Thank You, Daddy!

Here is what happened last time on Death to the Mafia

Isabella comes walking to me down the stairs. I tell her that she looks so beautiful and she tells me the same. As she walks away to help in the kitchen, I walk to Uncle Pete's art room. He invites me to a studio to go and buy some art in the coming week. Dinner is ready, and we go to the dining room. As Uncle Pete's wife needs him in the kitchen, Isabella and I share some flirting with each other until he returns. Uncle Pete made an exceptional diner to say thank you for what I did for Isabella. 

As Uncle Pete toasts, it reminds me of Uncle Paul and how he loved to do it. Sitting here at the diner table, strangely, a feeling of euphoria comes over me. I have not abandoned my mission to find the person responsible for my dad's passing. But it is times like these that make the journey much more bearable to continue. Looking at Isabella smiling, now that shows me how life can be without all the violence.