Have You Whacked

Here's what happened last time on Death to the Mafia

Agent Smith still refuses to leave the restaurant, so Uncle Paul decides to call our Family Lawyer. I insult Agent Smith to try and provoke him into doing something stupid. The Lawyer arrives, and he finally gets Agent Smith removed from the premises. Uncle Paul gives me another lesson in why he hands out money. It is to breed loyalty in those that he needs to keep close. Uncle Paul tells me that I need to go to Uncle Pete's house in the morning. Uncle Pete wants to see me. I also need to steal a car that I like and take it to a shop.

I sit and look at Uncle Paul and say;

"I can pick any car that I like?"

"Any. Just make sure that your guys don't get caught with the stolen car. You need to look after yourself now."

"I get it, Uncle Paul, I will."