
As time slowly passes by, other students also continue arriving one after another.

" Good morning Leon. "

" Good morning Leon. "

" Good morning Leon. "


His classmates greeted him as they passes to the place Leon was sitting. It seems like he became quite famous after the short magic show he did yesterday. All of his classmates knows and admired him now.

" *giggles* You are very famous now, Leon. Just like my favorite singer on TV. "

" They are just friendly. "

Carla playfully giggled when she saw her classmates greeting Leon but he nonchalantly brushed it off.

Carla let out another cute laugh but didn't speak any further. She has a smile on her face and seems to be thinking of something funny for her.

Teacher Jennifer soon started counting her students. Seeing that they are all here now, she stood up. " Okay class, put all the things on your table inside you bags now. "

Her students oblige and did what she said with slight commotion.

" Good. Now, let us all stand up and pray. "

Jennifer lead the prayer and her students followed after her till they finished and sat down once again.

" Today, we will discuss about Alphabet. Who among you here knows, what Alphabet is? " Jennifer's eyes scans around her students but none of them raise their hands. She was already expecting this scene and was about to continue when suddenly..

" An alphabet is a standardized set of basic written symbols. "

A childish male voice suddenly spoke. Jennifer followed the direction where voice came from and saw that it was Leon. She was quite surprised to know that it was him again.

" Very good, Leon. You're right. But please raise your hand first next time before you answer. Is that okay? "

" Okay. "

Teacher Jennifer then turned to her other students.

" Leon was right. An alphabet was a standardized set of basic written symbols and these symbols are called letters.

" There are 26 letters in the the alphabet. Who can give me an example of a letter? " she asked looking at her students but..... there's still no one raising their hands.

Some of the students have a hint of hesitation pasted on their faces. Perhaps they do have an idea about what letters are but was scared/shy to raise their hands. Jennifer can only once again look at Leon. " How about you leon? Can you give us an example of letters? "

The other students are also now looking at him waiting for Leon to answer. Even Carla. She knew that Leon was smart so perhaps he do know the answer.

So troublesome. He thought but still responded. " A."

Hearing his answer, teacher Jennifer nodded. She was now sure that Leon had probably received an advanced teaching at home.

' Did his parents taught him? What a nice parents he has. ' she thought.

" Very good. Let's give Leon a round of applause everyone. " said teacher Jennifer as she began clapping her hands.

Her students also followed as they also began clapping their hands as well, looking at Leon with an admiring gaze.

Leon can't help but feel embarrassed because of that, but he remained silent.

" 'A' was indeed an example of a letter and also the first letter in the alphabet. Since you already said it, do you also know how to write the letter 'A', Leon? "

Jennifer wasn't sure whether Leon also knew how to write the 'A' letter but she still asked him. That's because she wanted to have an idea on how capable he really is and his limits.

Leon didn't answer immediately. He didn't know if it was a good thing for him to stand out too much. He was afraid that his classmates might envy him and he didn't want that. Not because he wants to be chummy with them or anything. It's simply because he is worried that if ever that will happen, Carla might also be affected.

But thinking about it, he realized one major factor. It was that his classmates at this moment are just pure kids so his worries aren't necessary at all.

With that thought in his mind, Leon threw all his worries out of the window.

" Yes. "

" Oh, then please write it on the black board and show it to your classmates, Leon. Here's the chalk. "

" You can do it Leon. I believe you. " Carla tried to encourage Leon.

' What an adorable girl. ' He thought.

" Thank you Carla. "

Leon then stood up and received the chalk from his teacher before walking towards the black board. After a few steps, he stopped and began to scribble something on the board.

Leon wrote one big 'A' and also a smaller 'a' beside it before giving the chalk back to his teacher. After that, he returned to his seat like nothing happened.

" Very good, Leon. It seems like you had practiced a lot before. Did your parents taught you? "

" Yes. My mom taught me how to count and write everytime she has free time. "

" I see. That's nice. " said Jennifer, facing her students again. " You heard that, everyone? Leon already knows a lot because he keeps on studying even though he wasn't at school. I hope everyone will also do the same thing as him. Can you do that? "

The students looked at each other.

