel. " Pauline tightly hugged her daughter back, she did missed her a lot despite only being away for less than a day. " How's your first day of school Carla? Your grandma told me that you left your food here at home. Did you get hungry there? " she asked worriedly.

" It was great, mommy. I made a new friend in school and he shared his sandwich to me so I didn't get hungry there. " replied Carla, an adorable smile appeared on her small face remembering her interactions with Leon this morning.

" A friend? And he's a boy? Can you tell mommy your friend, Carla? "

" Yes mommy. His name is Leon. He's so nice to me too, just like mommy. "

" Oh, you seemed to like your new friend a lot, Carla. Tell me how you got to know him. "

" Mn. After mommy left me in the school this morning, I was very nervous so I just sat down on my chair and didn't talk to any of my classmates.

" Then after awhile, a boy also sat down beside me. He is Leon, mommy. Leon talked to me and introduced himself so I also did the same and told him my name because that's what you told me right, mommy? "

" Mn. You did the right thing, Carla. Mommy is so proud of you. " Pauline smiled as she patted Carla's head earning her a few giggles from her daughter. " Then what happened next? "

" Erm... after that, Leon asked me if I'm nervous and I said yes and also asked him if he is also feeling the same. But do you know what he said, mommy? "

" Oh, what did your friend said, Carla? " the gentle smile never left Pauline's goddess-like face as she ride on her daughter's excitement.

" Leon said that he's not nervous at all mommy. He said ' What's there to be nervous? for? ' "

" * giggles * Really? He's quite a brave boy then. "

" That's right, mommy. Leon also said that I'm also brave because I didn't cry when you left, mommy. Am I really brave, mommy? "

" Of course you are brave. My little angel is brave and super cute too. "

" Cute? What's cute mommy? Leon also called me cute this morning when he introduced me to our classmate's mommy. "

" Oh, Leon also told you that? "

" Yes mommy. "

" Cute means you look good and adorable Carla. * giggles * Now I want to meet your new friend more to see how he looks like. "

" Then, I will introduce you to Leon tomorrow, mommy. I will also tell him to show you magic. "

" Magic? Your friend also knows how to do magic? "

" Yes mommy. Leon is so cool. He can make a bottle disappear like poof! And it's gone. "

" He's that good? "

A very peaceful atmosphere covers the room with this pair of mother and child converse with each other. It's very easy to tell how closed they are.

" Yes mommy. Not only that. Leon is also very smart. He knows how to read time and also count up to one hundred. Look mommy. Leon gave this to me this morning. " as she said that, Carla handed over the paper Leon gave her this morning to her mother.

Pauline received the paper in curiosity and started reading it.

" ?? "

She can't help but become surprised seeing what's written there. ' How can this be? ' she thought.
