Enhanced body.

Leon didn't waste anymore time and chose to leave that place right away. He can't believe what he just heard about him being there for more than four days now.

Four days??! That's nuts!

He immediately thought about his parents, Pauline, Carla. The people he cared the most. Just thinking about how much he may have made them worried makes him not want to think about it any further.

* sigh *

' Now I am not sure anymore whether this is a blessing or a pain in the ass problem. No, it's probably both. ' Thought Leon as consciousness slowly returning to him.


In the hospital.

Leon's finger made a sudden movement, then followed by his eyes slowly opening.

He saw the white ceiling above him and it made him confused, he can not recognise this place.

' Where am I? ' he asked himself inwardly.

Looking around him, he saw different apparatus along with the dextrose connected on his right hand with a needle.

' I see. So I am in the hospital huh. It seems like what the system told me about being unconscious for more than four days was true. '

Leon slowly got up and began stretching his hands. " Wow. This feeling..... it feels great! How can this be? Is this really my body? " he murmured.

Leon can't believe how his body feels so good right now despite lying on the bed for a long time.

" System, are you there? " he whispered in a low voice. He's trying to make sure weather what happened and saw earlier are real and not just some random dream.

[ At your service, Host ]

Leon had to admit that he felt relieved after hearing that mechanical voice. It would definitely be a waste if all of that was just a dream right?

" What happened to me? Why am I feeling like this? Also, can you stop calling me Host? Just call me Leon. "

[ Affirmative, Leon. The reason why you are feeling rejuvenated right now was because of the body enhancement I, the system did without your permission. I seek for your understanding, Leon. ]

" Body enhancement? What's that? And why? "

[ Just like what it's called, to enhance your body, Leon. ]


[ Humans has weak bodies and can not integrate with the system normally. That's the reason why I was only able to connect with host now even though we came to this world together. ]

" You mean... you had strengthened my body? How? "

[ Yes. I used the energy given to me by.... I'm sorry Leon. I don't have enough permission to tell you that information yet. ]

" I see. * sigh * It's fine. But, I am still a human..... aren't I? " Leon inquired.

He wanted to clear this point the most. Yes the word 'enhancement' sounds very good in the ears and cool too but definitely not if it will turn him into a different species.

[ In a way.... yes. You are still a human, Leon. But... ]

* Creak *

" Talk to you later. " Leon cut off the system after he heard the sound of the door opening. This is a hospital and the doors here doesn't make any loud sounds but Leon was still able to hear it loud and clear. This is definitely unusual and.. amazing!

" Leon...? You.... Hahahaha! My son! Great, you're finally awake! " said Victor after seeing Leon sitting on top of the hospital bed as he entered the room. " How are you feeling? Are you hungry? I'll prepare you a food immediately. "

Leon didn't expect to see this man here or to be more precise, he didn't expect that the first person he will see after waking up would be his father.

But thinking about it a little deeper, it's reasonable. Perhaps his mother went home to take a rest or something. It's already been more than four days after all since he became unconscious. Thinking up to this point, a sudden idea came into his mind.

" Erm.... I am sorry uncle but... where's my mother? Can you tell me where she is first and, who are you? " Leon asked with his face full of inquiries. Like he can't recognize who Victor was at all.

Victor's face became blank. He can't believe what he just heard. " You.... you can't remember me? How can this be?! I am your father I... "

' Did he.... lost his memories? ' thought Victor while looking at his son. He can't help but to become nervous about that possibility. " Wait here, Leon. I'll go and call the doctor. "

Victor turned around after saying that. He was about to go out of the room to call for a doctor when suddenly....

" He-he. I got you there, old man. I think that settles the score, right? "

Victors footsteps paused completely. Turning his head to face his son again, Victor saw Leon looking at him with a cunning smile on his face. He recognized that smile the most as he had seen them before already.

" You.... you !!!! " exclaimed Victor. He finally realized that he had been fooled by his own son. " Damn brat! "

" Heh! If you only saw your face at that time dad, it was hilarious. I'll draw it later and then show it to mom. " said Leon in a triumphant tone. " By the way, where's mom, dad? "

Leon always talks to his father like this. It's not because he's being rude to his father but the opposite instead.

" I asked her to go home and take a rest. She's already been here for more than two days after all. " Victor made his way to the table. " Are you hungry? Tell me what you want to eat. I'll prepare it first before I will go and call the doctor. "

Leon thought for a moment before saying, " I'm not really hungry yet, dad. Just give me one of those orange over there and I'll be fine. "

It's true though. At this moment, he can't feel any hunger at all ( at least, not yet). Perhaps it's because of the body enhancements that the system had told him before. He did felt a bit thirsty though so he asked for a piece of orange fruit instead.

" Are you sure? But you haven't eaten anything for the last few days. "

" I'm mean it, dad. Just one orange. "

Victor thought about it for a moment before nodding his head and said, " Fine. But you have to eat a heavier food later. Here, take this with you. I will return immediately. "

Victor then went out of the room after giving Leon a piece of orange.

Not long after that, Victor came back along with two doctors in tow. One of them was Joseph.

They are surprised to know that Leon already woke up so they immediately came here to look for him.

They once again did a quick examination and asked quite plenty of questions to Leon before leaving.

Leon and his father then started talking with each other after that. He just woke up from a quite long slumber so he's not sleepy at all. He definitely has a lot of energy and time to spare for this Oldman of his..

Victor on the other hand was different. After making sure that Leon is already fine, he also laid down on the long chair at the side of the room and then fell asleep. He was exhausted too and after seeing that Leon had woke up and is completely okay, he felt relieved.

Leon didn't mind that at all but instead wished for it to be that way because he will have more time to talk with his system unnoticed. He's really curious about this new system he got after all.

Time slowly passed by..

At around six in the morning, Christina came back to the hospital. Opening the door, she found her husband lying on the sofa. ' This man.... *sigh*. ' she thought as she closed the door.

" Good morning mom. You came really early today. It might probably still dark outside. "


That's what Christina heard before she felt two small arms wrapping on her waist. Her body trembled as tears started to flow from her eyes due to happiness.

How can she not recognized that voice? That's the voice she yearned to hear the most this past 5 days now!

" Leon you... *sniff* you....!! " Christina sobs.. No words can express what she's feeling right now. She has a lot to say but don't know where to start.

Leon let go of her mother and went in front of her before saying, " I'm sorry for making you worried, mom. I... didn't mean to do that. I... "

" Silly child. Why are you apologizing to me? It's not your fault falling unconscious right? Mom is very happy right now that you woke up. That's the most important. "

Christina then bent down her knees and began caressing her son's hair.

" Welcome back, Leon. "

" Mom... "

Leon didn't know what to say anymore so he simply hugged his mother once again. This is the only way he can think of to express what he is feeling right now.

Christina gently patted his back and said, " There, there. "

The two of them stayed like that for awhile before Leon finally let go.

" I brought some soup for you, Leon. I'll go and prepare it immediately so you can consume it while it is warm. Can you go and wake that father of yours over there first so we can all eat together? "

" Mn. I'll go and wake him up then. " he replied, making his way towards the sofa where his father was sleeping.



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