"""""" Yes teacher Jennifer. """"""

" Very good. Now please take out your papers and pencils. I want you to copy what Leon had written on the board. If you have any questions, just raise your hands and asked me. "

After she said that, almost all of her students raised their hands. Jennifer choose the girl with curly hair. " You Wella, what's your question? "

" Teacher Jennifer, there's... there's... Leon wrote two le..letters. Which one there was letter 'A' ? "

" That's a good question, Wella. " Pointing at the letter Leon wrote earlier she continued. " These two are both letter 'A'. The big one here was the Capital letter 'A' while the small one was of course the small letter 'a'. We will discuss about that in the future. But for now, just try writing them first. Do it exactly like this. A small one and a big one. "

" Yes teacher Jennifer. " Wella nodded and once again took her seat.

" Who else have question? "

" Me teacher. "

" Me teacher. "

" Me teacher. "

Students once again raised their hands.

" Okay you Calvin. What's your question? "

" Teacher Jennifer, how... how many times do we need to write them? "

" Another good question Calvin. " Jennifer took out a piece of paper that have 'Aa Aa Aa.... ' written on it. She then walked towards the student on the first row and gave it to him. " You will be doing it like this. Pass it to your classmates after you are done with it. "

" Yes teacher Jennifer. " that student replied.

" Anymore questions? Okay, you Mark. "

" Teacher, is... is it okay if... if we cannot write the letters as good as how Leon did it? I.. I tried writing them just now but... but it's not as good as him. Look. " Mark showed them the paper on his hand.

" It's fine, Mark. But you need to continue practicing after you went home okay? "

" Yes teacher Jennifer. "

" Anymore questions? "


The students continued asking questions to their teacher and Jennifer patiently answered all of them.

As they are doing that, the sample paper handed by their teacher earlier finally came to Leon. He looked at it for a few seconds before handing it to Carla next to him. After doing that, he began writing on his paper. This kind of thing was like eating peanuts for him. He's done after only less than a minute.

He then looked at Carla and saw that she's frowning. She is having a difficulty in writing her letters.

" Want me to help you, Carla? "

" Ah? Yes... ah No. I can do it Leon. I want to catch up with you. " answered Carla stubbornly.

She looked so cute.

Leon didn't insist. " Okay then. I'm sure you can do it, Carla. "

" Mn. Thank you, Leon. "

Having no other things to do, Leon felt bored so he leaned his back on the chair and closed his eyes. He started playing with the pencil on his right hand. The pen keeps on spinning like as he played with it.

After awhile, teacher Jennifer was finally done answering their questions. Looking at her students, she saw that all of them are busy writing on their papers. All of them, aside from Leon.

She saw him leaning on his chair with his eyes closed. Then her eyes was pulled into his right hand and saw how he played with his pencil.

Jennifer found it amazing as it was her first time seeing someone doing that. She stared at it for awhile and unknowingly, she went in front of him.

" Are you done, Leon? "

Leon opened his eyes and saw that it was his teacher again. " Yes teacher Jennifer. Here. "

" Very good. Keep up the good work. "


An hour later.

[ Riiiiiing ]

" Okay class, it's break time. You can continue what you are doing later. You can eat your food first.

" Again, those who brought their food with them can eat here. While those who didn't should wait for their parents. If you didn't bring any food with you, you can come at me. I have some biscuits and juice here. "

" Yehey! Eat time. Eat time. "

" Woohoo! I brought the same as I did yesterday. Look look. Who want some? "

" Me, let's share food. "

" That's a good idea. Here take some of my food too. "


The class once again became lively as the students began taking out their food out from their bags.

" Leon, let's share food too. " said Carla while holding a small lunch box on her hand.

" Sure. Wait, I'll take out I wonder what did my mom prepared for me today? Oh. Cupcakes. " Leon took out a small pouch inside his bag and saw two pieces of large cupcakes there. " Here Carla, you can have one. "

Carla received the cupcake. " Thank you Leon. Mommy also made these cookies for me. Here take some too. "

" Okay. Thank you Carla. " Leon picked up one of the cookies and took a bite. " Wow, this is delicious Carla. Did your mother made this? "

The image of Pauline suddenly appeared in Leon's mind. That woman who's probably around the same age as him in his past life. It seems like she can cook as well.

" Mn. Mommy did. But this cupcake is also delicious, Leon. Did your mommy also cooked this too? "

" Nope, we don't have an oven at home so she can't make something like this. Mom bought it at the store near us. "

" Oh. What's oven, Leon? "

