Order order.

In Pauline's eatery.

As usual, business here was booming. The place is filled with hungry customers who wanted to grab a meal for their lunch. With these number of people, it can't be helped for the place to be crowded and also, a little noisy.

But not much.

The customers can still eat their meal peacefully without being disturbed by others.

" So one serving of 'Dinakdakan', two servings of 'Adobo', three servings of vegetable dish and six cups of rice. That's everything you want? "

" Yes. That's all, Pauline. Also, please give pineapple juice for our drinks. Thank you. By the way, why are you the one getting our orders?"

" Ah, one of our employee was sick so she was absent today. Please wait for a moment, Mang Billy. " replied Pauline before turning around and went to the next table to get their orders.

( AN: ' Mang ' is a kind of honorifics in the Philippines. )

Pauline then continue getting the orders of the customers just like that one after another. She's very suitable for this job as she's a very beautiful woman. The customers are pleased to see her taking their orders.

" Order, order. I want to order. "

" Coming. What do you want to ord-... eh? Carla, what are you doing? Are you making fun of mommy now? " said Pauline after seeing the one who called out just now. No wonder she find that voice very familiar despite the noise coming around her.

" No mommy. * giggles * I really want to make order order too. " replied Carla innocently.

She and Leon had just arrived from their school and they immediately came here to get some food for their lunch. There's always a table reserved for the both of them here so they don't have to worry about not having a place to eat.

" Is that true? "

" Yes mommy. "

" Fine. What do you want to order then, Carla? "

" Ermm...Mn. I want to order,..... two mommy's kisses, and one loooooooonnngggg mommy's hug! " Carla exaggeratedly stretches both of her small hands. She's simply so cute at this moment.

Pauline and the other customers that heard what Carla said became surprised before a smile appeared on their faces.

' What an adorable child. " they thought.

This was especially true for Pauline.

" Oh, you're so sweet, Carla. You really knows how to make mommy happy. " replied Pauline before giving Carla a pair of kisses on both of her cheeks before hugging her.

Carla also happily hugged her mother back for awhile before looking at Leon and gave him a thumbs up. Leon just smiled at her without saying anything.

After awhile, Pauline let go of her daughter and turned her head towards Leon. " How about you Leon, what do you want to eat. "

" I want the same as what I had before, Auntie Pauline. "

" Oh, the same as before then. Okay, wait for a moment. Take care of my daughter for me okay? "

" Mn. I will. But, Carla haven't chosen any food yet auntie Pauline. "

" Oh, that's right. What do you want Carla? "

" I want the same as Leon, mommy. "

" Okay. Wait for a moment. "

Pauline then went back to the counter to prepare their food and the other orders from the customers.

" Leon, you're right. Mommy really smiled and became happy! " said Carla after seeing her mommy left.

" Of course. Your mommy loves you a lot after all. So this kind simple things is enough to make her happy. "

" Mn. I also love mommy a lot. Thank you Leon. " said Carla happily.

Leon gave her a few pats on her head and said, " You're very welcome Carla. "


Around 15 minutes later, Pauline returned back to their table carrying two food trays in her hands. Behind her was Leon's mother, Christina also carrying the same. They put the food on Leon and Carla's table before also taking their seat and the four of them started eating their lunch together.


" Really Carla? That really happened this morning? " asked Christina after hearing what Carla said earlier.

" Yes auntie Christy. Leon is like * Boom * then * Poosh * and * Bam *. Leon knows how to make a rain of candies too. It's so fun! "

" Oh, now I'm curious. I also want to see that. Can you do it for auntie next time, Leon? "

" Erm.... Sure, no problem. Anytime you want, auntie Pauline. "

" But Leon, are you okay? Did you not get nervous on the stage doing that? "

" I was nervous at first mom, but I managed to do it successfully somehow. Carla also helped a lot. Right Carla? "

" Eh? But I didn't do anything, Leon. "

" You being there alone is already a big help Carla. "

" Really? "

" Mn. Really. "

The four of them continue eating their food together after that. And soon, Pauline and Christina left to do their work.

