I Also Want One

Here's what happened last time on Death to the Mafia

We are sitting in Uncle Paul's restaurant. Agent Smith wants to know about the black book on the table and what we are doing with it. I tell him it is a poetry book. Uncle Paul calls a Judge to have this agent removed from the restaurant and got Agent Smith reassigned. Luigi calls me and says that both security systems are in place and that Alexis has completed her work. I leave Uncle Paul's and head home. I walk to the basement to chat with Alexis. Alexis leaves my house, and I ask Luigi to get me the security team leader.

Luigi takes me to the team leader. I ask him;

"Do you have a device that can pick up bugs?"

He looks at me funny and asks;

"Bugs? You mean ants and stuff?"

"No, I mean listening in devices as in bugs that have been planted in someone's house."

"Yes. We use a device that picks up radio frequencies."

"Do you have one here?"

"Yes, sir. Why?"