
Victor's footsteps stopped abruptly as he spun around to looked at Leon confusedly.

" Business? What business? "

" You know the empty plot of land at the crossing right, dad? " Leon answered his father's question with another question.

" You mean that land in front of the church? "

" Yes. That's it, dad. That land should probably be around a thousand square meters or so. I want to buy it. "


His answer made Victor speechless.

A thousand square meters plot of land, just how can they even afford that?

Seeing that his father isn't speaking, Leon continued. " That land is a very good place for business, dad. So I want to buy it. We can put a small wet market there first, then a rice store, fruit store etc. I am sure we can buy it n-. "

" Stop right there! " Victor interrupted him. " Leon, I'm really surprised to know that you are already able to talk about these kind of things that makes even me to feel like I am having a headache but... I will let that slide for now."


" I don't have any idea where did you learn all of these things and I won't ask anything about that either. But you seemed to be forgetting something very important here, Leon. "

" Something important? What is it, dad? "

" Money. Although your mother and I have saved some money, it's for your future studies in college. Also, it's very far from the amount needed to buy that plot of land that you are talking about. "

" That's not a problem at all, dad. If we will follow the normal price, that land should cost about 3 million pesos. But since our place isn't that developed yet, the price of land here were cheaper than the lands in highly urbanized areas. I think we can buy it for around 1.5 million pesos if we get lucky. In my estimate, we can buy it next year if everything will go according to my plans. "

Victor felt his mind was about to explode anytime now. He is looking at his son, Leon like as if he's a very rare creature.

Like a dog that can speak human language fluently or a fish that can fly in the sky instead of swimming in the water.

' Was it normal for a five years old kid to speak about these things? ' he asked himself.

In the end, Victor still decided not to think about that for now. Shaking his head, he asked, " Let's say that you are right but... seriously? Next year? Do you even know how much a 1.5 million pesos is? Where can I even get that much money in a year? "

" Of course we will earn them dad. With my help, I am quite positive that we can earn that money in less than a year. "

" *sigh* How? "

" By wholesaling, dad. It's like this... "

Leon then began telling his dad about his plan. It's mostly about buying goods from one place and selling it in bulk to another place where they are quite rare. It's an idea that anyone can think of but not everyone can do.

For example, vegetables and fruits.

Leon knows quite a lot of places where they can buy these things in a very cheap price and also where they can sell them in a higher price.

In normal case, doing this will require a lot of preparation, machines and manpower but for Leon, it's very simple.

Storage Ring!

That's what he had that others didn't.

With his storage ring, he can buy as many fruits and vegetables as he can without worrying about them spoiling.

He can even transport them easily from one place to another!

The system had already told him that the time inside his storage ring was in a complete paused. Meaning that anything that he will put inside will maintain it's condition no matter how many years passed by.

This is a very OP ring he got here and Leon will definitely put it in use. It's only a pity that he is currently still a child right now so the things he can do was very limited.

There's a lot of ways he can use this ring for and they are a lot more productive than buy and selling fruits and vegetables but they are also very risky. Leon absolutely didn't plan to make any risky move right now.

Perhaps after he grew up a bit more Leon will do so, but definitely not for the time being.

" That's a very good idea indeed. Hahaha. You really are my son, Leon. " laughed Victor after hearing Leon's plan. " But it's also a very risky move you know. We need to invest quite a lot of money in it and if something went wrong, ..... you know what I mean right, Leon? "

" I know dad. But that won't be a problem. See that table on your right side? " Leon pointed towards his small study table.

" This one? Hmm. This was the table that I made when you are still 2 years old. * sigh * Time really passed by quickly. Look, it's still quite sturdy even n-.... WHAT THE HELL!? "

Victor exclaimed after seeing the table in front if him vanished without a trace. He become stunned for a moment before he reached out his hands just to make sure.

" This.. this!!! "

* Knock *

* Knock *

A sudden knocked suddenly came from the door followed by Christina's voice.

" Is everything okay, Leon? I heard your father's voice inside. Are you inside, Victor? What happened? " asked Christina continuously. She's inside her room waiting for her husband to return when she suddenly heard his shout so she immediately came here.

Leon looked at his father before smiling and said, " Everything is okay mom. Dad is fine too. Right dad? "

Victor recovered a bit after hearing Christina's voice and said, " Ehem. That's right Tina. I'm only talking to Leon. Do you need anything? "

" I see. No, nothing. It's rare for you two to have a conversation like this so I won't bother you guys. I will leave now. By the way, Victor. Leon has to sleep early so make it fast okay? "

" I know. "

" Good. See you later then. " said Christina before turning around and went back to their room.

After making sure that Christina indeed left already, Victor once again continue looking for the table that had vanished.

" Where? How? "

" I did it, dad. I am the one who made that table disappeared. "

" You? What are you talking about? Stop saying nonsense and help me find it out Leon. " said Victor blankly as he continue to look around the room. He's currently feeling both fear and excitement at this moment.

" But I really did it, dad. Look. " repeated Leon before reaching out his hands and the table appeared in front of him. " Do you believe me now, dad? "

Victor didn't answer.

His eyes are opened wide with his jaw dropped. He's looking at Leon with mixed emotions and wasn't able to speak at all or better to say that, he didn't know what to say.

" I am about to tell you something really important to me dad. I even keep its existence to mom so I hope you won't tell her about this. "

Victor unknowingly nodded his head after hearing that. So Leon began telling him about the existence of his ring and it's abilities.

Victor become more and more amazed as Leon continue explaining. If he didn't see it for himself, he will never dare to believe it.

But it is! Leon continue explaining and showing him how his storage ring works so how can he still not believe it?!

" Leon, about this thing. You shouldn't tell anyone about this thing or whatever it is called because it will be very dangerous. You understand that right? " said Victor seriously after Leon was done explaining.

" I know dad. If I have other choice, I won't even tell you about this at all. But I need your help this time and I know that I can trust you dad so I have no choice. "

" Very good then. Alright. I will also keep the existence of this thing to your mother for now. Give me a week to prepare everything we need. Although your father is just a mere carpenter, this work also allowed me to get to know quite a lot of people in many different places. Just a week and we can start your plans. "

" Really? Hehe. I will leave it to you then, but make sure to careful dad. "

" Alright. I'll go now so you can take your rest. " Victor stood up after saying that and went out of the room.


That's what Victor's feeling inside him as he entered his room where Christina was in, still waiting for him.

Seeing him enter, Christina put down the book she's reading and asked, " You're back. What did you and Leon talked about? "

" It's nothing, Tina. Just some random things about men. "

" Things about men? * giggles * Our son is only 5 years old. What man? "

" Hahaha. You got a point. " laughed Victor before climbing on the bed and lay down there. " Tina, about what you told me earlier. You can do it. "

" Eh? Really?! You will allow me? " asked Christina excitedly.

" Mn. I will make another exception this time. *sigh* I'm really helpless against you. "

A genuine smile appeared on Christina's face after hearing that. She didn't know what made him agree all of a sudden but it's probably related to Leon or the things that thing they had talked about.

" Thank you, Victor. "

" It's fine. But you have to help me too,Tina. "

" Help you with what? " asked Christina confusedly as she turned off the light before she also laid down on the bed and wrapped her hands on Victor, preparing to sleep. " Eh? You.... what are you doing?! "

" Shh.... I already told you that I need your help right? I am so happy right now. "

" Ehhh? No. Leon will hear us. " said Christina in a low voice afraid that Leon will hear them. " Let's do it next ti- mmmph....ennnnn... you hah..... bad man..



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