" Let's go home Carla, we need to take a bath and after that, sleep. "

" Eh? But I don't want to sleep today Leon. I'm not sleepy. "

" That won't do. You said you want to grow up fast right? But how can you do that if you won't sleep in the afternoon? "

" Mn. I want to be a big girl so I can help mommy. But Leon, will sleeping every afternoon help? "

" Of course. It will help a lot. So, let's go? " said Leon as he reached out his hand to Carla.

Carla grabbed his hand without hesitation and the two of them went outside the eatery together and went home.


Pauline's house is only a few meters away from their canteen so it didn't take Leon and Carla a long time before they arrived.


In the bathroom.

" Put that bubble away for a moment, Carla. I can't wash your hair carefully if you keep moving like this you understand? We won't be able to finished here. " Leon helplessly said to Carla that was sitting on the small chair in front of him.

" Eh? O.. okay. " she reluctantly put the bubble away------- just like what Leon said.

" Good girl. " before continuing what he's doing.

" Leon, do you think my daddy will come again today? Do you think mommy will i-....eh? Leon, * giggles * don't tickle me. "

" I'm not tickling you. I'm only washing your armpits. Why are you even making me do this in the first place, Carla? You already know how to wash yourself right? "

" Mn. I know. But I still want you to do it for me, Leon. "

" Why? "

" Hmm... Because you can reached my back and I don't. Look. " Carla showed Leon how she can't reach her back using her hands.

" Then, I can just wash your back right? And you can wash the rest of your body yourself? "

" No. I want you to do it, Leon. Do you... not want to do it for me? " said Carla in a sad tone.

" It's not like that, Carla. I am always willing to do this for you but, you have to understand that I can't do this for you, forever. "

" Eh? Why? Are you going to leave me, Leon? No. I don't want you to leave. We pinky promised before right? Right? "

" I won't leave. I wont leave okay? But we will grow up sooner or later so you have to be a little independent. Things like this, should be done by yourself, Carla. "

" Like bathing? "

" Mn. Like bathing and many more. " Leon explained.

His words had long captured Carla's full attention and curiosity as she's now looking at him, attentively listening to Leon.

" Why? "

" Because big girls shouldn't allow anyone to see their bodies. Most especially with a man aside from their husband. This, this and this too.. You should not let other people see or touch those parts, you understand? "

" Eh? But.... but you already saw them Leon. What will I do? " said Carla confusedly. This words of her made Leon speechless for a moment.

" Ermm... It's still fine because we are still young right now.... but it can't be like this in the future okay? You have to remember that. "

" O... okay. " Carla nodded her head indicating that she understand.

" Good. You can talk to your mommy about this if you have time because she knows better than me when it comes to these things. Now, let's finished this fast so we can sleep. As for your dad, don't think about him for now. "

" But.. I'm still scared of him, Leon. "

" Don't worry. I am here right? I will always protect you. "

" Really? "

" Really. So don't worry about him okay? "

" Mn. Thank you Leon. "

" I told you, you're very welcome, Carla. " said Leon as he continue helping her wash her body and soon, they are both done taking their baths. They then dried themselves and wore their clothes before going out of the bathroom.

" You go first Carla and wait for me there. " said Leon to Carla before separating with her.

Pauline and Christina were still busy working in the eatery while Carla's grandma went back to her home to visit her other grandchildren so she wasn't here too. It's only him and Carla alone in this house and Leon wanted to make sure that every doors and the windows are properly closed and locked before they go to sleep.

He also checked if there's any unplugged appliances in the house and other things just to make sure that there's no possible cause of accident around.

In his past life, Leon attended plenty of 'safety' seminars that was related to his course so he became a bit too cautious about anything that might possibly cause accident.

After doing all of that, Leon returned to Carla's room and saw her sitting on top of the bed while holding a book on her hand.



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