
" Hmm? You think so? " Pauline's smile became even sweeter with Leon complimenting her.

All women loves to here compliments and even Pauline herself, this beautiful young mother wasn't an exemption either.

" Thank you. " she added.

It took Leon a great effort to avert his eyes away from her. He knew his limitations and when to stop. He's currently inside a five years old boy's body so how can that even work? He has to wait for more years.

As he was preoccupied with his thoughts, Leon suddenly felt a slight pain from his cheek. He saw that it was his mother, pinching his cheek again as she look at him amusedly.

" You really have a glib tongue for your age, uh? " Christina playfully teased Leon.

" Haym jaszt twelling the trsuth mom. " Leon said hardly.

Removing his mother's hands from his cheeks, he added. " But mom is still the prettiest for me. "

Leon's not an idiot, his twenty years old soul allowed him to know how to easily escape from this situation.

" Sigh, what should I do to you. " Christina said shaking her head. But she still felt happy hearing what Leon told her. She turned her head to Pauline and asked, " Should we go now? "

" Mn. I think we should go so we can avoid the traffic. Besides, there's nothing wrong with being early, Ruth might have been waiting for us already. " Pauline replied, remembering the woman who talked to them a few days ago.

" You're right, let's go. " Christina then stopped a jeepney and the four of them left.


In the Unbando Family's compound.

Decorations were now all over the place and people moves back and forth busily doing their jobs. This is only a kid's party but it seems like the people here still did put a lot of effort and money organizing it.

Different kinds of vehicles continue coming in, one after another from time to time signifying the arrival of their guests.

Ruth and her husband, Lucas personally greeted their guests, which were mostly doctors, politicians and relatives. It makes people wonder how high the Ubando family's status are to deserve this level of influence.

At one corner, Marlo, the birthday celebrant was currently talking to his classmates that have already arrived. They greeted him and wish him a happy birthday, some also gave him gifts. Marlo said his thanks and showed them around the compound in return.

" You mean, your uncle and other adults killed Blacky and Pinky yesterday, Marlo? "

" Yes. "

" No way... " Mark, said in surprised.

He's talking about the two pigs he saw yesterday when he came here to play with Marlo.

" But I didn't see how they did that because my mom told me and my sister not to watch the process. Mom is so stingy. " replied Marlo, disappointed for not seeing the pigs being butchered.

His classmates looked at him strangely after hearing what he said but they didn't say anything.

Who would even want to see a pig being slaughtered?

Marlo didn't noticed their strange gazes and continue showing them around the place.

He brought them to the pool, to the garden, inside the house and also introduced them to his parents and to his sister. Only after awhile when the clowns and the other performers they hired arrived did he let them go to watched the show.

The party will start soon when all their guest arrives.

" Marlo, is Leon still not here yet? When will he come? He will come right? " asked Mark worriedly.

Leon's magic performance was the one they'd been looking forward the most. So it will be a huge pity if he will not be able to come.

" Leon did promised us that he will come so he will come. " Marlo answered surely. He truly believed that's the case. " My sister also wanted to see him. "

" I see. I hope he will come soo-..." Mark paused what he's saying when he saw someone familiar from the distance. " Look Marlo, Leon has arrived! He's over there, over there! "

" Really? Where? " Marlo followed the direction Mark was pointing and saw that it's indeed Leon and Carla.

They finally arrived!

They then hurriedly approached them.

When Leon, Carla and their parent's arrived in that place, Marlo's mom and dad greeted them.

Seeing Leon, Marlo's dad pulled him to the side and asked him if he's prepared. He also told him that he shouldn't be nervous etc. Leon already had a short conversation with Lucas a few days ago so their talked went smooth and didn't last long.

Soon, Marlo and Mark greeted him also and asked Leon the same. They already arrived earlier but after seeing that Leon talking with Lucas, they waited for them to finished before approaching them.

" It's okay, your father already told me everything. I'll be the third one to perform, don't worry. " Leon told the two little guys in front of him.

"" Okay then. "" Mark and Marlo nodded their head in unison. "" But what magic will you show us later, Leon? Can you tell us now? ""

Leon was a bit surprised to see how these two guys were in sync. They even asked him the same question at the same time like they had practiced it before.

" It's a secret for now, just wait for it. " Leon didn't tell them anything as it will ruin the fun. " Happy birthday again, Marlo. See you later. "

Leon then pulled Carla's hand and was about to leave.

" Wait Leon, I want to introduce you to my sister. " Marlo stopped him.

" Your sister? " Leon tried to remember. Marlo did told him about this sister of his before but he didn't think much of it. " Okay then, where is your sister? "

" She's inside the house, come on. I'm sure she will be happy to see you. " Marlo happily said after hearing Leon agreed. He didn't say anything anymore and just led them inside the house where his sister was in.

The house is only a two story building.

However, this house was incredibly big.

Too big, much bigger than an ordinary villa as it occupies a huge area of land.

Leon can easily tell that Marlo's family is rich just by looking at their house. This made him wonder how or why Marlo's studying in a small public school without even a bodyguard or something similar protecting him.

Are they not afraid of their son being kidnapped?

After entering the house, Marlo immediately led them upstairs, to the second floor. And after a few left and right turns, they finally arrived in the terrace.

There, they saw a girl wearing white dress. She's around 10 to 12 years old, with pale skin and is sitting on a wheelchair. She has a long black hair that reaches her waist, her face has this calm and peaceful expression as she quietly stared at the people gathering outside with a longing expression in her eyes.

" Big sister! " Marlo called out. His smile become brighter as he went beside the girl, turning her chair around to face Leon and the others. " I brought Leon, the one I'd told you before that knows how to do real magic! "

" Oh? Where is he? "

" Him, that's him! And she's Carla, my classmate and that's Mark. Well, big sister know him already. Hehehe. "

The girl in white revealed a faint smile. Her eyes then fell onto Leon as she curiously looked at him. Her younger brother always talked about this little guy so she always wanted to meet him.

Leon looked at Marlo's sister as well with a thoughtful expression on his face. A single glance is enough for him to know that this girl's legs were disabled. The wheelchair she's sitting at made it even more obvious.

For a young woman like her to be like this, it is very unfortunate.

" You are Leon right? I'm Hazel, nice to meet you. " she introduced herself with a smile. Turning her head to Carla, Hazel's eyes lit up. " You are Carla right? You looked so cute! Come here and let big sister hug you! "



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